Dragon's Legacy

00603 Civilization Advancement

For those who thought of Aru as a hypothetical lover, it would be shocking to have a relationship with the poem, but on the contrary, there were also those who admired him as surrogates. The person who was shocked saw the video and turned to him favorably.

The poetry did not cause any controversy or criticism, but the purity of the aru became more prominent and many people became attracted to it. Relevant to the situation, videos spread throughout the community and people who were naturally attracted to Aru increased.

The poem visited the modern writer's room late at night to ask how women or men would feel about surrogacy.

“What should I do? What I'm thinking about right now is cooking. ”

“I think it's best to show her how pure you are as you say you are. Drinking with them, feeding them. ”

“You mean Aroo kissing you with a drink in his mouth? ”

“That's so gross. And it doesn't fit with the image of the aru. Aru doesn't seem to know anything we need to see. ”

“What's wrong with that? Like your novel, you should lick it off of my important parts. ”

“Oh, no... it's a novel about women...”

Hyundai's face turned red all at once, and his throat and ears turned red. The parties said in person, so I was embarrassed and difficult to face.

“I'm kidding. I'm kidding. And you wanted to do that? Do you want to try it now?”

“Yes? It's...”

Hyunju could not refuse. Actually, what I wanted to do was right. I was embarrassed, so I couldn't say anything.

“Then bring some whipped cream. ”


Hyunju, who had an innocent face, went to the kitchen and carefully brought the cream. I was already excited and my heart trembled.

When I entered the room, the pope suddenly took off his pants. Hyunju, who swallowed a saliva, sprinkled raw cream on the penis and stayed in his mouth as the poem allowed. I felt the penis of the poem getting bigger with the sweet cream. As I was thinking, I was more excited than when I was writing, and a naturally harsh breath sounded out.

“And you know what? Do you want to try taming a normal girl's poem? ”

“Yes? How? ”

Hyunju, who was about to eat the cream again, was puzzled by the sudden revelation.

“I'm thinking of having the egg draw a webtoon with that material. I think she's a bit of a lightweight, so if you tell her a story, it'll make her pretty popular. ”

“Oh... but can I still let you out? ”

“Of course not. Instead, it's okay to create a character that looks like me, so you can fix the story. Of course, with nothing naughty, pure love. And I want you to think about how you're going to shoot a pure video with Aru. Am I asking for too much? ”

“No, it's okay. I'm just glad. ”

“Happy? Why? ”

“I'm just as helpful to you as the other girls. It always seems to be a problem...”

“Complaints. Hyun-joo is also my girlfriend. Then let's go on a date next time. ”

“Thank you. I'm delighted. ”

Hyunju smiled brightly. I thought pretty women were so many around and the value of the situation was rising so rapidly that I would no longer care about myself. But it wasn't. The poem thought of itself, sorry enough to think of it. The poem's love poured into my heart.

“I appreciate the joy, but isn't it hard? We're running out of time to run a cafe and write. So, why don't you quit your café work and just write? ”

“It's okay. I can do cafes. It's fun to work in a cafe. Caffeine is where my life changed. ”

“I'm glad to hear that. Do as you please. Now that I've said everything I need to say, let's have some fun. ”


“I want to try that, too. ”

The poem took the raw cream that Hyunju was holding and buried it on Hyundai's lips. And purity was an obscene kiss.

In the mouth of the contemporary who accepted the love of the poem, not the old shyness, but the attractive smile of the woman who was in love.

* *

The poem captured daily footage of a relationship with Aru as discussed with Hyunju. First, Aroo decided to shoot a video of cooking for the poem.

I put my fancy kitchen on the Irish dining table with my compliments and fancy groceries on camera. The camera captured the image of the plutocrats living a glamorous life. It is a video that makes me feel like a surrogate from the beginning, so I showed it as it is.

The recording began with a signal from the poem.

Aru looked at the camera and greeted the viewers first.

“Hello everyone. Aroo. I was so happy to read your comments. I don't know how moved Aru was. Thank you all, so I decided to cook for you today. Actually, I'm not that good at cooking, but I'll do my best for you! Today's dish is Han Woo steak. I'll start right away!”

The selection of cooking was commendable and I practiced how to do it in advance. It was also important to know how to do it appropriately because you could be blamed for playing with expensive materials if you were too poor.

Again, the poem encouraged Aru to look cute and adorable no matter what he did.

Aru seems skillful but makes a wrong mistake and proceeds with cooking. No matter what I made, it looked so cute and lovely that even the town wanted to run and hug Aru immediately.

Aru cooked hard, not knowing how cute he was. It was authentic, because it was genuine, as it always was, not pretentious, trying to make a video.

“Ah! It burns! I can't get on it. Hehe.”

Aru quickly put the meat on a plate, making a cute noise as if it were burning expensive beef.

“Thank God. It's been a while. I think I can eat this. You'll be fine because you're eating well. ”

Aru purely laughed and made all the side dishes. It was not because I learned to cook constantly from praise, but even though I saw that I was not very good at it, I did not find it very frustrating.

I finished cooking. Steak and side dishes were set on the dining table. The dishes in the fancy dishes looked delicious, but there was a booty pouring out.

“Boom! It's done. It looks delicious, but I don't know what to think. But I hope you like it because you made it with your strength. Then I'll go get my brother. ”

Aru brought the poem next to the camera and sat down at the dining table.

“I watched my brother cook next to me. Heheh heh. I want to hear your testimonials quickly. Does it look good? ”

“It looks delicious because of the aru. Can I try it now? ”

“Yes, tell me about it. Aru worked very hard on it. ”

“Okay, I'll try it. ”

The poem ate Aru's cooking. It was very tasty, even though it was a sour sauce made from the finest hanwoo. The outside was a little burnt and ripe, but I could feel the rich meat and juice.

“What do you think? Is it good? It's not that bad, right? ”

“This is delicious. I thought I'd ride a little, so I thought it'd be really good. ”

“Really? Thank God. Heheh. I'm glad. Thanks for telling me you're delicious. ”

Aru hugged the poem behind his back with great joy.

“Here, try the aru too. ”

The poet chopped the meat and forked it for Aru. Aru ignored the poem and ate the meat. Every action I did was so cute that it flooded.

“Yum, yummy. You're really good. Hehe.”

Aru smiles brightly after chewing the meat. It was really delicious, as the poem said. Aru continued to eat meat, kissing the cheek of the poem slightly and smiling cutely. The poem smiled lightly, looking at that aura.

“Aroo, let's eat together. Sit next to me.”


Aru sat next to the poem and ate while feeding him meat. The praises that were being filmed were also smiled with delight.

“Ah! That's right. That's all for today's recording. I have to keep eating with my brother. Heh heh. Well, goodbye! See you later. ”

The recording was completed with a sudden greeting from Aru during the meal. Of course, this was also how the poem taught us to do it.

I finished recording and compliments came to eat with him. After recording, Chan bought a lot of meat to make his own steak for the girls.

After finishing eating, the poem went to the room and edited the video. Again, it was a video full of the adorable Aru. I edited and uploaded the video to maximize the cuteness of the aru as briefly as possible.

Suddenly, there were a lot of comments. It was a short edited video, and he looked at it quickly and left a commentary.

The poem looked at the comments.


I'm so jealous.

[Keep filming this. I've seen it three times because it was so much fun.

[Aru is cute ㅋ ㅋ But more like a sister than a lover ㅋ Of course there is no sister like that in reality]

[I want to date a girl like Aru. Leave a comment for someone as cute as Aroo.]

[Nice house. It's a kitchen gack.]

The reaction was explosive. Everyone felt surrogate to the relationship between Aru and the poem and showed tremendous reactions. Previously, the video of Aroo touching the cat was also responsive, but now there is no comparison.

Moreover, I can see the personal picture of the poem. Apart from young women, older women also watched TV like they were watching television. So there were a lot of comments that Aroo was cute, but against the sweetness of the poem.

It was the power of the words of the poem, the beauty of the aru, and the existence of the poem itself.

The poem used terminology to acquire the languages of many populated countries, such as Chinese, and translated YouTube videos into languages from many countries around the world. As the day passed, the number of views on the video continued to rise, and thanks to the multiple languages, it grew explosively and passed 10 million lightly.

It's not every day, but I keep filming and uploading it. Unlike before, it was more common for Aroo to touch the cat, but it was mainly a video of a sweet relationship with the poem. In addition to South Korea, these explosive videos were also commented on by people from around the world.

I suddenly came up with a good idea when I was filming Aruwa and posting a video. Immediately, the poem went to the castle library in Quezron and found famous songs on other planets. Soon after, I found a song that I really liked and collaborated with Hwang Mi-ju to complete a new song.

The song that the poem completed was the song that Aru sang. After gaining popularity, we decided to write a song about our love. I made it because I thought I would get better video views than just wanting to do it.

The poem brought Aru directly to the recording room used the dragon language to maximize his singing skills and make his eardrum melt so cute that even a man or woman could hear it. To this was also added the intense addictive, i.e. enchanting ability to spray msg.

The song was recorded with all sorts of magic behind it, and the song was completed to satisfy the situation greatly. But it didn't end here. As it was a video, I needed a music video to fill the screen. The poem took Aru to Quezron's castle and photographed it, and a cute and beautiful video was made that shook my heart.

The poem uploaded a complete song video to YouTube.

It was a sweet, refreshing love song that Aru sang. Rather than lamenting, Aru's feelings about the poem were always cute and refreshing.

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