< -- Civilization Advancement -->

I had recorded a music video before, but there appeared a beautiful garden in front of the castle. Regardless of the Earth's weather or time, the planet has always maintained a comfortable and warm temperature. And whether Kestron's magic was enchanted or not, the garden always bloomed faintly with beautiful flowers that did not wither.

“Are you doing it here today? ”

Aru embraced the situation with clean, fresh clothes that ordinary college students would wear. I thought he would like to have sex in his clothes, so I thought he would do it again.

“No, we'll do that later, and now we'll do something else. ”

The poet grabbed Aru's hand and went into the castle. Then I went to the big hall in the castle. The ceiling was decorated with luxurious jewelry and artwork with jewelry chandeliers made of jewelry and incomparable value.

The poem erected an arc in the middle of the hall and pulled the kezron zeroes out of the subspace. I recorded a brief glimpse of Aru in video mode.

As the chandelier gently illuminates the hall, the aru comes out slightly darker.


The poem muttered, and a bright light spread towards the aru. It lit up around the aru like a light shining on actors. The visible control bar provides the perfect environment for complete recording by adjusting the brightness of the light.

“Aruya, you know that dance you learned this time? That's where we push it. Can you do that? ”

“You can do it! I learned to dance with Autumn sister and Hye Mi and Rose. It was so much fun. Heheh. ”

He said with a little dance that Aru had learned.

“Well done. Aruya, come here for a second. ”


Aru, who answered vigorously, ran quickly and embraced the poem. I was wearing high heels, but it was a Kestron product, so I didn't have any movement.

“I'll be filming, so just think of it as showing me and dance. ”

“I'll work hard to please you. But when you're done dancing, will you give Aru something to feel good about? Aru wants to stay with you today. I love you so much. ”

“Of course. I'll stay with you all night and do whatever Aru asks. ”

“Heh heh. Good. My heart is pounding strangely today. Maybe it's because he's having fun with you. ”

“Really? Then tell your brother that you love him. ”

“I love you...”

Aru said shyly. I've never really liked someone like this. Until now, I have loved poetry the most in the world, but now I feel a different feeling full of breasts. It was that feeling that we wanted to share with each other forever with the poem.

Aru felt that this is the love that people used to say. Being loved by the Pope drove away the nightmares of the past and allowed me to have an identity as a human being with dignity. I didn't think I was worthless like in the past.

That is why I now realize the feelings I want to share with the poem. Someone didn't teach me, but I realized the value of existence and felt a natural feeling of love.

Suddenly, Aru's eyes became moist. Thanks to the poem, I was able to live a life overflowing with this person and feel the feeling of love. The poem was his savior and loved more than anything else in the world.

“Come on, let's dance. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, just dance naturally. ”

“Got it! I'll work hard! ”

Aru kissed the lips of the poem once and went back to the place where he had just stood. And I took the pose I learned with Autumn.

The poem used terminology to anchor the kezron zeroes to the air for the aru to come out well and then start recording. And I took my laptop out of the subspace and turned on my brother's sound source because Aru used to sing it. Aru's song plays out in an old-fashioned and luxurious hall.

Aroo started dancing as soon as the song came out. The poem enchanted Aru to give it a deeper look of charm and beauty.

The dance of the swinging aru was neither strong nor sexy. It was always lovely and cute, but it kept my eyes on it.

“I love you, I love you so much, I can see you every night. What about this heart? I love you so much. ”

The lyrics of a pure girl who loved her brother. Aru, who danced looking at the poem, felt the meaning of the lyrics sincerely, and his feelings remained exposed to the dancing.

Then the bet that had infiltrated before the bottom of the aru naturally flowed out. I made a lot of bets because of the quality of the poem.

The bet further amplified Aru's feelings. Even the poem was ecstatically ecstatic, and Aru's love fluttered within the hall. I wasn't that good at dancing, but it made my Aru's cuteness shine even more.

Staring at me dazed, the song ended, and I finished the dance with a cute little kiss.

“Hey, how was it? Did I do well? I didn't make any mistakes. ”

After the dance, Aru ran straight to the poet and held him in his arms. Then I asked him with big eyes full of anticipation.

“Well done. You did a great job. ”

The poem praised me for seeing the aru, who didn't even know what he had done. I didn't think a bet that was falling asleep would amplify Aru's charm. Aru was big, so he hugged and kissed the poem.

“Heh heh. I'm glad you're complimenting me. ”

Aru smiled and hugged the poem. The pure appearance of the aru that did not deceive his feelings made the viewer smile indefinitely.

The poem shoved Kezron Zero and his laptop into the subspace and went to the bedroom with Aru. It was better than I thought, so now it was to do what Aru wanted.

I went to roughly any bedroom and stripped Aru of her clothes. As soon as I took off my underwear, Aru immediately dug into the poem's arms, grabbed his neck and kissed him. It was intense aggression that was different from the appearance of a pure aru.

“I like you. I love you so much."

Aru whispered in his ear and licked his ear. Everything in the poem was so good.

“I love you, too. ”

“Thank you. I'm delighted. Aroo really likes you. ”

Aru was greatly moved by the poem's love. I was so happy, but I grabbed the poem again with a polite greeting.

Aru kissed around the poem as if vomiting a rising feeling. Especially in the penis that pleases him, I kissed him with more love. It's just cute to flinch a little when you kiss the tip.

Now that I think about it, I could feel how lucky the poem was to have chosen him. I used to think I was vaguely happy and happy, but now I can see joy in the true meaning unlike then.

The savior of life, the one who taught us the value of existence, and the man who loves the most in the world. For Aru, that was the meaning of the poem.

Aru's eyes were filled with deep and deep affection for the poem.

I really liked the situation.

* *

The next day, the poem returned home and immediately edited it.

Editing was not about adding effects or using useless words. I just inserted the song Aru sang to fit the dance and cut the back and forth of the video. Touching it here was not helpful in expressing the charm of the aru.

Even after a few turns, Aru's dancing was so glamorous that he couldn't take his eyes off it. As the wager flowed, the adorable feelings of the amplified aru were conveyed to the person watching. After watching the video, he was sure that there would be no one who wouldn't fall for Aru's charm.

I finished a simple edit and uploaded the video. [I like you, brother Dance Ver.].

The first reaction seemed to be quiet. But over time, I liked it more intensely than my brother's music video version.

Views went up and videos spread to sites both domestically and internationally. YouTube comments were already praising Aru's cuteness in various languages of the country.

[Aru, you're so pretty. I want to be cute like Aru.]

My heart... is so cute.

[There is someone as beautiful and cute as Aru in the world. I feel so much better now that I've seen the video.]

[It's also good to see Aroo's dancing video, but it's better to see Aroo's dancing on his own. I'm not very good at dancing, but somehow I find it fascinating that you can't take your eyes off me. It's so adorable and cute that I can't stop the video.]

[I'm looking at it for the 30th time, why can't I turn it off? [Laughs]

In Korea, the reaction was overwhelming. However, the Korean response was hard to see, and YouTube comments were overflowing in languages ​ ​ in various countries.

The reaction was consistent. Aru is lovely! It was so lovely that everyone couldn't take their eyes off the video.

Although there is the power of the terminology used by the poem, Aru used his own wager to amplify his emotions greatly.

People watching the video felt the affection and love of the cute and adorable aru, so they fell in love with the aru just by watching the video once.

I already liked it and my brother's video was 600 million views, so the number of views in the dance version exploded like an explosion. Although the number of views of the dance version of the same song usually falls below the original music video, the music video posted by the poem was close to the home of the movie house with only the adorable of the aru, so the video of the dance version showed an overwhelming number of views.

The addictive singing and loving appearance of the aru was attractive to even people from other countries who had a taste for beauty.

Views exceeded 600 million traditional music video footage by 1.5 billion. However, no one could have imagined how much more it would go up because the number of views had not stopped.

South Korean netizens were very interested in the number of YouTube views of Aru rising in explosion. With every increase in views, related articles continued to appear in the community.

[I liked it on Aru YouTube, so I watched over two billion videos of my brother's version of the dance. It's the first Korean to be in the top 10 YouTube views of all time. It's a lot of energy.]

[Wow, I fell in love with Aru, but I didn't know it was so popular. I think you have quite an appetite for it, but the Westerners are very fond of it. Is it because she's pretty and cute?]

[In fact, I knew that Aru would thrive like this. And I realized that it's an untouched stone from the time that cat patting videos were first posted on YouTube. So this is what I'm guessing.]

I've been watching videos from the beginning, and they've been diamonds ever since. He was as cute then as he is now, but I don't know where the rough stones are. You have to be mistaken.]

[Wow, isn't she prettier than silver rain or autumn? But now that I think about it, all three are lovers of the poem. It's too much, isn't it? The Crown Prince is a murderer. This is the first time I've ever wanted to get rid of someone like that.]

- > [Fact: Even if you're not the Crown Prince's lover, you never meet.]

- [Chuckles]

Every time YouTube was viewed, Aru became more influential. even though they were washing the poem's laundry, which people thought was so great.

The ever-growing number of YouTube views eventually exceeded 3 billion. People all over the world have fallen in love with Aru. The pure emotion of affection and love felt in the dance that came out of the wager was the emotion that everyone had, so if anyone saw the video, they would have to fall in love with it.

The news that Aru's dance footage reached 3 billion views spread quickly to the community with the historic number one YouTube view.

It is the first time that South Koreans have won YouTube videos, so it was featured in public news. Of course, the great aru was preparing the rice for the poem.

However, after he had gone to more than he thought, the poet ate the food Aru prepared and went straight to his room. Then I took out my tablet and pressed the quest icon.

[Teach a slave who has lost his emotion the meaning of true love.] [Completed] [EXP 100000]

[Earn 4 billion YouTube cumulative views.] [Completed] [EXP 400000]

[LEVEL UP! You have reached level 8.]

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

It's voting day. Did you all vote?

Now I have to go vote.

Vote and have a great day!

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