Dragon's Legacy

572 Civilization Advancement

“Really? Thank you. Professor, I love you so much. ”

“You were so serious yesterday, and today you're acting all crazy. Anyway, I'm done talking. No more than that. Okay?"

“Okay, I won't give you any trouble. ”

“Yes. Good boy. ”

Im Young-sun stroked his head with his other hand, waving the penis of the poem. Yesterday, a man who looked so serious and like the head of a company was now acting like a child. Do you think he only shows it to the women he likes? I couldn't hate the clean and sturdy saint because he was so happy with every word he said that he was so pure. He was so hateful and angry before I met him.

“Professor, I think I'll be right out. Keep your mouth open. ”

“Ugh, yeah. Okay."

The poem stood up, knelt on his knees, and took his penis toward his mouth, and Lee Young Seon opened his mouth slightly reluctantly. He then continued to rub the crown with his slippery hands to encourage the poem to come to his mouth.

I've never done anything so lewd and vulgar in my life. I can't even imagine doing this just yesterday. However, I did not feel a strange big objection. even though I knew it was an obscene, vulgar act. Did the poem ask you to do that?

“Oh... I'm going to pee now. ”

The poem felt a rush of emotion and put it in the mouth of the foreman. Immediately filled the mouth of an executive line of unique, dark, thick, bulky semen.

There was more semen in my mouth than I expected. Foreman knew that it was very thick and thick, just by staying in his mouth. However, it was not at all contrary to what I thought, but rather the sweet flavor was enveloped. I was originally going to spit in the toilet paper, but it didn't taste bad surprisingly. No, it was rather sweet. I thought about whether to spit it out or swallow it. I moved my head slightly, and the semen in my mouth flowed down slightly. Foreman instinctively quickly put the semen that had spilled out of his chin back into his mouth.

“Hah… it felt so good. And finally, suck his penis. ”

After a moment of concern, the Executive Director swallowed up the semen he was holding. The pope asked me to suck his dick, but I spit in the toilet paper and didn't have the time to do it. The sweet sperm of the poem went over my neck. It was like eating yogurt.

I swallowed all the semen and cleaned up all the remaining semen from the penis in the mouth. But strangely, I was just eating semen, and I was quite excited. Even though I have had sex, I've never eaten a man's semen like this in an adulterous way. Seeing that the lust and lust hidden in my heart were once again full of lust. However, no matter how excited I was, I could never allow the insertion.

“Now, the end. You were satisfied with this?”

“Huh? Did you finish that? You can just spit it out. Think of me and eat the semen. The professor is so kind. I love you."

“I ate it because I didn't want to spit it out. ”

Im Young Seon pretended to be a fool because the poem was happy and loved her, but she was in quite a good mood. I didn't get tired of hearing him say he loves you.

“Thank you, though. Oh, and, Professor, what time do you go to work? ”

“Go to work? Be there around 9: 00 today. Why?”

“I'll take you there. Then you still have time to lie down. I want to be with you. ”

The poem lay bare and grabbed the foreman's arm and dragged him without any resistance.

Im Young Seon lay down beside the poem. I was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, but I didn't actually want to lie down with him. At first, I was really confused and embarrassed, but now I decided to watch him skinship to some extent, even if he can't. How could you say no to everything when you like him so much?

“I think she's really pretty. I can't close my eyes if I see it. ”

“I'm a good talker. I'm not fooling you even if you say that. What do you like about her? Young girls are prettier. ”

“No, I grew up just holding you. Touch it.”

“What? Grown again? ”

As the poet led the hand, Im Young Seon touched the penis of the poem again. I didn't think so, but it was really big. Im Young Seon's eyes froze. I can't believe you just gave me a hug and had an erection. I was surprised. I felt something beyond just pleasant and inexplicable. Would you like that? I don't know why I like a woman like her so much, but I couldn't be happier even if she was young and gentle and she went to her capacity.

“You know how much I love you, right? I can't stand the thought of touching the professor's body. You know what, Professor? Can't we just put it in if we don't have sex? ”

“I'm glad you like me, but no insertion. You're Rose's boyfriend. You shouldn't do that with your girlfriend's mom. ”

Unlike before, the executive line tilted the situation calmly. In fact, I wanted to have sex with myself, but I was forced to suppress my desire because I knew I shouldn't.

“Are you admitting me as Rose's boyfriend? ”

“Ha… for now. I knew you weren't such a bad boy. But it's not completely permissible. I'll keep an eye on him. ”

“Thank you. But what if I become more fond of you than of roses? ”

“He's talking nonsense. Roses are prettier and younger than me. It's weird that you like me. ”

“But I can't do anything good. ”

The poem cleaned the forerunner with a very low vocabulary, then went up and kissed him naturally with a kiss on the neck. It seemed embarrassing, but I did not reject it very much.

Fortunately, he had sex with his foreman and was foolish enough to love him endlessly, so he received some recognition for his association with Rose. The goal was to get help from the executive team to create a virtual reality game and get permission to interact with roses. However, I achieved everything I wanted. And I surprisingly liked the Executive Director so much that I wanted to have sex again and finally resolve the conflict with the rose. In order to do that, I had to make the foreground and skinship naturally.

“Ha... Sissy, this is just for today. You can't do this from now on. Okay?"

After finishing the kiss, she said something completely different than what she thought.

“Why? I want to keep doing dirty things with you. If they like each other, they can do dirty things. You don't like me? I really like you. ”

“It's not a matter of disliking you or liking you. This is not good for either of us. We might have a big problem later. Besides, you have many girlfriends. We need to cherish them more. ”

“You can't help it. However, I still like the professor. Of course, I know it's hard for professors like me to love you. But at least let me feel your body and mind like I do now. I love you."

The poet who finished the horse tangled his tongue with a kiss. Im Young Seon stretched out her tongue with a complex heart and gave a passionate kiss. I was happy to like myself like that, but this relationship had to end today. I might no longer be able to control myself if I did things that were circumstantial and wanting.

After finishing the kiss, he climbed on top of the executive ship. Cooper sucks his chest, revealing his penis as it drips. My nipples swollen fast.

It was quite an obscene act, but Foreman made a commitment to do this to this day and tomorrow he will never do any skinship with the situation. The pleasant pleasures tickled my mind.

“You know, Professor, I'm so excited. Can I rub it in here? ”

The poem asked while touching the brown petals of the foreman soaked in mouth-watering water.

“Oh, no. You said no there. ”

“I will never insert it. I'll just, I'll just rub it in front of you. Can't you do that? I'm so excited, I can't stand it. ”

The poem showed the penis that Cooper's fluid was leaking. Then he swallowed without even knowing it. I already had a nasty feeling.

“You're not going in, are you? You promise?”

“Of course. If you tell me not to do it, I will never do it. ”

“Yes. Good boy. Okay, then we can do it from the front. ”

“Thank you."

When Director Lim's permission fell, the situation rubbed his penis against the vagina. With a mixture of slippery copper fluid and aphid fluid, the poppy's head stimulated the clitoris of the foreskin. This was more about excitement for the executive ship than it meant that the city wanted to be excited.


The foreman seemed to have pierced his whole body with a pleasant feeling. I felt so good and excited. I just kept moaning and my body twisted. Even though I did not insert it, I suddenly thought how good it would feel to insert it in such a intense sense of orgasm. But I barely slept with the vigorous willpower of the hero's awakening, which does not fall into any temptation.

“Professor, I'm going to beg again. Do you mind if I just pee here? ”

“As you please... ugh..."

Im Young Seon allowed him to do whatever he wanted without thinking too much while fighting the temptation.

In the words, the poem rubbed the clitoris for a long time and assessed the clitoris and the clitoris to be filled with semen. Some splattered to the face of the executive line to see how powerful it was to shoot semen.

The poem brought the penis to the mouth of the executive who was shivering with pleasure. Then, the foreman naturally sucked the penis and treated the remaining semen without any resistance.

“Ha... ha...”

Im Young Seon, who vomited a deep breath of joy, put her hands on the vagina. It was filled with sticky, hot sperm from the poem. I felt the urge to touch the clitoris with this semen for a moment, but I endured it.

“Ha… I'm going to take a shower now. Where can I go? ”

At this rate, I decided to take a quick bath because I would be eroded by pleasure. I felt like I could cross the river if I stayed like this no longer.

“Come with me. ”

The poem flashed as it lay on the foreground. Im Young Seon was embarrassed and hugged the necklace of the poem, but for the first time, I felt a very new feeling because this is how the man hugged her. I felt many times that the poem wasn't meant for women.

The poem went into a large bathroom like a bathtub and poured water from an Elvish bath in the castle of Quezron. Before entering the bathtub, I washed the foreground myself and took care of myself so small that my God-like abilities would not stain me so much. It was intended to make me feel more beautiful when I met her.

Im Young Line, who did not know such facts, felt deep love and affection just by washing the situation carefully and again.

After a simple shower, we went into the bath together, and we kissed naturally and caressed each other. Im Young Seon also touched the erected penis until today and repeatedly insisted that she would never skin again tomorrow.

It was time for me to go to work after I finished my shower. After wearing clothes, the foreman put on a simple makeup. Then he drove to the university in his car. I wanted to be with the poet a little longer, but soon I arrived at the university parking lot. Outside, students were already going to school one or two times. Many things happened overnight, but this ended my wild relationship with the poem. It was a shame, but I couldn't help it.

“I'm on my way, papa. I'll take a look at the time later and tell you when I can meet the guy who built the device. ”

“Wait a minute.”

As she tried to get out of the car, the poem pulled her arm back and hugged her. And I kissed him lightly.

“Hey, hey, the students are watching. ”

“I can't see it from the outside. ”

The executive officer, who was very nervous to see the students, accepted the kiss of the poem as it was. I also felt sad and sad thinking that today was the last time. From now on, no matter what happened, I had to refuse the skin of the poem. Even if it hurts like hell.

“And I'll give you a gift. Take this.”

“Gifts? When did you get these? Thanks anyway. I'll call you later. ”

“Yes, I'll see you later. Professor.”

After saying goodbye to the poem, Lee Young Seon got out of the car with a gift. I immediately went to the classroom and put the gift on the desk and sat on the couch. My head is numb. I can't help but think of yesterday's mischievous behavior with the Pope. The warm senses and pleasant pleasures were refined.

“No. It's time to move on.”

Im Young Seon shakes her head. The poem was the daughter's boyfriend, Rose. That relationship should never have happened. However, even though I knew that, I remembered the image of the poem that was erectile just by holding me. Would you like that? I smiled for no reason.


Foreman sighed and looked quite complicated.

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