Dragon's Legacy

00584 Civilization Advancement Reg

It was a complicated feeling, wanting to do dirty things with the situation, but I got a little jealous of having sex with other women like that. It was a little strange to be jealous of having sex with other women without allowing them to have sex, but it was not that rational.

“Professor, I need to go to the bathroom again. ”

“Huh? Well, yeah. ”

I was in a complicated mood and suddenly the situation said that I wanted to go to the bathroom again. Im Young Seon was embarrassed and took the situation to the bathroom again. However, as soon as the door closed, suddenly, the poem hugged me.

“Poetry, what are you doing? ”

“I wanted to do it with you, too. But you're not going to let anyone see you. That's why I came to a place I couldn't see. ”

“I'll do it later, okay? You're embarrassed to be here. I'll do whatever the pope wants later, so just be patient. ”

Im Young Seon was embarrassed, but she couldn't hide her joy. When I saw him having sex with another woman, I had a horrible reality that I had never felt before. If I continue to refuse, somehow, the situation seemed like an old woman like her wouldn't even look at me.

In fact, I thought that every single one around the poem was filled with beautiful women who were blinded by their eyes. It was almost as if there was little attraction among such beautiful women as themselves. I had a relationship just because the poem liked it. Ordinarily, I could never have a close relationship with a man like the poem.

“Okay... next time, then. ”

The poem replied grudgingly and tried to leave the bathroom. But something didn't feel right. Somehow, I felt anxious that if I sent the poem like this, it would be far away from me. Thinking about the roses, I tried to protect the situation and the line as much as possible, but my body already knew the pleasures of the situation. The distance between the poem and the poem was just terrible.

“Okay, then do what the pope wants. ”

“Yes? Really? Oh, no. I don't want to, but you're forcing it because of me. Professor hates it, but I don't want to force it. I feel like I'm hurting you. ”

“I'm not trying to force you. I was a little embarrassed and refused...”

Im Young-seon hugged the situation. The situation that made me think of myself like that was so pretty and lovely. In fact, I was still embarrassed, but there was nothing that the poem couldn't do for me. I was jealous and jealous of her just making love, and at the same time gave me confidence that I didn't know why.

“I want to put it in because you like it... but you're just bothering me. ”

“Absolutely not. I know he's cute and adorable, but that's... that's just 'cause I'm not used to it. I have roses... but the pope wants them, so even if I'm a little embarrassed, I'll give it a try. So do what the pope wants. ”

“Really? Are you sure you're okay? ”

“Yeah, I'm fine. If our pope wants to put it in, put it in. I've already put it in a few times anyway, what difference does it make if I put it in again? What should I do instead? It's hard for the pope to get pregnant. ”

“Thank you. I love you so much. Professor.”

When the poem hugged and kissed her, she closed her eyes and tasted. I decided to do what the poem wanted to do with ease. I didn't have an affair with the poem, and I already realized the joy the poem gives me, but if I keep rejecting it, it was also harsh on me. I felt sorry for Rose, but it was already irreversible.

After finishing the kiss, the executive officer lowered the poem's trousers. Again, a lot of erectile genitals were spilling Cooper's fluid. How can you refuse the poem's request if you like yourself so old? Even though I felt a little guilty for Rose, even though I was so pretty and nice, I wanted to do what the poem wanted.

The poem lifted the foreman's skirt and forced him to lift one leg off the toilet. The legs flared and the brown petals appeared blatantly. It was dew on the petals to moisten whether she had just been excited by the sex.

Unlike usual, the poem dug his face in between his crotch and licked his vagina. Im Young Seon shivered with a fiercely blooming sensation, but her face turned red with shame. I have very little experience making love so blatantly, so I never got used to it.

“Sissy, just put it in. We have to hurry. We don't want anyone else coming. ”

“I was so happy that I wanted to lick it. But you look so sexy in here. I'm so excited to see it. ”

“Boo, don't be ashamed to say that. Put it in quickly. ”

“Okay, I'll put it in. ”

The poem inserted a penis into the vagina of the executive line that was spreading its legs.


I tried to hold it down so that I couldn't hear the sound outside, but even with the insertion, the groaning sounded strange from the foreman's mouth.

“I'm going to shake it. ”

The pope had sex slowly moving his lower back. Because I instinctively knew how to control the intensity of the action to make it feel the most intense pleasure, the poem tried to move rhythmically and give the best pleasure.


Rough groaning continues to flow from his mouth. I tried to endure it, but it was not a pleasant temper. When I think about it, I've only been drunk and affectionately since I had sex, but this was the first time I've ever had proper sex.

I was so drunk at the time, I didn't even remember how good I felt. However, this exhilaration that I felt when I was sober was impossible to resist to a man named the poem. I felt a tremendous sense of excitement as I couldn't remember that there was Jung Miju out there, and my head was white with endless groaning.

At some point, I felt a strong emotion as I was shaking my back. Since the Executive Director told her to assess outside, but she was not worried about getting pregnant anyway, the situation remained within the quality of the Executive Director. Then I kissed an executive who had a very sexy face.

“Ha... ha... I can't do it inside...”

Im Young Seon took a deep breath and hugged the situation. The excitement of the poem was so intense that no moral judgment could be made. There were not many women around for no reason. It was impossible for a human being to refuse such a cheerful man.

In fact, it was right to say that it is impossible to overcome the pleasure of the situation beyond the female chain because Elves and even dragons cannot overcome the pleasure of slavery and the promise of slavery.

“I'm sorry. I love it. I packed it inside. ”

“It's going to be okay. Today is a safe day…”

I was worried, but I was glad it was a safe day.

The penis was removed and the semen from the vagina was cleaned. The paper towel was always soaking wet as it was always in large quantities. He asked his boss to suck his penis without exception, and he was embarrassed and did what the city wanted.

“Are you satisfied?”

I sat down, sucking his dick, and Lee Young Seon asked the city.

“It was really good. Next time, we have private sex at my house. I'll do it all day. ”

“She's got good energy. Okay, I'll do whatever you want me to do when you get out of here. ”

Im Young-sun tasted the sweet pleasures of whispering secretly like a lover. At first, I hated the situation so much that I was told to part with the rose, but my relationship became like this. I didn't know it was a real person's job.

I also wore panties that I had taken off earlier. Then I went to the bathroom with the poem. I was embarrassed before, but now I'm even more embarrassed after sex. Jung Mi-ju smiled strangely, and his face turned pale quickly.

As the poem lay on the bed, Hwang Mi-ju and Lim Young Seon looked after him with extreme care. As I was talking briefly, there was a loud noise outside the room. After a moment, the door opens carefully.

Hye Mi, Rose, and Praise and Aru came together.

“I met him up front. ”

Chan briefly explained.

The rose that followed surprised me a little when she saw that there was a executive line.

“Huh? Mom, when did you get here? ”

“Ugh, yeah. Bar, just now. I stopped by after work. Hey, I need to talk to you about something. ”

Im Young Seon said that Rose was here because of work in case she suspected it, but she was greatly embarrassed.

“I see. What am I supposed to say? ”

Rose nodded and pretended to accept. In fact, there was nothing bad as a rose because she was noticeably good to herself after meeting the situation. He wasn't even his boyfriend anyway. I was surprised that my mother, who was usually intelligent and a thief, was embarrassed.

While Rose was talking, Hye Mi stood beside the poem and asked her hello. Whenever I saw the poem wrapped around my body, my heart ached and tears welled up in Hye Mi's eyes.

“Jules, it hurts a lot, doesn't it? You were hurt by me before, but you got hurt again... and I don't know why this keeps happening. ”

“It's okay. You're not hurt. That's enough for me. ”


Hye-mi and the other women beside her were greatly moved. How can a person be so kind and kind? However, he was not just a good person, but he pretended to be good at his job, so he was a good person to appear in a novel. Therefore, it was natural that women would not break up around me.

A few moments later, another woman came to visit. It was Eunji, familiarity, and Hyunju who came back from work. Over time, the women gathered inside, and the vast room of the poem was filled with beautiful women.

While the poem was having sex with beautiful women and receiving medical greetings, Han Gang-gyu was living a hell of a life.

It was hard enough being in a filthy jail without a woman to fulfill her desires or an expensive bed, but I felt nervous and alive thinking that even parasites were eating organs in my body.

“The High Priestess himself committed a crime. He killed all the people I hired and fed me parasitic worms that were digging up organs. Why are you holding on to me and leaving the Crown Prince alone? He killed people, too! ”

Han Kang-gyu, who was trembling and talking nonstop, later shouted like a scream. The Apocalypse was a bastard who killed people. Even if he was a criminal, I saw him stick a knife in his body. However, he was treated as a hero and he was treated as a villain in the world. No one knew the atrocities committed by the Apocalypse.

“Tsk, tsk, you're completely insane. ”

The policeman who was watching from the front kicked his tongue. Hangang Kyu continued to say that he had committed crimes, but no one believed such crazy words in the world. When police broke into the warehouse that Han Gang-gyu had kidnapped, only traces of the kidnapping remained. Most of them fled quickly, so they were currently in pursuit and some were already caught.

As Han Gang-gyu said, if he killed the Crown Prince, there would be blood or a corpse stabbed in the warehouse, but there was no such thing.

Moreover, even though the parasitic worm that Hangang Kyu continued to feed his body, there was nothing wrong with his health about how well he usually ate and lived. Apparently, he lived as the son of the chairman of a large business, but he committed a big crime and got caught, so he seemed to be a little out of his mind.

“This whole thing is wrong! Why am I the only one who's guilty if he likes girls as much as I am? ”

Han Kang-gyu kept shouting. However, I did not vomit out my anger at the situation, just throwing up my displeasure. I was terribly afraid to think of the word revenge. The fear of the poem was engraved on my body and mind. I didn't even want to see the face of the poem.

The police officer stared at Han Kang-gyu, who kept shouting that it was unfair.

“Touch the Crown Princess, and she'll say she likes the president that much. This is the end of your life. ”

The president was famous for talking endlessly about the situation when he went to the official statue. I always tell people how proud I am of Quezron to follow the example, and even when the top foreign dignitaries came, I used to boast about Quezron for a long time.

So much so that the president was so fond of the situation that he visited the police department in person and urged the police commissioner to find the culprit as soon as possible.

Han Gang-gyu was the only one to touch the person who should not be touched.

There was only a dark gloom on Han Gang-gyu's face in the prison.

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