Dragon's Legacy

00600 Civilization Advancement Reg

The executive line was meticulously organized. I knew this was the most important day of my life. This paper was worth shaking up the world and creating a huge uproar. If I studied it properly, I did not dare to imagine what products would come out later and make a big difference in the world.

Since I shouldn't be foolish on this day, Im Young Seon took a light breath while looking in the mirror, calming her mind as much as she could.

“There's still plenty of time. You're a little nervous, aren't you? ”

The academic competition was held at 2 p.m., so I still had time. Given the preparation time, I had about an hour to spare.

“I'm sorry. I'm so nervous. This is the most important announcement I've ever had. ”

Im Young Seon searched the materials in the living room again. I memorized the endless announcements, but I couldn't stop nervous.

The poem hugged the executive line looking through the data.

“You want me to loosen you up? ”

“Ugh, yeah? How?"

The poem did not answer, but touched Jung Young Seon's butt. A garment made from Quezron, filled with extreme texture and soft senses. Since the clothes were prepared with care, Im Young Seon was modest but elegant.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You shouldn't have done this before. ”

“No one knows you're going to do it anyway. This is the best way to relax. ”

When the poem kissed, the executive officer was a little difficult, but did not refuse. It became a natural atmosphere. She was nervous when she pulled up her skirt and panties down, and even with a kiss, she was wet with water.

I had sex by leaning against the wall next to the mirror and slowly inserting the penis. The loud groaning was vomited from his mouth. I was so nervous just now that I was having sex that I was dominated by pleasure and couldn't think of anything.

The situation was as it was inside the executive line. An executive who was groaning loudly longed for a kiss from the poem. It was clearly different from before, but now it was completely accepting the situation.


As he breathed lightly and pulled out his penis, semen flowed down from the foreman's jaw, without any elegance and quietly. She looked very sexy because she was blushing her face differently from her neat and original appearance for publishing the paper.

“Now you're relaxed, right? ”

“Ha... I shouldn't have done this...”

Im Young Seon, who was sighing violently at the feeling of pleasure, once again had a difficult face. Sex before a world-changing paper. Of course, the people around me didn't know it, but I was quite embarrassed. However, as the poem said, since I was so nervous and trembling so far, I am now at peace like a calm lake. Is it the sex? Anyway, the situation relaxes me a lot.

The poem cleaned up the semen, and the foreman put his panties back on and tidied up the bird of clothing. Naturally, there was no trace of just having sex, but the quiet and original beauty was shining.

After all the arrangements had been made, the city went down to the parking lot with the executive ship. I drove myself to the academic conference. It was a fairly large academic competition at a multi-purpose hall in Gangnam, Seoul. When I went near the academy chair, I saw some people in neat suits.

I stopped the car in the parking lot and went to the academic conference with Young-seon. Outside the hall, there was a sign that the academic competition would be held at 2 o'clock.

As the poem walked, there was already a rumbling sound around. Middle-aged people in suits continued to look at the situation. I wasn't even looking at it. I was looking at it with my own eyes.

Several journalists who were preparing in advance took a picture as soon as they saw the situation. Everyone was greatly surprised because they didn't think that the situation would come to this place.

In front of the waiting room, the officer stood up and thanked the city.

“Thank you, papa. You can go now. I've been trying so hard to make an announcement about you and Lunamos. ”

“I'm going to watch. ”

“Huh? Are you going to watch? Aren't you busy?”

“That's enough time for the professor to make his presentation. I look forward to it. But I don't think I can do it because people are staring at me. ”

The last word whispered slightly to the ear of Lim Young Line. Then, his face turned red.

“That's okay. I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I want you to celebrate when it's over. ”

“Okay, cheer up. ”

“Yes, then I'll go in. ”

Im Young Seon carved the poem once more into the eye and went to the waiting room to prepare, while the poem sat on a chair in the hallway and waited for a while. Then one of the reporters who had taken the picture before approached.

“Hello, High Priestess. Do you mind if I interview you for a minute? ”

“Sure, I'm fine. ”

“Thank you."

The white reporter immediately took out his smartphone and started recording. Then I gathered around the Golden Age. Suddenly, I surrounded a large number of people's poetry.

“Do you mind if I ask why you're here today for the Science of Neuroscience competition? ”

“I'm here because someone I know is publishing a very special paper today. I am personally very helpful, and I am very excited that today's announcement will change the future. ”

The situation was explained calmly. I've interviewed so many times, I'm not even nervous anymore.

“Do you know who that is? ”

“I am an executive professor at Seoul National University. I think the world is going to get a lot of attention with this talk as we've done a lot of research and a lot of work to transform the world. You can count on it. ”

“It seems that the Crown Prince has great expectations of Professor Lim Young-seon! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of opportunity did you two have? ”

“Personal circumstances, however, help us prepare for a new business in Quezron. He plays a crucial role without Professor Lim. ”

“Ah! I see. Can you give us a little hint as to what the new business is? ”

“Well, I'm being very secretive right now, so it's hard to say a lot, but it's not far, so I'm going to launch something that has a new concept. I think you're going to have a whole new level of experience that you've never had before. ”

“I've always wondered what business you care so much about in Quezron! Thank you so much for taking the long interview. ”

This concluded the interview with the journalist. The people listening to the surroundings expressed great interest in what kind of new business Kezron is planning. If you look at the products Kezron has given, there can be no exaggeration in the words of the poem as they differ from other ordinary products. Rather, it was Kesron, which breaks people's minds and makes more products, and perhaps it launched something even bigger than the poem said, that would change the world forever.

Obviously, the situation had become an icon of innovation that would change the world. Even though there has been such an image before, when we launched Keslon Zero, we were immersed in the image that the poem is an innovative person who can change the future.

After the interview, I waited for a while, and people came to attend the academic conference.

I sat at the designated position and waited for the commencement because I had already told the academic competition in advance. As the poem sat down, every new person opened their eyes and took a picture.

The hall is quite wide. The academic competition began after all the preparations had been made.

The poem came out of a man in his 50s who did not know who he was, opened a company, and then a famous professor overseas came out to congratulate him.

After a boring process, the full presentation began. A middle-aged professor came out and published a paper on brain engineering. The whole situation was difficult to understand, but it was certainly not as innovative as the article to be published by the Executive Director.

After the announcement, the executive line walked out. A young woman who looked like a celebrity stood on the platform dressed elegantly and skillfully.


You hear a low sound of admiration around you. Not just plain pretty, but with the extreme beauty to dominate the throne, everyone was amazed.

“Hello, I'm Professor of Biotechnology at Seoul University. ”

Im Young Seon introduced herself. Then a few people nearby muttered.

“Was she that pretty? She was pretty, but she wasn't that young and pretty, right? Did you use Kezron cosmetics? ”

“Heeya, how elegant is she? You're not like the other 40s. I haven't seen him in a while. ”

She was so pretty that everyone was more interested in her beauty than the presentation on the big screen.

The poem glances around and mutters faintly.

“Focus, understand, and be moved. ”

It was a short word. I'd say some nonsense next to it, but it was a list of words to use as terminology. It was an emotional announcement that increased attention, increased understanding and motivated Executive Producer's speech.

“The paper I'm going to publish today is about understanding information using EEG and transmitting information through electrical signals. ”

At the sound of Lee Young-sun's voice, the people who were murmuring focused at once. Thanks to the saga, people heard the Foreman's announcement with more concentration than ever before.

Im Young-seon announced as she practiced several times. At first, the faces of the people who were listening with little attention to their faces gradually changed from surprised to frightened. It was just as great as what the Executive Director was saying.

“Is that possible? ”

Someone in the vicinity mutters very low. According to the Forest Line, it was possible to make a device that recognizes and operates brainwaves, while simultaneously producing a device that transmits information that can transmit senses directly to the brain.

I didn't think it would be this great, so the people who were sitting began to get drunk. Of course, this announcement did not change everything at once, but it had the potential to significantly change the future.

Earlier in the interviews with the poem, people immediately realized that the product that they were preparing in Quezron was related to Foreman's paper.

Those who were already sitting here felt at once that his paper would shake the world greatly. It was a revolutionary announcement that everyone felt, even though it wasn't a poem.

The academic competition was concluded under the same applause as Ureda.

In addition to interviews with the city, a brief article was published by the Executive Director and published in the news. People who watched the news expressed great interest in the interview that the city was preparing a new concept of products.

Ordinary people did not know how great the paper published by the Executive Director was, secondly, of great interest. Although he was in his mid-40s rather than his papers, he expressed great interest in the appearance of a quiet and elegant executive line while appearing to be in his late 20s. However, those who studied or majored in the subject matter were greatly shocked by the articles published by the Executive Director.

Some of the competent individuals wrote a brief summary of the content to the general community of how great a paper was published by Executive Group members.

[The understanding of information using electromagnetic waves and the dissemination of information via electrical signals that we just published is absolutely ridiculous. You may not understand what I'm saying because of difficult formulas or content, but there is a way to understand the value of this paper at once. What? This is the paper that allows you to create virtual reality games. You don't believe it? But that's the paper you can do. The idea of recognizing the information sent to the EEG and transmitting it with an electrical signal is that we can actually go into virtual reality and feel all the senses...]

People expressed great interest when they solved the paper as easily as possible and explained the contents of the paper related to the virtual reality game. I was not sure when I saw the summary of the paper, but I reached a big point because the foundation for making virtual reality games was created.

[Oi, Kezron says he's working on a new concept. Maybe he's building a virtual reality game?]

[I've just come up with this concept, but it's hard to play virtual reality games, even in Quezron. Some people think it's conceptual, but they don't understand it, and that Kesron is going to make a virtual reality game --_-;]

[When it comes to kezron-related rumors, you always say you can't, but you're better than a rumor. Blah blah blah blah blah. You don't get hit once or twice. There's a lot of people who believe in their knowledge and are unconditional. blah blah]

Even though it was not once or twice, there were many people who thought that it might be possible because it was vague, even though it was now realistically impossible. That's how much Quezron's status has risen.

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