Dragon's Legacy

561 Civilization Advancement

That's a trick? You're not making sense. It's just an object in the back. It's not manipulation.]

The object on the back? You have weird eyes. Anyone can see you're leaning on a scale to gain weight.]

[Why is that YouTube manipulation so meaningless? What's the benefit of manipulating more than a million subscribers? These manipulators are pathetic.]

At first, people began to fight fiercely because it was a suspected manipulation that Kezron had falsely advertised. As if a dragon and a tiger were fighting, the battle took place on the Internet without even a single concession.

Then came data that analyzed what the object was in multiple angles. When I read that I had put something on the scale by analyzing it with precision angles, I even fought hard enough to stir up war with YouTube fans.

After the controversy escalated, he posted an article explaining that the suspected manipulator had never tampered with it. However, he also complained that he had manipulated more than just an explanation and that he would sue anyone who falsely accused him.

The poem solved a photograph at that time. It was one of the photos that YouTube took several times to make the object leaning on its weight invisible on the angle. The weight meter is just the size of the foot. Even though the angle was slightly off, an object was visible between the legs. So I took quite a lot of pictures, and the poem took a few of those pictures from Lunamos' ability and put them on the Internet.

[This photo was taken by accident. Take a look and judge for yourself.]

The poem positively posted a picture of an object leaning on its weight as if it were an irrelevant person. It was not a single page, but several, so there was no reason to doubt or synthesize it.

How did you get this? But there's an object leaning behind the weight. Wow, I used to be a ginger, but this is amazing.]

[I'm an expert at photography. This is never synthesized. I used to be a ginger, but now I see that this is the truth, not a doubt.]

[Huff. If you say you didn't manipulate it and keep telling lies, what does it mean to sue? Wow, what a betrayal. I believed that... but I'm disappointed.]

The picture of the poem turned the atmosphere completely upside down. Most of those who fought fiercely defended the manipulated youtuber turned their backs on him. However, some of the dogs wrote that it might still be a photograph or a manipulation, so they took insults they did not need to eat.

When the YouTube video was confirmed to have been manipulated, YouTube's SNS and video comments began to run with enormous criticism.

While relaxing at home, Youtube suddenly saw the criticism comment and his face turned white. Either he was hacked or the photos on his computer were leaked. Youtube quickly deleted the uploaded video and closed the SNS, but this was only an expression that he had composed.

It was a pretty big issue that over a million subscribers were manipulating, and even though no one intervened, news articles on the Internet and related materials spread to each site.

Even though the poem did not use his hands, the Internet users blamed the manipulated YouTube and said they would never see it again, so they unsubscribed and left. It was recognized by users who were on the Internet in the first place and made money from YouTube views, so it didn't hurt as much as the viewers turned away and left.

When this happened, it was said that the broadcast on the cable was also manipulated. However, it was widely argued that the cables could have been manipulated.

However, the poem solved one more video by the time the public opinion changed without missing this point. It was just a five-minute short video of the cable broadcasting that had been done with the Quezron dessert.

The poor image quality and blurry video clearly heard the neurotic voice of PD as he ate dessert and lost weight, annoyed and told him to manipulate the scale. It was the data that showed that someone had intentionally manipulated Kesron to scratch it.

Of course, the video he saw was stereoscopic and clear enough to see right next to him over the UHD, but he couldn't upload it as it was, so he told Lunamos as if it had been leaked by someone and caused some noise.

The effects were great. There were thousands of people watching that video on one site at a time. Thousands of people were astonished by the shocking footage of the spill. Who knew he was so blatantly manipulative?

The blame for the manipulated cable broadcasts was overwhelming in an instant. It was so shocking that there was no site without this video. The issue was that big, and it also sent news about the Keplan manipulation in public news as well as internet articles.

The middle-aged adults who saw the news that it had been manipulated to extort the quezron that had created a world-class luxury brand and announced Korea had uttered all kinds of insults. I blamed them all in my living room for the destruction of the right company like Kesron.

Obviously, the board at the cable station was already flooded with insults. It was purposefully manipulated, so it was definitely going to happen.

The poem only posted a subtle, manipulated video in a place that people didn't know about, and it didn't make edits advantageously or make the video provocative. Nevertheless, after committing so much evil, even if I didn't spice it up, the video itself was full of all kinds of dirty flavors.

If it were a different company, not a poem, it would have been very difficult to reveal, or perhaps we could not reveal this truth. It was possible to uncover what had happened in this secret place because it was the poem.

Netizens were thrilled to see the video and posted numerous articles.

[Crazy. Crazy. The broadcast of accusations of misconduct and lawlessness is misleading. Does this make sense?]

[Over a million subscribers have also manipulated YouTube, and they've manipulated the cable with kezron dessert. Wow, who would do that on purpose? Why are you only manipulating Kestron like this? What's really going on here? I seriously doubt that.]

[Are you one of the best-kept embryonic corporations in Quezron? There's been a lot of Primerons and Primerons and Cafes lately. But Primeron, because it's so bad there, it's a real waste of money. If it's like money, why go to Quezron Branch Primeron?]

Among the many writings, there was a close guess as to whether Primero had paid for it. After listing all the companies that would control Kesron, it was just a coincidence.

The poem I was watching was interesting.

[I heard that too. One of the headquarters managers of a place that's growing its premium cafe is against quezron these days, and he hates it. Unlike your cafe, you're under a lot of stress because of the popularity of Quezron. I was born as a Beast Master, but I don't think I'm very good at it.]

The only place to increase the premium cafe was Primero, and he wrote to secretly know that Han Gang-gyu, the son of Shiva Group Chairman, had given a clue that he was the target. This was just an unsubstantiated rumor, but people liked this kind of interesting material, so they went straight to capture it and started wandering around the Internet.

The people who saw the poem found out that the person on the rumor was Han Kang-gyu, and there were numerous writings with all imagination. This was the result that the poem wanted.

And the poem held a free [show photo and get coffee for free] event for those who did not know that Kesron was innocent.

I attracted people's attention at once through a free event rather than complaining of innocence. The sign in front of the cafe said that I could drink coffee for free, so I was very interested in people who could not buy it because I felt burdened by the price of the coffee.

Although there was a Primero store across from Quezron, people only lined up in front of Quezron. It was also due to the event, but there were not many guests in Primero since originally.

Thanks to the timely judgment of the timely situation, it also made people feel more confident that Kezron could live with it.

* *

Han Gang-gyu was at war.

You wear protective gear on top of the square ring and aim for a strong young man on the other side. The opposing Pokémon in a defensive posture quickly punches its face with a light fist.

As soon as Han Kang-gyu twisted his body and avoided the fist, he dug sharply and hit his face. The target flinches and dodges quickly, making a loud noise in the head gear area. As he leans lightly, he fixes his posture again and throws a strong fist to aim for a gap.

He was a skilled person with a considerable level of skill, but he was no match for Han Kang-kyu, just by throwing a strong fist in the best position possible.

This time, Hangang Kyu guarded the attack with his hands, used his hands and legs to attack in succession, and even with protective gear on, the strong opponent fell to the ground.


Han Gang-gyu took off her headgear and protective gear on her head. I'm sweating in a fierce battle.

He loved to fight. Not only was I practicing constantly, but I often preached like this. Even those who competed in the World Congress had excellent fighting skills and talents, but few people knew about it.

As I wiped my sweat with a towel and got down from the ring, an urgent secretary ran up and whispered something.

“Excuse me?”

Han Kang-gyu's expression distorted.

Then I went to the rest room and listened to my secretary more closely.

There was something big going on on the Internet because of the leak of the fact that YouTube was paying to manipulate it, as well as the cable broadcast. Already, the cable station bulletin board was crowded, and the site stopped, and YouTube shut down all communication, as if it were a trap.

I thought it would be revealed as late as it turned out, but I didn't anticipate that this kind of manipulation would already be revealed.

In fact, it was all so easy to find out when you go online, but people like Han Gang-gyu did not go through the Internet as opposed to the current situation.

“Son of a bitch! ”

Han Kang-gyu, who couldn't resist, threw the ashtray next to him. The ashtray shatters and the crappy metal locker crumbles, throwing it so hard. He seemed to know that he had to throw ashtrays when he saw a lot of drama.

“You don't think it turns out I gave the order, do you? ”

“It's unclear. But there are people on the Internet who write like the boss did. ”

“What kind of asshole are you? I'm gonna make sure I don't get up again, so make sure you find out who that son of a bitch is! Do you understand?”

“Oh, I see. ”

I had never seen Han Gang-gyu angry like this before, so the female secretary was startled and stuttered.

“The Apocalypse, you bastard. I don't know how you got out, but wait. I'll destroy you one way or another. ”

Han Gang-gyu grinned.

The smile was terrifying.

* *

When Kang-gyu was trying to find the person who posted on the internet, the target, the poem, was enjoying the fun of using a magic transformer.

In order to customize it, I had to gather monsters or materials with various benefits. The poem asked Lunamos to find plants, minerals, etc. with various benefits and register them in the Magic Transducer. He also dealt with numerous monsters with various strange abilities.

The poem stares at the monster in front of him. The lower body legs like a human, but the upper body swings its spear day after day as a strange fish-looking monster takes up a defensive posture.


Along with a flash of speed, enormous power condenses, leaving no trace of the trees and massive stones on the beach, scattered to dust.

As soon as he twisted his body and avoided the flashing spear, he digged sharply and put his fist in a fish's shaped head.


The helmet worn by the Fish Knight and Fist collided.


The fish knight, who had a light fist but screamed in tremendous pain, broke his neck without overcoming its destructive power, even though he was wearing a helmet. It was an instant hit.

The town took out its Magic Transformer and registered a fish knight.

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