Dragon's Legacy

560 Civilization Advancements

It didn't make sense to eat a typical high-calorie dessert and lose weight. Everyone was deceived by the brand Quezron and did not make the right decision. Even if it wasn't manipulated with something like cockroaches, a fair test could temporarily undermine the reliability of Quezron.

Immediately, Han Kang-gyu instructed his secretary to do something and began to contact someone over the phone with a mean smile. He sounded very careful as if he was talking about something quite important.

Despite Han Gang-gyu's designs, Quezron's freshly promoted meatless desserts were very popular. Before, there was no cafe with this similar concept, but the desserts sold in Quezron were better than those made anywhere else in the world, and the more you eat, the more you lose weight you lose.

Some of the youtubers who felt this atmosphere also bought a bunch of desserts from Quezron and tried to see if they really lost weight. It was a simple way to measure weight before eating and after eating lots of dessert.

After eating dessert and measuring their weight, they were surprised to see that they had lost very little weight before eating it. Comments on these videos on the Quezron Dessert Experiment began to run incredibly fat after eating the Quezron Dessert. It was made in Quezron, not elsewhere, and women's reactions were overwhelming.

In the wake of the issue of quezron dessert, more than one million famous youtubers posted a video of eating quezron dessert and measuring weight. Unlike other youtubers, it was a systematic way to eat only kezron dessert and measure weight every day. On the first day, he seemed to have lost a little weight, but on the third day, he gained 1 kg and after a week, it was a shocking video of him gaining 3 kg.

[Gentlemen, don't be fooled by Kezron viral marketing. This is the real thing. I tried it, I thought it would be different if it was Quezron, but this is what it looks like. In fact, it doesn't make sense to lose weight after eating this high-calorie dessert, does it? I don't want you to be fooled by my video. Thank you all for watching. If you like my video, please subscribe to all of them. Here's a more interesting video next time.]

This shocking video went straight to sites that were not interested in dessert. I saw this video while everyone was praising Quezron and brought such a great issue.

[ㅋ ㅋ I guess a lot of people were fooled by the promotional phrase. You believe that, too?]

[I actually gained weight eating kezron dessert. Because everyone's fat, I think I made a mistake...

[Quezron viral blah blah blah blah So far I've written it all? Blah blah]

The people who watched the video blamed Kestron harshly. Of course it was. I promoted that I wasn't fat, but when I was experimenting, I gained a lot of weight, not just fat.

This video immediately became an article. I marketed that I was losing weight, but when I tested it, I wrote down that I was gaining weight, and criticized Keslon for raising a fever over excessive and exaggerated publicity. This lyrics also spread quickly.

There were so many videos of losing weight and so few videos of gaining weight, but strangely, it was only quickly published about the videos of gaining weight, and it spread quickly to the entire site.

It seems that people are attracted to negative things and the fact that the publication itself has a huge impact makes people naturally have the perception that Kezron advertised falsely.

However, there were some who saw the video and expressed their doubts quite well. They ate dessert and experienced loss of weight.

[Something's wrong... I've lost weight every day...]

[I'm very sensitive to my weight, so I definitely fell in love with measuring it all the time. Is there something wrong with that video feed? And so far, Quezron has never shown up like that. I think it's a bit of a rush.]

When many people ate dessert and questioned the fairness of the article, a cable broadcast also addressed the false exaggeration of the Café Quezron. It was a poetry pro who tracked corruption and lawlessness to find out the truth.

The beginning of the broadcast was an article that was being promoted at the Café Quezron. Along with background music that seemed to promote something very illegal in Quezron, serious voices read the script. The family medicine doctor then came out and explained the calories in the dessert, the risk of obesity, and the desserts in the high calories could never lose weight.

That was the first half, and after showing one million YouTube videos of people gaining weight in the second half, they conducted experiments directly on the broadcast. This time, I did some experiments with third-party desserts, and the results of systematic experiments with mutant control were quite shocking.

Third-party desserts only weighed about 2 kg throughout the week, but the results were dramatic, up to 3 kg and even up to 5 kg for the Quezron desserts. Experiments have proven that desserts made in Quezron are the worst desserts that lose weight, rather than being promoted.

As soon as this episode was broadcast, all the sites that wanted to capture the number of users were spread. It was really fast.

Even the advocates were unable to advocate for the results of these experiments until the broadcast. She was laughing at the sites that women used to use a lot, but also at the other sites where people were getting fat.

[chuckles] That's funny. I don't know if he's gaining weight, but he just lost weight selling it in Quezron.

[I didn't say it then, but I wish I thought it was nonsense blah blah blah kezron too. It's a world-renowned celebrity. How can you promote such nonsense? I think he's lost his mind after dating a lot of pope's girlfriends.

The Sisa Pro inflicted a fatal wound on the image of the Café de Quezron.

Although the Quezron Cafe business still worked well, people didn't like seeing new desserts like before, but they said it was a fake advertisement. It was definitely different from when I liked the new product.

After hearing this news, Han Kang-gyu burst out with a big smile in the head office. Everything went as planned. A subscriber gave money to over a million youtubers to manipulate their weight and broadcast it to the current episode program based on it. And as soon as he captured the broadcast and sprinkled it all over the Internet, he suffered a fatal wound that was difficult to recover.

It didn't matter if the truth came out later. Negatives like this easily become an issue, but since the explanation or the truth is not interesting, people were not very interested. In other words, Quezron had to carry a fatal image of making a fat, fake exaggeration.

Of course, there's a sturdy stack of images, so I don't know if I can handle it at first, but what happens if there's a continuing issue? It didn't take long for the image to deteriorate, even in Quezron.

“Hahaha. You're going to get pissed off and die, aren't you? You look good. You look good. Slow down. I'll take care of Lunamos, too. ”

Han Kang-gyu burst out a big smile to see if he was happy just thinking about the situation that was distorted with anger. He was more than satisfied.

* *

“Brother, what do I do? The internet is continuing to have bad images of the Café Kezron. Shouldn't we explain something? ”

“Yes, every guest who comes to the cafe keeps looking at our desserts and saying it's a fake advertisement. I feel like I'm gonna die of anger every time I hear that. ”

Eunji worries, a familiar face.

“It's okay. It's going to be okay. ”

However, the poet licked his chest alternately with Eunji lying on his bed in his room. Unlike Han Kang-gyu's expectations, the situation was not even bothered by anger.

“By the way, if you stay still, people really think our desserts are fatter than other café desserts. ”

“That's right. You have to explain to Eun-ji that it's not. Did someone buy this for you? There are a lot of companies following us these days because we have a great cafe. ”

“If you don't worry too much, people will know you're lying. When will the truth be revealed? ”

Seeing the calmly speaking poem, Eungyo and his familiarity made an anxious expression. The truth was said to be revealed someday, but all I could think about was the negative thinking. If I didn't stay still, the truth would not be revealed, but a false exaggeration would be tagged.

The poem smiled lightly, looking at worrying hidden places and familiarity.

Of course, the episode also watched both YouTube videos and episode broadcasts. Even before the YouTube videos and episode shows started, I watched Lunamos lying in bed in vivid 3D. So not only did they know how to manipulate it, but the scene of manipulation was clearly recorded in the footage.

However, the problem was that it was not very interesting for people to reveal the fact. So it was important to tell people that the videos were made in a way that people would be interested in.

So the poem edited the video without even knowing it when 1 million subscribers posted the manipulation video. Moreover, it was not fun when it was revealed at first, so I also put a little cognitive decline magic on it to reveal it later.

And instead of explanations, they posted more insulting rebuttals on the site. What the poem wanted was not to become more controversial, but to become more controversial.

Unlike Han Kang-gyu, who smiled cheerfully, the poem touched Eun-si and Sook's breasts with an interesting face.

* *

The rebuttal on the site became a taunt to the netizens. This also allowed Han Kang-gyu, who smelled it, to write to the press and spread all over the site.

Kezron's rebuttal was simple. Unlike the fact that it was broadcast on YouTube and TV, the desserts made in Quezron are not fattened even if you eat them. They always try to make the best products, so don't be fooled by false information.

According to the results of the experiment, no one believed the rebuttal of Kestron.

[What's wrong with her? If you're wrong, you should apologize. Am I the only one who understands?]

[It's okay to apologize, but I don't feel like crying...]

[The Holy Grail, I've been seeing a lot of real women, and it's weird. This never happened in the olden days.

In the old days, it used to be so expensive that it was endlessly controversial, but there was criticism in Keslon's refutation that told him not to apologize and not to be deceived.

As the poem put the firewood in the fading fireplace, the internet lit up again.

There are still some advocates who are still fighting with such advocates, and when people were criticizing Quezron, something began to appear in the eyes of those who were looking back at the video and the cognitive magic that Lunamos had put on them.

It was a very slight object on the tip of the scale. I didn't know exactly what it was, but when I looked closely, I could see that something was leaning very faintly on the tip of the scale. He hid it at an angle, but the object appeared on the back of his foot as a picture of the scale as evidence of weight gain. Particularly on the day of the week, 3 kg was gained a little more clearly in the video.

In order to gain weight, YouTube took a picture at a completely invisible angle leaning against the object. However, Lunamos' ability to twist the angle of the camera very slightly edited the image, and if you look carefully, it looks faint.

One user who caught this quickly captured a video of the unidentified object and followed it to the photo. Then he posted a question on a site he frequently visited, wondering if YouTube had manipulated it.

At first, everyone seemed to ignore it like it was ridiculous, but the more we looked at it, the more suspicious the manipulation became, the more people started to fight.

According to the intention of the poem, people began to become interested and become more controversial.

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