Dragon's Legacy

00583 Civilization Advancement Reg

Someone came when he was inserting the penis in the bathroom. It was natural to think about it. The poem had many lovers to look after. No matter who came, it was not at all strange. Just being alone with the poem made me feel excited, so I did what I shouldn't do in the bathroom. Im Young-seon felt deep regret and guilt.

“Wait, I'm in the bathroom. ”

When the foreman didn't know what to do with his penis inserted, he exclaimed.

“Oh, really? Then I'll let you cut the fruit. ”


The poem replied outside and smiled slightly at the foreground. And he moved his waist very carefully. The penis inserted in the vagina of the foreground moved gently.

“Don't be like this, Pope. Let's get out of here. I'll do this later. Huh? Don't move your back like that. Come on."

I felt like I would be suspicious of the woman outside if I shouted a little bit, so Im Young Seon said to the city in a very bad but urgent voice. Even in this situation, I felt so good that I could groan when the poem was inserted and moved slightly. I had to hold on to the sound somehow. It was over when they found out about the situation.

“You don't know what you're doing in the bathroom. ”

“Oh, no. If I don't leave now, I'm suspicious. What if we get caught like this? Pull it out, poppet. ”

“You're not very good at letting professors in. Hing, I feel so good... I can't wait to get it out. ”

“Okay. Then I'll let you put it in next time the pope wants. So can you take it out for now? Please, papa.”

“Can I put it in there and move until I say so? If you promise me that, I'll let you out right now. I want to have sex with you again. ”

The poem whispered in his ear, hugging the foreground and subtracting the penis slightly. He then lightly bit the earlobe marked as sensitive.


When I felt good, I tried to endure it, but Im Young Seon let out a lot of groaning. The pleasures of the poem were not the kind to be tolerated by human will. I knew very well where the woman was and how to make her feel good.

“Will you do it for me? ”

“Okay. I'll do whatever the pope wants me to do later, so let's get this out of here first. ”

“Thank you, Professor. ”

The poem kissed her lips and removed her penis. A long, thick club-like penis came out. However, his penis did not diminish due to his inability to give an excuse.

First, the executive dressed me in trousers instead of the poem who couldn't use his hands properly. Other places were bandaged, but my penis was full of energy without any injuries. Thanks to this, it turned out that the situation was pronounced with patient pants.

“What should I do... It'll be weird if I go out like this. ”

“Shall we make haste? If you don't, it won't go away. ”

“Then it's too late. I can't help it. Let's go out like this. It's weirder the two of you staying in the bathroom so long. ”

“Got it.”

Im Young Seon had no choice but to leave. Although it was strange that the poem was erect and the pants popped out, it was better than being in the bathroom for a long time.

As the poem went out, an officer with a embarrassing face followed behind him. But when I left, I remembered to put my panties in the corner of the bathroom. I also forgot that I wasn't wearing panties because it was so urgent. I was embarrassed, but I decided to wear panties pretending to go to the bathroom later.

“Hello, Americas. Did you come to see me? ”

“Of course. I can't stand the pain of our situation. But who's behind it? You came out of the bathroom together. ”

Wang Mi-ju sat with a neat, middle-aged woman in the bathroom and asked with a curious face as she saw a lot of signs of erection while shearing fruit.

The poem gave a brief introduction with a light smile.

“I'm Professor Lim Young-sun. I'm helping you with your business in Quezron. ”

“Oh, really? Hi, I'm Hwang Mi-ju, director of Ajin Entertainment. ”

Hwang Mi-ju got up from his chair and greeted him.

“Oh, hello. This is the executive officer. He came to the hospital and asked me to help him because he wanted to go to the bathroom. ”

Im Young Seon said hello together and brought up the unnecessary bathroom story. I was too ashamed to say anything, so I wanted to make excuses somehow.

“I see. Am I early? ”

“Oh, no. I was just on my way out. He just couldn't take his pants off, so he didn't do anything. ”

Im Young Seon was greatly embarrassed. However, Hwang Mi-ju guessed what she was doing based on the appearance of Im Yeong-sun embarrassed and her erectile penis. Even though I didn't want to notice it, I was so embarrassed that I naturally imagined it. It was even weirder that there was a woman who was alone with the poet in the first place.

“You're welcome to come out. Did you finish the midterm because of me? You must be embarrassed.You can do it now. It's okay. Don't mind me. ”

“Yes? W-what are you talking about? ”

“Sex. I thought you were having sex with the poet. ”

Wang Miju pointed to the penis of the poem slightly with his chin.

“Well, well, that can't be right. I was just helping him pee in the bathroom. I really do. I would never do such a dirty thing. ”

Im Young Seon was so embarrassed that she could not connect the words properly. I could see his face was flushed red and even slightly trembling.

“Oh, you're so embarrassed. It's okay, I'm in that relationship with the poet. How long have you and the poet known each other? ”

“Oh, I don't know yet, but...”

I was confused by the relationship with the poem. I thought that they were all young women in their 20s, but I didn't know that there would be even a crude and mature woman who looked like she was in her early 30s. And that relationship is already there. Did he have sex? Although it was embarrassing to say it so confidently, it was nothing compared to the self in his mid-40s. He seemed to notice that he had done something naughty with the poem, but he seemed to be pointing towards what mid-40s lady was coveting the poem. It was not shocking that it was a relationship with a woman who had never seen her before because she had already known that she was having sex with other women, even with her daughter Rose.

“The poem is really good at sex, right? I had the greatest pleasure of my life when I first had sex with the poet. You didn't either, did you? ”

“Well, well... well...”

“Oh, you're so ashamed. It's okay, you look about the same age as me, but don't worry about it. ”

“Yes? Aren't you in your early 30s? ”

“Isn't that what it looks like? I'm actually 43 years old. ”

“Yes? Really? How could you...”

It was mature and salty, but it did not appear to be in its 40s. The wrinkles and tightness of the neck and skin at the age of 33 were never enough for a 40-year-old. It looked like I was in my late 20s. It just looked like the 30s because of the atmosphere and stuff.

“What a great poet. I used to look like a professor in my 40s, but I got so young after sex with the poet. Thank you for our poem. ”

Hwang Mi-ju hugged me with a bright smile while talking about whether she felt good. Then the poem rubs its face against the heart of the empress.

Seeing that look, I felt a little courageous, too. I can't believe you're in your 40s. I felt relieved for some reason.

“How old are you? You look like you're in your early 40s...”

“Well, I'm 46...”

“Oh, you're older than me. Can I call you sis from now on? ”

“It's all right. Call me whatever you like. By the way... are you married? ”

“Sure, but no husband, just a daughter. She's modeled in Quezron, and she's in love. ”


“Yes, why? ”

“No, it's nothing. ”

Im Young Seon was strangely relieved to hear that the daughter of the empress was also the lover of the poem. Until now, I felt a great guilt about Shihuao doing something dirty, but when I met the same kind of person, I felt a little relieved.

“So there's nothing to be ashamed of. You have to work hard with the poet so you can be young. It would have been nice in the bathroom, but you can continue now. You don't have to worry about me. ”

Wang Mi-ju climbed into bed and stripped off the poem's trousers. Then, the penis of the poem that had been erected still appeared.

The poem did not say anything but stare at Jigsy's executive officer.

Immediately, his face turned red. No matter how hard you tried to expose the poem's penis... he was so open that it was hard to find him in real life. But no matter how open you are, it was never possible to do dirty things in front of other women.

“Oh, no. I'm fine.”

“Oh, don't be so shy. ”

“I'm fine...”

“Really? Then I can feed the pope some fruit, right? ”

“Yes? Well, of course. ”

Wang Mi-ju took the carved fruit and climbed onto the bed with his permission. Then he laid his face on his knees and fed him with fruit. It was nothing special, but the poem gave out a penis and it looked very vulgar because it was full of pigmentation.

“Does it hurt a lot? ”

Hwang Mi-ju asked the poet while feeding the fruit.

“It doesn't hurt much anymore. I'm sorry I got beaten up and lay there like this. I'm so sorry for being such a pain in the ass to people around me. ”

“Lungs. Do you know how many compliments there are around? Everyone's yelling at him for being so cool. All our trainees talk about is the status quo. ”

“Really? I just got hit...”

“It's not like that. Everyone knows how much he's been trying to protect the women from the Han Gang. I still get tears from the news. ”

Wang Mi-ju's eyes were filled with tears. The foreman who was listening next to me also blushed his eyes. Even ordinary women were moved and moved by the behavior of the poem in the courtyard.

“Thank you, Sis. ”

“It's hard for us to lie down differently, isn't it? Do you want me to make you feel better? ”

“Would that be all right...”

The poem glanced at the executive line.

“I'm, I'm fine. ”

As she said that she was fine, she smiled and asked the penis of the poem as it was.


Im Young Seon, who thought she would do it by hand, was very surprised to see the Empress who bites her penis at once. How dare you be so bold. I was also envious of the situation and the dirty things I did without noticing. And I even thought that I was too concerned about it.

With or without foreman, Hwang Mi-ju sucked the penis of the poem without noticing it at all, and he couldn't tolerate the situation of proficient oral sex.


Hwang Mi-ju swallowed the poem's semen filled his mouth and stroked the poem's head again as if he had worked hard.

I stared at all these sights. It was surprising and also surprising. And I was jealous. Was I too shy? I was confused as to what was right. The only thing that was certain was that he also wanted to do things that were as shameless and naughty as the Empress. The body that had already known the pleasures of the poem longed for the poem endlessly.

Even after this, Hwang Mi-ju lay beside the poem and kissed and touched her head like a lover. I was so kind that I felt jealous of my senior officer staring at me dazed.

At that moment, she took off her panties and began to have sex naturally. He didn't know how to have sex openly, but he stared blankly at her without saying anything.

The penis was inserted into the vagina of the emperor who lifted his butt like an animal walking on foot, and the waist was shaking naturally.

Just watching her in the background, Im Young Seon jumped over her head and burst. In the vagina that was not wearing panties because I was so excited just to see it, the mouthwash was pouring down.

I didn't think so, but the last one ended with a vaginal issue. I was really surprised to see semen flowing from the vagina of the empress, but she didn't say anything. Rather, I couldn't stand the excitement that bloomed in my heart. I wanted to hug and kiss the poem right away.

My body and mind were getting corrupt. I knew I shouldn't do this, but I couldn't stand wanting to do obscene things with the poem.

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