< -- Civilization Advancement -->

It was level 8.

A serene joy arose. Upgrading my Legacy level always made me feel great joy. Although there was nothing materially or competently lacking, the level of legacy was the driving force to survive with a big goal.

I put the tablet in and went to Kestron's castle.

As soon as I went to the familiar library and sat down in the chair, Konz appeared.

“Congratulations, you're already level eight. ”

“Thank you.”

“It's faster than you'd think. I think he would have been very impressed if he were here. ”

“All thanks to the power of legacy. Can you show me what an eight-level legacy is?" ”


I gave the luxurious paper that Konz had just taken out to the pope.

I immediately checked the situation when I received the Legacy List.

[Level 8]

[Open elixir dispensary]

[Unlock 8 Level Book]

[Opens the development room in Quezron]

[Expanded Dragon Power Available in Two Options]

[Able to Contract Transfered Summons]

[Two transcendent benefits available]

[Special tools and skills available to Senior Civilizations]

[Obtain Quezron Planet Management Rights]

[Level Up to Keslon's Shard Level 8]

Compared to before, the number of legacies itself was not much. But the quality of the Legacy was unparalleled. By level 8, each legacy now possessed a transcendent ability. Even though there were still levels 9 and 10, I couldn't figure out how powerful Kestron was.

The poem decided to examine the power of the dragon again. When I gained my previous power, I thought it was terrible, but the power of the dragon was so great that I wanted to endure it.

“Can you show me the power of dragons first? ”

“I understand.”

Konz gave me a list of dragon powers. I looked at the list of legacies that I received at my desk, and the status quo was a list of powers.

With the exception of the previous words, there were powers that were absolute authority, bragging, dragon, dragon, dragon breath, and magical masters.

[Breath: Breath from the mouth of a gold dragon changes the world. You can punish the world for its existence with hellfire, or use extreme cold to turn hot deserts into ice for harsh cold. Alternatively, it can exhale the breath of life and contain life in the parched and dead earth.]

[Magic Master: The all-powerful power of magic begins with the dragon that once existed. As the Master of Magic, a dragon can create magic with new rules, or eliminate existing magic from being used by creatures. And it's not affected by any magical or magical ability.]

The newly added power was the master of dragon breath and magic. Both were powerful enough to change the world, but the current situation did not require much. The situation of living on the modern planet did not have the capacity to use such a power.

I thought about what I should be able to do. Thinking about various situations for a moment, the situation decided to acquire dragon eyes and dragon dragons. I wish I had Borneon or absolute authority, but I was not uncomfortable at all, so it was a subordinate ability compared to Yong 'an and Borneon.

“I'll forgive you and forgive you. ”

“Got it. I'm on my way. ”


With the clapping of Konz's hands, the library became a sacred space. It was right where I came from before. The moment I saw this sacred space, like my heart trembled with fear when I went to the dentist, my heart was pounding with fear. I felt that pain already.

“Have a seat here. ”

“Phew... okay. ”

The poem sat on a solemn chair engraved with the shape of a dragon. A soft cloth like the last one popped out to arrest the poem. Then a glass tube popped out and dug into the poem's neck.

I experienced it the other day, but my body was twisted with horrible sensations and terrible pain. If it had been a mediocre good ability, the pain would have seeped into my brain so much that I didn't want to acquire it while suffering like this.

The eyes seemed to come out and the body twisted like a towel. I couldn't even breathe because it was so painful and painful.

How long has it been? The pain seems to have ended forever. The glass tube comes out of the neck and the cloth that restrained the body disappears. The pain disappears without a trace, like a lie, what just happened.


The poem woke up from his seat, vomiting his breath. With this I acquired dragons and dragons.

Without even looking at what had changed, my vision was brighter than before. Even as we focus on where the wall is blocked, the wall becomes blurry and clear inside.

Yong 'an had the ability to identify and penetrate information, the ability to see, and the ability to sense life. And he boasted an incredible vision that no human being could have. Everything that exists on that nameless planet in the sky is clearly visible, even if no magical powers are used.

The poem looked at the cones beside him. Above Konz's head was the name of the manager of Kestron Castle and the description of the doll that Kestron had made. I thought it was just a fairy creature, but it turned out it was a doll made by Kesron.

Unlike other abilities, the power of the dragon gave me a sense of being a god.

Mercy has allowed us to face the world completely differently from the human senses that we felt before. I feel the surrounding structure instinctively through my sensitive senses. I could also feel the fluttering of flowers in the garden as my senses flew out. The solid body absorbed a large amount of Mana scattered in space just by the concept of hunger disappearing and breathing.

It seemed like nothing different from the previous episode, but the sensation of the episode was completely different from that of a human being. Having this power, I could feel how great a Saab Dragon was.

The poem went back to the library. I looked at the list of legacies on my desk and decided to choose another skill.

The most important dragon's power has been won, so I've decided to gain a transcendent advantage. I had already wondered what the transcendent difference was in using abilities that were close to almighty in terms of usage.

“Can I get a list of transcendent merits? ”

“Here you go. ”

The poem checked the transcendent list of benefits that Konz handed over.

[Move Planet: Go to the desired planet.]

[Obey: Obey the designated object. (Except dragons)]

[Extinction: not perceived by all beings, nor is their actions perceived. (Except dragons)]

[Psychic: manipulates people and things with will. (Except dragons)]

[Resize: Allows you to change the size of the specified target. (Except dragons)

There were five talents. The poem chose two functions without much concern. There was really no need for planetary movements, submissions, or size changes, so it was just extinction and distraction.

“Extinction, mind-boggling. ”

“Got it.”


Konz's hands clapped to change the space. Again, it was a seated space, but it didn't feel as sacred as before.

As Konz instructed, a thin needle dug into the neck of the poem. There was no pain as severe as before, but I felt a tingling pain.

Again, an unidentified liquid was inserted and the needle went out. Somehow my brain was a little itchy, but I was very satisfied with just not being very sick.

After returning to the library, he decided to examine the tools and techniques of the senior civilization. I was trying to create a virtual reality game recently, so I might be able to get just as important tools and skills.

I spoke to Konz and moved to a spacious warehouse with advanced civilization tools and technologies. The warehouse was not the usual slack atmosphere, but a luxurious and bright atmosphere.

Now, just looking at the tools reminds me of all the information. The poem examined the tools one by one and examined the tools that caught his eye as he passed by.

[Mass Server: This extremely reliable server can accommodate tens of trillions of people without problems. It can be operated in any harsh environment, such as waterproof, warm, heat-resistant, and physically shattering is almost impossible. And the magical system that exists inside makes it so comfortable that no matter how far away you are from the street, you won't even notice the slightest delay.]

It was a tool with the abilities the Crown Prince wanted. I was still thinking about building a virtual reality game server in a seven-level book, but it seemed to solve all the problems.

However, the server was not large because it had such great capabilities. It was a little bigger than a normal computer body, but it weighed a lot.

The poem was lightly picked up and decided to try the cognitive force that was learned this time.

I expressed my willingness to lift the server lightly. Then the embodied mental energy reaches out with Margie and raises the server. I didn't feel like I was floating. I felt like I was moving a light object by hand. The floating server, fixed in the air, was immediately inserted into the subspace.

You put the server into subspace and immediately release the mind-set. I knew it would consume quite a lot of mental strength, but I didn't say I was having a headache. It seemed to be more useful than I thought.

The town looked around the warehouse to see if there was anything else it needed. And in the barren environment where no system has been built, the technology of connecting to the Internet and implementing realistic graphics, as well as the technology of creating virtual reality games, has been incorporated into the tribal sub-space that sees the relevant technologies for making virtual reality games.

Even though seven-level books had the technology to create virtual reality games, it wasn't the level of skill that the current situation put into subspace. The tools and technologies in the warehouse seemed to have developed more civilizationally than where the virtual reality games were made.

Aside from that, the story was put into a tribal sub-space that saw tools and techniques that would help civilization advance, even if they weren't necessarily virtual reality games.

When I looked around appropriately, I returned to the library. Now we have the elixir dispensation room, a level eight book, and a transcendent summoning contract, but we decided to take a closer look at this later.

After a long time coming here, I heard praise knocking on the door to eat already.

“Then I'll come back later. ”

“Yes! Goodbye. ”

With Konz's greetings, the poem went through the door to his room. Then, unlike before, everyone inside the house felt sensual about what they were doing. Focusing on the visit with a little focus, Yumi and Mina came to the living room for a meal, and as they focused more, their clothes became blurry and their naked bodies were revealed.

It was a man's dreamy telescopic ability. In fact, even though the terminology was fluoroscopic, this was a different level of utilization in that it could pierce through all walls and clothing just by focusing on it.

The satisfied poem opened the door with impulsiveness and went to the living room. And as I looked at the girls, I remembered a lot of information that I had never seen before.

The quantification of intelligence and strength seemed to be due to Kezron's chip ability, and Yong 'an seemed to show its properties and lifespan.

However, the lifespan of the praises of cooking in the kitchen was completely different from what I expected. If a normal human being is about 100 years old, praise reaches five times the age of 500. Not an elf, but an unbelievably long life span.

Even though the poem had gained the power of dragons, it could only be seen that the lifespan of praise, a normal human, increased that much because of the sex with him.

Even Yumi and Aroo lived over 400 years. And they all had a youth that did not age because of their traits. This also seemed to be the result of sex. It is because of the sperm, like the elixir, that we have a long lifespan and a lasting youth.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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