Dragon's Legacy

573 Civilization Advancement

The foreman on the sofa was dazed, and he snatched the gift from the poet. I did something and it was a cosmetic set. He said he was the leader of Quezron, and he wrote the name Quezron. I wasn't really interested in cosmetics or fashion brands, so I didn't really know the brand called Quezron until recently.

When I put the cosmetic set on the table and felt numb again, I heard a text from my phone. When I checked, it was the situation.

[I just broke up with the professor, but I miss him already. When are you scheduled? I can't wait to see you for a day. I love you, Professor.]

The whole time I was reading the text, I couldn't stop laughing at her mouth. I already remembered the whining of the poem because I wanted to see him. I couldn't stand the thought of being cute.

[I'll keep you posted on the schedule. Don't be so hasty. Wait. Okay?]

[Okay, I want to see you soon...]

The last time I sent a smiling emoticon to the poet, the executive line did not leave the phone. The more I read the sentence, the more I felt affection for myself. I know I shouldn't do this, but I couldn't help but feel good enough as a human being.

“No. You need to wake up."

Im Young Seon shakes her head. The wild relationship with the poem ended today. The next time we met, we were just professors verifying interactive systems using brainwaves, and the mother of roses.

I decided to check the schedule first and meet with the status quo again two days later. I couldn't go home early because I didn't have a lot of lectures that day. When I texted the Pope to meet him two days later, he immediately received the rejoicing text. After reading the text, Lee Young Seon smiled and tried to wake up again. I had to make up my mind.

When I was on the couch, it was time for the lecture. Im Young Seon took the book and entered the classroom. However, the student began to murmur as he stood in the church. The girls whispered, but the conversation went straight to my ears.

“Don't you think you're getting younger? ”

“It's true. You look much younger and more elegant. Are you wearing Kezron cosmetics? I bet a professor could buy you some kezron cosmetics, huh? I envy you.I want to use Quezron cosmetics too. ”

Im Young Seon listened to the students, but immediately entered the class without any reaction. But in the course of class, my head was full of poetry. I don't know if it's because I had sex with a young child or because it fits well with the poem, but I felt like the poem was more adorable and cute because it definitely looks young to students.

After the class, the foreman came back to the classroom and looked for various data about the brain and studied how the things the poem created were implemented. However, it was nearly impossible to build an interactive system using brainwaves, no matter how much data was found. I couldn't even imagine how I implemented it.

Knock, knock.

Then someone knocks.

“May I come in? ”

“Yes, come in. ”

The door opened and my close professor Kim Mi-soon came in. We used to come here like this once and have a simple conversation while drinking tea.

“Oh my, how did you get so young? Did you have a young boyfriend? ”

“W-what are you talking about? That can't be right. ”

“Right? You don't care about men and you don't know how to do your job. I was just joking. ”

Professor Kim Mi-soon sat on the couch with a light smile and jokes. But I saw something because a luxurious box came up, and it was a quezron cosmetic set.

“Did you buy Quezron cosmetics? This is the most expensive one, right? Why are you so young and wearing kezron cosmetics? Can I watch this? ”

“Yes, go ahead. And that's a good thing? ”

Suddenly, when Professor Kim Mi-soon said with a jealous face, Im Young Seon was puzzled and asked.

“Of course I like it. It's the best cosmetic in the world. Foreign stars come to Korea and buy them themselves. You didn't know that? No one would have given you a present for 100 million won. ”

“100 million won? This cosmetic?”

“Where did you get this? I envy you.Who gave you such an expensive gift? Did you make a lot of money saying your daughter plays idol? But you don't even know what happened to Quezron cosmetics? Don't work too hard. Take an interest in something else. A little bit.”

Since then, Kim Mi-soon has lined up his knowledge of Kestron to the Executive Director. From cosmetics to fashion brands, I have never stopped praising it as a luxury item. Then, strangely, Im Young Seon felt strangely better as if she was listening to a compliment. However, I realized that the poem is such a capable man.

Kim Mi-soon went back and Im Young Seon searched for things about Kestron on the computer. Just reading a compliment full of internet made me feel better, so I laughed. When a high-quality picture of the poem appeared while reading the article, the foreman stared blankly and moved his hand slightly with the save button.

“Oh, no. What am I gonna do? Shame on you.”

Then, realizing what he was about to do, he quickly closes the knights window. I almost saved a picture of the poem. My face is red and burning with embarrassment.

After work, the executive returned home late in the evening. Today, the living room was lit up in case the rose came early. Normally, I would call for roses to nag and preach that I should part with the poem, but the day before, I met the rose's boyfriend poem and had sex with him, so I couldn't look at the roses.

I tried to enter the room carefully, but the rose opened the door and left. His face turned a little red.

“What did you do yesterday and you didn't come in? ”

Roses asked me because I was worried that the executive ship didn't come in yesterday, even though we didn't like each other.

“Ugh, yeah. I've got work to do. I don't need your attention, so go in and get some rest. I'm tired too, so I'll sleep early today. ”

As the executive ship entered the room, the rose was slender. I would have argued to break up with the poem again, but today I was strangely relaxed and kind. I didn't know what I was talking about when I met the poem. I'm still anxious, but I don't think I can say anything more to meet the poem, so Rose suddenly felt better.

While the rose was delighted, Im Young Seon came into the room and lay in bed. I was embarrassed and ashamed just to see the rose, so I couldn't make eye contact. It was horrible to imagine what it would be like to have sex with Rose's boyfriend, the poem. I didn't understand what I was thinking yesterday. I even felt guilty.


I just sighed. Although the poem was really nice and lovely and cute, I still had to keep my distance because of the rose.

Im Young Seon bit her lips tightly and pledged several times.

* *

Two days later, the situation took a car to the university parking lot to meet the executive ship late in the afternoon. However, when I checked when I left home, there was no paparazzi hired by Han Gang-gyu who was always there today. I could have taken the picture I wanted or waited to take a more private picture.

It would have been a big problem for a normal person to act as a fatal weakness, but it just didn't interest the poem much. Of course, I did not intend to look at the Han River regulation, but I was only interested in how to maximize profits. Rather, the relationship with Executive Director was much more exciting and exciting than this.

He immediately texted me when he stopped in the parking lot near the academy building with an executive line.

[I just got here. I missed you so much, I left an hour early.]

[Are you here already? I don't know what to do. I'm not done yet, so I'm gonna have to wait a little while.]

[Then can I go to the professor's classroom? I'm just gonna sit here and watch you do nothing.]

[You're coming to the classroom?]

[Can I go? If you don't mind, I'll just wait in the car.]

[It's okay, but... okay. Then come to the classroom.]

[Thank you. I'll be right there.]

I got a text about where to come from on my smartphone. The poem hid its existence in dragon words and went to the professor's office. As I went up through the students and knocked, the leader asked me to come in with a trembling voice. The poem opened the door and immediately unlocked the words.

“Hello, Professor. I missed you.”

“Hello? Have a seat on the couch. I still have work to do. Would you like to wait for tea? ”

“Thank you. Give me anything you have. It's delicious just because it's made by the professor. ”

“Okay, then I'll give you green tea. ”

Im Young Line pretended to be dumb, but I felt heartbroken just by looking at the face of the poem. I felt gratified just by seeing the pure joy of meeting myself. But it didn't have to be like this. This was a relationship that should never have happened. Im Young Seon continued to hold her mind.

I boiled the water in a coffee pot, poured the water into a cup containing green tea tea tea tea bag, and handed it to the poet sitting on the couch. Then I went back to work and suddenly the poem hugged me behind my back.

“Professor, I love you. ”

“Well, what are you doing? Can't you let go of this? ”

Suddenly, the poem caught his eye, and Im Young Seon was shocked by the embarrassed and pleasant smell of the poem. The more I kept saying I shouldn't do this, the weirder I missed the warmth of the poem and the aromatic body.

“I'm sorry. I really didn't do anything and I just wanted to see you... Oh... I'm so sorry. But when I saw the professor, I was so happy that I couldn't bear it. ”

“Don't do this, papa. We shouldn't be doing this. This is really embarrassing. ”

“I've been thinking about you all day for two days. I was so excited and excited to hold you like this that I already had an erection. ”

“Bar, you had an erection? ”

I didn't do anything naughty. I barely held her in my arms. I couldn't understand how good it was to have an erection like this every time. Seeing the situation of liking her like this, she felt a sudden collapse of the wall she had built deep in her heart. It was the first time in my life that I liked myself like this. Im Young Seon trembled as if she was in a relationship for the first time because of a loving feeling she had never experienced before.

“Actually, I've been having eczema since before I met you. It hurts because I'm so excited right now. Do you want me to show you?”

“W-what are you talking about? What are you gonna do if someone sees you? ”

“There's no one. The windows are curtained. It's okay, let me show you for a second. ”

He lowered his pants and panties slightly to pull out his penis. Then I turned the foreground and showed the erected penis. A chunky penis was spilling all the way to Cooper's.

He didn't do anything sexy, and he couldn't take his eyes off Cooper just by looking at him and hugging him. I felt visually at once how good the situation was.

“Ha, I know your heart. But let's end this relationship. I'm begging you. This will only make it harder for us. ”

“Yes... I understand. I think I've offended myself too much. If I really like you, I think I should stop here, right? Hah... He doesn't even like me very much, but I must have liked him too much. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will never do this again. ”

Of course, he said he still liked it, but he was embarrassed when he put his pants down and sat on the couch. I didn't know if I'd really quit. Moreover, seeing the situation that was mourning while sighing, of course, this was right, but I felt so sad.

“It's not that I don't like the poet, it's that this relationship is difficult. You're Rose's boyfriend. It doesn't make sense to have a sexual relationship with your daughter's boyfriend. ”

Lee Young Seon, sitting next to the poem, kindly said. Then I grabbed the poet's hand and stroked him. At a glance, I can see the penis still sticking out.

“So you like me, too? I was so annoying that I thought you hated it. Hah... Thank goodness. ”

The sigh of relief grabbed the foreman again lightly.

“I hate it. Don't worry about it, it doesn't bother you. I know the story in my heart. You understand the poem, don't you? ”

This time, the executive line did not reject it, but rather spoke informally.

“Then why don't we ask the rose to let us have our relationship? ”

“What? That can't be possible. Even if our rose is a good girl, she won't understand that her boyfriend is a sexual relationship with her mother. That's what it's all about. ”

“If not, I'll break up with Rose. Then can I have sex with my beloved professor? I'll text Rose right away. Let's break up."

“Oh, no. Sissy, that makes the rose sad. ”

When she said she broke up with Rose suddenly, she was furious and dried up the situation. You like her enough to want to have a relationship with her even after she broke up with Rose. Im Young Seon was so happy that her heart trembled with the love of the deep poem that the end was invisible, but she couldn't do that if she thought of the rose. Stealing her daughter's boyfriend because she likes the poem so much, she won't part with it. It was the day my mother-daughter relationship broke up.

“What am I supposed to do if I don't do anything? I'm in so much pain, Professor. My heart aches.”


As the situation suffered, Im Young Seon also sighed deeply. And I bit my lip like I was deciding something.

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