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The title was [I like him]. It was a simple title to express the contents of the lyrics as they were.

In a music video, more adorable than ever, Aru jumped into a beautiful garden with a cat in the background of Quezron Castle or spun around in a flower garden to create a cute and adorable scene.

The background sound of the video played a song by Aru, but the song of Aru kept ringing in my head without me even knowing how addictive I felt when I heard it for a moment.

Although the images that had been uploaded so far had a good reaction, this was not comparable to that time. As the rhythm with a fierce addiction, the cute voice of a melting eardrum, and a beautiful movie, men, women, and children continued to listen to the song of the aru.

And as songs began to become popular in many countries around the world, views exploded. In one day, it was over 1 million, and when I woke up, it was 3 million. And the next day, with seven million views, the growth of views grew.

Comments alone made Korean language difficult to find around the world. Most of them were commended for saying that the aru was too cute or beautiful in the background.

YouTube's growth did not stop. At some point, over 100 million views reached 300 million views. It was achieved in less than a month. At this point, it was getting fewer and fewer views, but it was still too crowded to count, and I had no idea how many more views it would get.

So far, I introduced [I like him] to various media as always, and with freshness and cuteness, I was chosen as the favorite song for children.

So the poem registered songs on various sound recording sites, and when he went out into the street, it was booming enough that he could often hear the songs by Aru. Even though I was not a singer, I beat all the singers who were hot, and I ranked # 1 on all soundsites.

Since it became popular, media outlets, air waves, cable TV, etc. rejected the whole situation. Aru was not interested in popularity or money at all and did not want to do such a annoying job.

This popularity resulted in a significant amount of EXP. I was quite close to level 8 one day. Now, if I get a little more XP, I'll get to level 8, but the amount was quite large. It was not an experience worth doing small things. However, he knew how to get experience points easily in this situation.

The poem contacted Hwang Mi-sun.

* *

Early morning on weekdays.

He dressed up and sat on the living room couch and waited. Just a moment, Aru slowly walked down from the second floor.

Unlike usual, Aru was dressed quite well. Black stockings with high quality legs and elegant lines of coats looked young, but showed a different intelligent and mature beauty than the usual aesthetic.

“Brother, I'm all dressed up. ”

Aru ran to the poem and hugged him. Even with sexy makeup, the behavior was no different than the usual aura.

“Did Chan pick out your clothes? ”

“Yes, Chan Mi said that if I wore it like this, my brother would like it. Do I look pretty? ”

“Yes, it's beautiful. ”

The poem kissed Aru's lips slightly. A bright smile spreads across Aru's mouth.

“Then let's go. ”

“I'm excited. Heheh. ”

I rode to the zoo in my car with a joyful aru with a pure smile. I parked in the parking lot and first blurred my existence with words. This way, I could comfortably watch the animals without any commotion.

As I got out of the parking lot, Aru looked around in strange eyes. The zoo was filled with young lovers who looked like college students and elderly people with clear hair because of their weekdays.

I disconnected my ticket and entered the zoo. I slowly walked around the zoo holding Aru's hand. Aru watched the animals with a brighter expression than usual, since it was the first time he came to the zoo.

“Hey, look. I saw that on TV. ”

Aru took the poem and lay back and went to the resting bear. The bear lies helpless and breathes for no reason.

“Aw, that's cute. This hair looks super soft. ”

Seeing such a bear, Aru was so cute that he couldn't help it.

I had never seen an aru so delightful. I suddenly remembered the first time I met Aru, which was so bright that I couldn't even compare with before. I was so scared that I couldn't even look myself in the eye and trembled.

“Go over there. There's a cute wolf. ”

Aru took the poem to where there were several wolves this time. The wolf was also walking around in a cage with nothing to do.

“Aww, that's cute. I'm just walking. Feel the fur. I think it's super soft. ”

“You like it that much? ”

“Yes. Heheh. I like being cute.”

Aru liked animals like Mina. Of course, he liked cats the most, but all the other animals seemed to like him.

The poem held hands and looked around the entire Aruwa Zoo. Aru was happy to see any animals and was busy taking out Kestron Zero to take pictures.

After meeting all kinds of monsters, the zoo animals didn't have much interest in the poem, but it made me happy just to see Aru enjoying himself.

Suddenly, it became afternoon. I left the zoo and went to a nearby homemade hamburger house because it was time to eat. Arujah had eaten everything well, but it always made people happy to see him eating food with a bright face. I thought I'd have to shoot a video of eating soon.

I ate all the hamburgers and went to the amusement park this time.

After dropping the tickets, Aru was busy exploring like a child who had never been to an amusement park before.

“What do you want to ride? ”

“I want to ride that thing. I saw it on TV. ”

Aru pointed to the carousel.

The poem stood in line with the aru. Even though it was a weekday afternoon, the amusement park was very crowded, so I had to wait until I could ride the carousel.

Ever since riding on the horse, Aru has an anticipated expression. And as I began to move slowly, the smile did not leave Aru's mouth.

“Yikes, you're moving on your own. It's so much fun.”

The poem on the horse right next to him smiled lightly, looking at the aura like that. I felt like I had never seen my favorite aru with such a big smile.

Although it was a crude horse, the appearance of Aru riding on it was not strange, but its beauty was so clear that it was not strange.

After riding the carousel, I went to the amusement park with Aru. Thanks to the use of words that blur the existence of people around them, no one knows that there is a poem and an aru right next to them. Even on some people's cell phones Aru called me and my brother came out.

The sun is setting. There are some rides that Aru is afraid of, but he rides the rides as hard as he can in a short time.

The poem sat on the bench with Aru, because he hardly rested and walked around. Then I bought warm cocoa and handed it to Aru.

“Shall we go? ”

The poem asked Aru while drinking soda. It was hard for me to feel tired no matter how hard I worked, but Aru was not that, so I thought it would be hard now.

“Aru wants to play a little more. Can't you?”

Aru makes a pleading eye.

“Aren't you tired? It's okay to play if you want to play more, but I'm afraid it's hard. ”

“It's not hard at all. ”

“Yeah? Let's play a little longer, then. Okay?"

“Yes, thank you. ”

Aru hugs the poem and wriggles his face. I was so happy playing with the poem that I still felt heartbroken. I was so happy.

After riding a few more rides with Aru, the poem decided to return home. It was quite late one day, and the surrounding area was surrounded by darkness. As the bright and beautiful light from the amusement park filled the whole area, Aru looked around the scene with a bright face.

“Should I take a picture? ”

“Oh! I want to take a picture. ”

“Wait a minute.”

The poem asked someone to stand in front of the carousel and take a picture. The young woman asked me to take a picture of her as she posed with a light skinship in front of the carousel.

“Thank you for taking my photo. ”

“No, it's not.”

In a polite greeting from Aru, the woman smiled lightly and left with her friends.

“Let's go. ”

The poem took Aru out of the amusement park. Aru was a little sad when he got in the car, but his face was brighter than ever.

I did not go home immediately, but went to my previous home. I only came when I was playing with girls, but since I had a house like this, I could use it quite useful.

I stopped in the parking lot and went into the house.

“It's an old house.”

Aru ran around joyfully, because he had come for a while. The clothing was filled with maturity that gave off a subtle sexiness, but all I did was act pure. The situation was pleasant just by forgetting the painful past and being revived like that.

“Let's go wash up. Come here."


The poem stripped Aru of her clothes. I took off my mature, attractive clothes and even took off my black, light stockings. Then the cute cat painting underwear came out. The poem peeled off his underwear without hesitation.

He took off all his clothes and went to the bathroom. I spent time kissing Aru while filling a big tub with warm water.

When the hot water in the bath ran out, the poem went in with Aru. Then Aru climbed on top of the poem, hugged his neck and continued to kiss. Skillfully, Aru's tongue moved and enticed the mouth of the poem.

After a long kiss, Aru pulled out his lips. Whether it was the hot water or the excitement, Aru's cheeks were reddened.

“Did you have fun today? ”

“This is so much fun. I want to go to a zoo and an amusement park. ”

Aru smiled brightly and replied, thinking only about how good it felt. Then, I gently rubbed the bloated penis of the poem with my vagina.

“Aren't you lonely here? This isn't Aru's hometown. ”

“I like it here. I never want to go back to where I used to live. So you can't send them there. Aru still wants to live with his brothers and sisters. ”

Aroo hugged me intensely as if he would not let go of the poem. Just the thought of leaving the poem and the sweet sisters and going back to the old place, I felt unseen fear on Aru's face. I never wanted to part with the poem.

“Don't worry. It's never gonna happen. I'm just asking if you're lonely. ”

“Really? Aru is not lonely. I'm happiest in my life right now. That's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. ”

“Is it because I like it? ”

“You're the best in the world. He's the most precious person to Aroo. And I'm so glad I have so many nice sisters and friends. ”

Aru did not have the thrill of expressing his feelings. Aru couldn't stand the boiling love of the poem and kissed the poet again. Unlike a pure face, Aru's tongue is obscene.

I felt that this was enough. I thought I could make the best work now. My heart is filled with love for Aru even now.

When I finished my bath quickly, I dressed Aru instead of having sex as usual. Then I crossed over to Quezron's castle.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

I failed to post a personal report yesterday, so I posted it today. Sorry about that.

Thank you for always reading.

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