Dragon's Legacy

00601 Civilization Advancement Reg

The paper was also introduced overseas. Professor John MacTriber, renowned for being an authority on brain engineering, read a paper published by Executive Director, saying that it will revolutionize the future of humanity by sending every possible compliment in English.

Even Pudit, the most famous community in the United States, was keen to reveal tens of thousands of comments on posts published by Executive Group members.

In the meantime, some people posted information to the community about how they were finding developers related to the game in Quezron. It clearly contained information that it was looking for different types of developers.

People who said they might make virtual reality games in Quezron for fun did not hide their surprise from developer job information.

[Quezron is gathering game developers. The High Priestess showed me something new, and I never imagined it would be a game. But can we make a proper game in Quezron? In fact, I can't even imagine what kind of game Quezron is making these days, because I can't see the state of the Korean games.]

[The mayor of the city told me that he played a key role in the interview. And Professor Lim published an innovative paper on receiving or sending information into the brain. What does this tell us? At first, they said they might make a virtual reality game out of jokes, but I think it might be true when I look at the collection of game developers in Quezron.]

[Aigoo, but the virtual reality game is so unrealistic. There's probably no technical skills involved because the paper has just been published, and it's just been picked by the developers, and it's weird that the right game is coming out. I think we look at the future in Quezron and we vote for developers.]

[But wouldn't it be possible with Quezron? I don't think so, but I think the concept itself is going to make a different game, because it's Kestron. Technology is the best in the world, just like kidnapping aliens. Who knew cell phone camera quality would surpass DSLR before it came out of Quezron Zero? You'd laugh at me if I wrote something like that. I believe in the crazy technology of Quezron.]

[Let's not overdo it. It's true that Quezron has a lot of technology, but virtual reality games are on a different level of implementation difficulty. There's no way I'm going to write a paper about it. There are a lot of people who say that it's possible to develop over the next decades because you don't know it and you don't necessarily know it because it's Kezron. Even in Quezron, virtual reality games are currently impossible to create.]

[I work in a related industry. Virtual reality games at this point are too over-technology. Developing a virtual reality game like a brain, not a VR device, is like taking a flying car tomorrow and traveling to another planet. It's impossible to create a virtual reality game with no technology, just concepts.]

[But you can do it with Kestron. - Whenever you make something in Quezron, you make it all happen by swearing it's impossible. I got information from Quezron that I was making a smartphone, so I said I wasn't technologically competent enough to make a crappy one, and what was the result? Overseas media say 50 years is a phone made with advanced technology. I think Quezron can make a virtual reality game.]

[If you look at people who say they can make a virtual reality game, they believe it's all possible because it's an unsubstantiated Kestron. I admit that Quezron made a good product, but it's impossible to make it logical. I can't make anything impossible out of Quezron, so look at the reality.]

[No, but you said that on your smartphone, right? You're trying to embarrass me again.

[Shame on you.]

The community has already been fiercely fighting over the absence of the ability of Kezron to create virtual reality games. However, unlike before, the technology itself seemed to have abducted aliens to make it impossible for Kestron to say it was possible.

Whether to fight on the Internet or not, the situation accelerated the development of virtual reality games. With a lot of money, he recruited the best developers in the world, and built a device to receive and transmit information to the brain along with a foreman, and even asked for stability.

It was a long and rough way to go to develop a virtual reality game, but I stepped through it.

On the tablet, I looked at the community reaction and pressed the quest icon.

[Publish a paper that will advance your civilization.] [Completed] [EXP 100000]

You gained up to 100,000 XP in a single encounter. I was getting closer to level 8 through smartphone development and various quests. You can now reach level 8 with just a little more experience.

When he examined the quest, he looked at what else he needed to do to gain experience at level 8. Developing the virtual reality game itself gave me considerable experience, and depending on the number of players, I was also able to gain tremendous experience.

But this is a project that has just begun, so we don't even know when the game will be completed and can be played.

At this point, the only way to gain experience was to target the entire planet, develop civilization, or to win against a powerful enemy. Like a high-level online game, the experience didn't seem to be full by catching low-level monsters.

For now, it was the most realistic way to grow YouTube in Aru and increase the number of views. I had already secured a significant number of subscribers by uploading videos of Aru consistently. It was so pretty that some people came to see it and some people came to see the cat because it was cute. The combination of a cute cat and a playful video of a beautiful woman could not fail.

What was also possible was a contemporary fanfic novel and a disruptive webtoon. I thought that if I wrote the story with the correct string and spawned a webtoon, I might get the right one. This side also had endless possibilities because it was possible to film successfully.

The poem looked at the tablet and looked at the quests to accomplish to reach level 8 before getting up from bed. Looking out the wide window, the warm sun was rising.

When I went out to the living room, it was quiet as usual. It was early in the afternoon, so I went to college or went to work, so there was some silence, but it was quite rare not to have Aroo in the living room. Usually, watching cartoons or watching TV in the living room was a common day in Aru.

The curious poem ascends to Aru's room on the second floor. On the second floor, you hear the sound of playing in the nearby Fring's room. I heard enough noise as it was the poem, but I was distracted by what game I was playing.

Fring was a hundred people who didn't work and only played games at home and only drank food, but he didn't hate or dislike it because he had something to use later if he worked hard like that. Rather, I liked the fact that I came to an unfamiliar world and focused on something like that without loneliness. As much as I brought them from another planet, I was obliged to take care of them.

The poem opened during Aru's visit. I thought I might be sleeping, but I was looking at something with a depressed face like the aru sitting on the bed was crying for a moment. Did he see some sad cartoons?

“Aruya, what are you doing? ”

“Oh, brother. It's nothing.”

You hid the tablet Aru was looking at backwards. I don't know if you're just looking, but the town immediately realized something bad was happening while hiding the tablet awkwardly backwards.

“Is something wrong? ”

The poem sat next to the aru and kindly asked. In the eyes of the large aru, it seemed like tears were going to fall soon. I felt sorry for Aru, but he looked so cute.

“Brother... you know what? Can't I stay with you? ”

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

“I didn't think I'd like to be with you...”

Suddenly, the situation did not immediately understand what Aru said. Who said anything to Aru? No matter how much I think about it, none of the girls at home said such bad things to Aru. Everyone cared about Aru like a brother. However, it seemed like he would be really shocked if he did.

“Who? Who says that? ”

“People. They said I can't have boyfriends...”

“People? You see YouTube comments or something? ”

“Yes, I saw that. ”

“Really? That's good. ”

The situation was relieved. I didn't think it was possible for girls to say such bad things to Aru. It was Aru who was loved by women more than anyone else. Yumi was always the kinder and kinder to Aru, even the praise of trees.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to be apart from you. My brother is so good. ”

Aru hugged the poem and buried his face. The poem smiled and stroked her head with a nice smile, saying that a cute and pure girl wanted to be with her all her life. Then I decided to find out who the hell said that to Aru. The expression of the poem that gave Aru a smile became fierce. It was a much angrier look than when I was beaten by Han Gang-gyu.

“Of course we'll be together forever. Don't worry, Aruna. And give me your tablet. I'll see what I can find out. ”

“Yes, I'm here. ”

As soon as Aroo handed over the tablet, the poem immediately checked YouTube. Recently uploaded videos have 600,000 views. It was also a popular video with over 2,000 comments.

Checked video comments Most of the compliments were cute, pretty, and fit well with cats, but there were annoying comments in the middle.

[It's disgusting to pretend to be cute. Everything's calibrated.

Am I the only one who's annoyed by you pretending to be cute? I don't know why men like that kind of thing.]

[Honestly, isn't she beautiful? There are so many prettier kids than that. Why are they so popular?]

[She has a lot of money? Quezron Zero, huh?]

[But who's filming it? Isn't this from your boyfriend? Male voice remains.]

[It's true;;; It's not like you have a boyfriend;;;; If you have a boyfriend, you can unsubscribe immediately]

[Is it because of the Quezron Zero that the Crown Prince is your boyfriend? I don't know anyone else, but I can't forgive him for being my boyfriend.]

As soon as I saw the part of the comment, I still felt a slight mix-up of the voice of the poem. Most people didn't care how they found out about this, but some people questioned whether he was their boyfriend. Moreover, people who saw Aru's face or actions wrote a terrible comment, but it seemed the most shocking that Aru should not have a boyfriend.

Seeing that Aru looks so pretty and cute, it seemed to me that there were people who liked her too much and that I was quite concerned that she might be a boyfriend. It was like it was controversial for Idol to have a boyfriend.

The poem provoked those who made Aru depressed by commenting without manners. Aruya seemed shocked by the fact that she didn't care about other bad comments and that she shouldn't have a boyfriend, but she still couldn't forgive those who said bad things to Aruya who loved her. However, it was not possible to have a physical event. I hit him with a little friendship, but it wasn't like a normal person would die if I had any strength at all. And I couldn't help but notice that there was an annoying comment. So what do we do?

The poem's head moved quickly. I've already been reminded of a few specific situations. I also took this opportunity to think about ways to dramatically increase YouTube views. Suddenly, a fanfic of Hyundai came to mind. The popularity of Hyundai Fanfic meant that there were many people who thought of themselves as a lover and had surrogate satisfaction.

Deliver surrogates who seem to be in love with themselves through the Aru? I thought about it a lot, but somehow it wasn't bad. Rather, it was a difficult way to use it unless it was as popular as it is now. It could also be a great shock to those who insulted or obsessed with the appearance of Aru. I may have said it myself, but being a boyfriend was more enviable than anything else. This was truly a great way of revenge.

What is it that women envy and what men want? We decided to ask for the opinion of ordinary women and step by step to prepare for the process.

“Then Aruya, should I put my brother and I love each other on YouTube? Then you'll know that people like Aru and me. ”

Instead, it was first to comfort Aru right now. I was sad just to look at Aru's face with a depressed look.

“Like you and your brother? Are you putting up sucking your dick? ”

“No, not like that. It's okay to date or kiss outside. ”

The situation was a little embarrassed when I mentioned the lewd behavior as if the aru was natural. If I posted something like that on YouTube, my account was immediately suspended.

“Aru loves kissing you too. I want to go up and show people my brother. ”

Aru's face just brightened. I really liked the fact that they showed people the poem and how they liked each other. I was quite envious that Yumi and other women were posting pictures like the poem while browsing the internet.

Aru hugs the poem and buries his face. I liked the situation too much.

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