Dragon's Legacy

00582 Civilization Advancement Reg

It was a noble sacrifice to protect women even by sacrificing themselves. I could feel how badly the poem loved his lovers just by watching the video. It was hard to sacrifice your body in order to save a woman's life even when she was being abused like that, no matter how strong and mentally strong she was.

Video quickly became a big issue. Even in the news in the air, after mosaicing the scenes that were true, Han Gang-gyu threatened to expose them.

Whenever people who were watching the news in the matchmaking room waiting for the bus saw the situation hit by Han Kang-gyu, they made a sad sound.

“Who in the world would be punished like that? He should be executed. ”

“Oh, what should I do? He's trying to save his girlfriend even though he's beaten like that... That's why he's so popular with women. People are saying what it is. She has a lot of girlfriends. ”

This video gradually changed the opinion of the dramatic deterioration of the image due to the number of lovers. Everyone was greatly impressed when they saw that they were sacrificing themselves so that women wouldn't harm them. Especially at the end of the video, there was no one who didn't glare at Han Kang-gyu when he saw the poet untie Lunamos and run away.

As this video reached the news, there was no one who did not talk about the situation in the offline world, not online. It became very common for a lover to ask a man if he would save himself in a situation like that.

In the middle of this big issue, another video spread on the internet. It was a video that Han Gang-gyu secretly met with YouTube and the cable station PD to ruin the image of the Caffron Cafe and asked them to pay for it.

Then, Han Gang-gyu endlessly said that he disliked the situation and laughed maliciously, saying that he had plans to have the woman. The appearance of Han Kang-gyu smiling displeasedly was disgusting beyond the villains I saw in the movie.

But in fact, all of these videos were fabricated by Lunamos' magic. It is true that Han Gang-gyu manipulated her to look fat when she gave her money and ate dessert, but she did not reveal her ambition in secret by meeting her like this. It is a situation that does not exist at all.

This video was a device to easily show that Han Gang-gyu hated the poem and did it. Anyone who watched the video could see how much Kang-gyu hated the poem and wanted to have the women of the poem at once.

Thanks to this manipulation video by Lunamos, people understood at once why eating dessert at a quezron cafe with a famous YouTube complaint made them lose weight. At that time, there was a guess as to whether it was directed by Han Gang-gyu, the head of Primero, and everyone was surprised when it turned out to be true.

[It's creepy from Han Gang-gyu's guess. How much would he have done that if he didn't like the poem? If it hadn't been for that manipulation, he would have been devastated, right? Wow, that's scary.]

[They're in love because they like each other, but they want to steal their lover because they like you. Human, right? How can a human be so cruel? No, you're human. Is that possible?]

There was no end to the condemnation of Han Kang-gyu, and again, the poem received images of lovers and innocent people playing. And Yumi's friends, one of her lovers, wrote and posted on SNS how nice and kind the situation was.

He wrote and posted on his SNS as if the situation was a friendly and friendly competition between Jigsaw Cafe staff and Azin entertainment trainees and others around him. As the waves came out, people realized how good the situation was.

In cable news, he even went to his lovers' parents and interviewed them.

Chan and Yumi's parents also asked for an interview, and her parents gladly responded to the interview.

[I am going to interview Lee Chan-mi's parents, one of the female friends of the Crown Princess, who has recently become the attorney of many lovers. Hello.]

[Good morning.]

The complimentary parents sitting in the living room of the house smiled awkwardly and said hello.

[There's been a lot of heartache lately. How did you feel after watching that video?]

The journalist asked his parents a question.

[I was so worried and sad about it that I couldn't sleep all night. Don't worry about me calling Chan and telling him he's getting better. Our compliments are taking care of the poet day and night, and all I can think about is tears...]

The Mother of Praise wiped away tears from her eyes.

[Oh, right. You must have suffered a lot. But you two knew each other before the High Priestess came to Seoul.]

[That's right, the pope will come to us and do business in Seoul, but why would he use Yumi as a model? I was surprised when I first heard about it, and I thought, well, what the hell are you going to use our daughter as a model for, and as soon as I saw that she was a complete stranger, I knew she was up to something.]

Recalling the first time his father met the poem, he said frantically.

[You've been acquainting yourself with the talents of the High Priestess?]

[Of course, of course. In a way, there's a difference between an ordinary person and an ordinary person. And even after all that success in Seoul, people are not arrogant. I've been invited to Seoul to give us a tour, to eat delicious things, to give us lots of gifts, and to be so kind. No matter how many successful people you look for, no one will be as polite and kind as our pope.]

[There was an episode like that. And finally, a very sensitive question. It's famous for its many beautiful lovers. What do you think of them as parents?]

[Honestly, if it was anyone else, they would have opposed us. But since it's the poem, I'm going to cheer you two on so you can stay together. It's not a sin. It's good for each other. And it's comforting to be the pope. How thoughtful and respectful of my parents. It's a poem, so I'm going to let you be together. Really.]

[Thank you for your kind words. So let's finish the interview here.]

This concludes the interview.

Chan watched the interview in person, as the situation in the hospital room. While I didn't usually feel calm and embarrassed, my face turned red after seeing my parents' interviews. He was ashamed that his parents were on TV and talking about their relationship.

“Since I'm a complimentary parent, I encourage you to fall in love. Thank goodness."

“... ”

The poem smiled slightly and said, but Chan could not answer anything to his shame.

“It's adorable to be ashamed of. Give me a kiss."


Chant kissed me as the poem wanted in a quiet room. Until morning, it was a room full of girls, but everyone went to school or went back to work, and now there was only praise and Aru.

He then kissed Aruwa and turned the channel and watched TV. Everywhere I look, all I see is my own story. Especially if they were impressed by how devoted they were to saving women. Thanks to this, bad opinions about making a lot of women changed dramatically.

Previously, if it had been an image of dating beautiful women with dirty money and power, he would now be a pure man who loves women with pure affection. As competitive, posts on SNS also demonstrated the purity of the situation and helped to create such images.

“I'm a little excited to kiss you. Will you two shut up for me? ”

“Got it.”

The poet's words praised me, and I took off his pants and asked him for a slightly erect penis on my mouth. Aroo, who was next to me, licked his penis.

While praise and aru were satisfying the situation, news was streaming that they decided to investigate the arrest of Hangang Kyu on TV.

It seemed to be proceeding well according to legal procedures. Since they had already planted the parasitic worm in the body of Hangang Kyu, they could make humans die with the greatest pain they could feel at any time. But actually, this was not important.

The poem did not intend to make Han Kang-gyu so easy. I wanted to make my life frustrating and experience from the ground up without having anything in it. In order to do that, there was a need to destroy the group of test subjects.

It was hard for the Shihua group to say anything based on the misconduct and the offence. It was the power of the Xihwa group to live without any problems, even after committing crimes against Han Kang-gyu in the first place. I have already told Lunamos that during the investigation of the Han Gang-gyu, the corruption of the Xihwa Group will be discovered.

If I just watched a 3D movie in the theater, I could feel the exaggeration of everything collapsing so badly that I wanted to die.

“Hmmm... I'll be cold now. ”

Unlike Han Kang-gyu, who was being arrested, the poem lay on the bed, complaining about not being able to tolerate the stimulus that praise and aru suck their penis. The praise that was sticking out his tongue and Aru's face was filled with the poetry's thick semen.

Praise wipes Aru's face with a paper towel and wipes his face, then tucks on the poem's trousers. We were talking for a moment, and someone knocked on the door of the room.

Aru immediately got up, opened the door and greeted you with a fresh smile.


“Ah, bar, good to see you. ”

The person who opened the door was the foreman. I was so worried about the situation that I came as soon as I finished class. Im Young Seon handed over the Fruit Basket she bought before coming. I was embarrassed to come where the young children were, but I was so worried about the situation that I couldn't stand it.

“Are you okay? Still in a lot of pain? ”

“It's okay. It doesn't hurt much. Can you guys give us a minute? I need to talk to the professor. It's lunchtime. Why don't you go out for some food? ”

The poem asked Chan and Aru to eat and come for an awkward executive ship. It was time for lunch, so I thought it would be a good time to come back after lunch.

“Okay, Aruya, let's go. ”

“Yes, Sister! ”

Chan and Aru grabbed hands and left the room. Praise also relied on praise because it made Aru as cute as his brother.

As the two of us were left, the foreman's cheeks turned slightly red. Somehow, just being alone with the poem made me feel strange.

“Thank you for coming. ”

“Thank you. You're hurt like this. You should come. I didn't even know this was happening... and I'm so glad this is it. Really…”

Im Young Seon sat next to the poem and blushed her eyes. I'm surprised to hear the news that the city was beaten up and hurt badly. Even when the Rose was almost in danger during the concert, she was dazed, but the situation of the poem was also shocked and terrified that she couldn't stand up.

I was relieved to see the situation comfortably when I came to the hospital for the first time, but the video I got from the TV was so horrible that I couldn't even see it. In the meantime, I was greatly moved by the heart of the poem thinking about my lover, and she used to shed tears without fail as she watched.

“I got lucky. But I want to do something for you. ”

“What do you want to do? What? I'll do whatever the pope wants. ”

“I want to suck your tits. ”

“Hey, here? ”

He was greatly embarrassed that he didn't know that he wanted to. However, in the room, I was a little embarrassed.

“Yes or no? ”

“No. The pope wants us to do it. ”

However, Im Young Seon, who couldn't refuse the painful poem, got into bed, put the face of the poem on her knees, and uncovered her chest by uncovering her blouse. And the poem sucked his chest as if he was waiting to hand it over to his mouth. Im Young-sun stroked his head, looking at the situation with loving eyes.

“Professor, I have to pee. ”

“Pee? Want me to take you to the bathroom? ”

“Yes. Pants down, please. ”

“Got it."

When the poet who was sucking his chest suddenly said he needed to pee, Lee Young Seon took him to the bathroom and lowered his pants. And even though I was a little embarrassed, I managed to adjust my position so that I could hold my penis and pee well. When I finished peeing, the foreman wiped it clean with a toilet paper. And I tried to wear pants, but suddenly the situation stopped.

“Professor, I want to put it in. ”

“What do you mean, you're putting it in? Where, in the mouth? ”

“No, it's a good place for you. ”

“No, paparazzo. It's a hospital. I'll do it later. Can you hold out till then? ”

“I'd like to put it in right now...”

I couldn't figure out what to do when I saw the depressing situation. Of course, I was right to refuse here, but I couldn't help but refuse that sick poem's request.

“Okay... just a moment, then. Maybe someone else will come. Just put it in for a second. Okay? We can't just move. ”

“Thank you. You're the best. ”


Im Young Seon sighed lightly. I couldn't refuse the poem's request. The foreman lifted his skirt and took off his panties. When I thought the poem was put in, I was already drenched with petals because I felt dirty and overwhelmed with desire.

The executive officer, who held the penis of the erected poem, carefully inserted it into his vagina. As my thick penis entered, my body felt a tingling sensation.

Im Young Seon hugged the poem and gave a big kiss. I just kept the poem as promised, but I didn't move at all. Rather, when she couldn't stand it and flinched her back, suddenly there was a commotion in front of the room, and the door opened.

“Sissy, I'm here. ”

I heard the voice of a mature woman. Im Young Seon's face became pale in anger.

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