< -- Civilization Advancement -->

A beam of light appeared toward Kisilif. The beam was pointing directly at Keesilf's jaw.


At the same time a beam of light appeared, a terrible scream erupted from Kissilf's mouth and struck the forest. The ground melts away without a trace. The power of Kisilif was enough to make the earth tremble with its screams.

Kisilif shudders from the sky, unable to bear the extreme pain of his chin. I waved my wings to get some balance, but eventually I crashed. Kisilif's body settles on the melted ground, and a wave that is nothing compared to the one we just saw.


There seems to have been a huge earthquake. The downfall of Kisilif, which is difficult to say is a creature, shook the earth as if it were a meteorite.

The poem calmly rises above Kisliffe's head. Even though the poem was on top of my head how big it was, I couldn't see it as well as a little bug sitting there.

“Ugh... How dare you...”

Keesilf, who was pronounced as a furious beast, immediately changed his body. It was determined that fighting at a huge size would only expose weaknesses to the poem and not benefit them at all.

Particles that sprinkle light spread from Kisilif's body, and the body of the giant Kisilif disappeared and turned into an organism the size of the poem. Although it was shaped like a human, its skin was covered in dragon scales and its pupils were also torn vertically, like reptiles.

“You're the first person to turn me into a combat form, Human. I'll give you that much credit. But because of you, the world will come to an end, and mankind will cry out in horrific deaths. ”

In the eyes of the shivering Kisilif, only intense anger at the situation rested. I didn't realize that I was ashamed to recite such a villain-like dialogue from a cartoon naturally.

“That sounds like a villain ambassador dying to the protagonist. Anyway, I also needed some dragon data, so I'm gonna need to take a picture of you. ”

The Apocalypse wanted to make the dragon the ultimate and most important boss. I felt sorry for the existence of a dragon because I received the dragon's legacy. Of course, that didn't mean I liked the evil dragon in front of me. Even though it was a trivial dragon named Drukia, not a true dragon.

“How dare you say such trivial things! ”

Keesilf couldn't stand the thought of still smiling boldly, and pulled out his fingernails and shot out at the same speed as the lightning. The sharp nails that would cut down any hard material, even though it was unbreakable by any sword, moved swiftly to kill the soul of the poem.

I could not exist in a world that grew up to prevent this attack with simple but absolute power and speed. That's what Kisilif believed was the most powerful force in the world.


However, the attack was easily blocked by the dragon's scaly arms. How relaxed it was, the poem continued to look relaxed and relaxed as if it had come out to play.


After stopping his attack with the Golden Dragon Scale, Kisliff shouted as if he couldn't understand it. He immediately attacked the city with lightning speed without even breathing. Once in a while, Kisilif's fingernails flashed to kill him hundreds of times. The air is torn apart and sharp noises sweep the surrounding area.

However, the circumvention of all of the attacks seemed to be ridiculous, momentarily securing the right leg to the ground and drawing out the power of the dragon. Yongsin was not simply able to strengthen his body and allow him to live without food or air. It meant that the body itself inherits the power of the true dragon, Kestron.

This meaning was never light. Although it could not be transformed into a dragon, the golden scale of Kestron could be used freely at any time, and the efficiency of the power that could be elicited when using magic was maximized and amplified.

Half of the city's body was suddenly engulfed in glorious golden scales, while the city's fist struck the face as it did.


An intense reverberation, as if heaven and earth were shaking and the thunder was echoing, erupted from Kisilif's face. The scales of the dragon scatter like glass that are not destroyed by anything, and the keysilf bounces off. After being shot out like a bullet, Kissilf rolls the melted earth around like a watering can.


Keesilf screams in terrible agony as his face is crushed and his whole body is shattered. Screaming just now, the earth was shaking, but now it's in so much pain that I can't even give it that much strength.


The corpse of Kisilif, which had bounced off as the poem recited, moved back to the front of the corpse.

Although he had only been hit by one shot, Kisliff's face was unspeakably messed up. Moreover, the shock that spread from the face dislodged Kisilif's body and torn off like broken glass.

But this was also a matter of circumstance in his hands so as not to kill Kissilf. Even though Kisilif had the power to cook before, it was not this strong. It was all thanks to forgiveness. The efficiency of the body itself was different, even though it had the same milestone as before. With only trace amounts of Magi, I was able to generate an infinite amount of power, which made it funny to destroy even Kisilif, who is the strongest in the world.

“Grrr... Who... are you...?”

Kisilif struggles to get up, but his body doesn't listen to him, and he collapses again. Keesilif's eyes were filled only with disbelief that he could not trust. I didn't even know how that man used the Golden Dragon Scale, or how he could have this kind of power over human subjects. The only thing I could tell you was that you were completely defeated by that insignificant Human.

“Who's a trifle, like you said. I need a picture of a dragon, and even if you get hurt and defeated like this, you won't listen to me. ”

“Ugh... I'd rather be a handful of flames myself if I hear such trivial orders." ”

“Right? Then it's a nuisance, so fire away quickly. ”


The sudden revelation caused Kisilif to ask again and again, feeling tremendous pain. I couldn't figure out what human intentions were. You seem to have a favor to ask of yourself, and you want me to start a fire soon?

“Dear Pope, Are you okay?"

Sylphina and Laviola, who were watching everything at the side, carefully approached the side of the poem. I thought it would be over by the time the Demon Kisilif came out, but even the terrifying monster, the Demon Kisilif, couldn't make a move before the power of the poem.

“As you can see, I'm fine. Are you guys better than me? ”

“Yes, we're fine. I didn't get hurt at all because of the armor the Pope gave me. ”

When the earth shakes because of Kisilif, I can't center it. I feel nothing like I was hit by a cotton ball, even though I fell on the ground or a rock flew into it. It seemed to be all thanks to the special armor the poem gave me.

“Good. Now that we're roughly done filming, let's go back." I've been following you for a long time. ”

“It wasn't hard at all. I'm just happy to be with the Pope. ”

In the meantime, Sylphina grabbed the poem's arm and sweetly said. Even the Evil Dragon Kisilif had nothing to fear beside the easily beating poem.

“Hehe... What the hell are you doing?! How dare those humble creatures lay before me...”

The poem gives her time to let the scales rise again with monstrous resilience, making her scream out loud. There was great anger and self-esteem in the acts of pretending that he did not exist.

“Are you still alive? When are you gonna die? ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“You'd rather die than take orders. So die quickly. Or should I kill you? What a nuisance.”

The poem picks up the fallen Kisilif. Margie wakes up, and her strength begins to boil. The force maximized and amplified by dissolution was such that even the body of Kisilif, which was harder than steel, was made into a handful of pieces of fit.

The look on Kisilif's face felt the power. He had more power than any being and was arrogant and proud, but he was just as despicable and valued his life more than anyone else. No, I looked down at the world so trivially that I didn't even know my life was precious, but when the crisis came, I suddenly felt humiliated that I didn't want to die.

“Now, hold on! Why are you in such a hurry? I can't wait for something with a lot of power. ”

“I'm not in a hurry, I'm just trying to kill you. Goodbye, then. ”

The hand of the poet tightened the neck of Kisilif, and Kisilif made an urgent expression. At this rate, I might be really killed by that bloodless, tearless thing.

“Wait! Wait, wait. ”

“Why again? ”

“Let's hear what you have to say. Some people won't say no if it's acceptable enough. ”

“Come to think of it, I'd rather ask someone I know than you, just to get rid of the world's misery. I thought you said you were going to kill me and kill all the humans. Better to kill you before then. Reasonably. Isn't that right?”

“I won't kill you. ”


“I will not kill the humans. So why don't you let me live? ”

The more I talked, the more I looked down on Kissilf. I tried to live with my pride, but I could not find the answer. It was a way to live, even if I was arrogant.


“Well, then I'll do whatever you say, and I'll do whatever you say. ”

“You'll listen to anything? ”

“Yes. I'll do whatever I can." ”

The situation seemed tempting, and Kisilif quickly replied. However, this was nothing more than a ploy to turn the eyes of the poem and plan for the future. It was a despicable thing for a villain to do.

“Then can you defend the Empire of Capelonia? Forever. I was about to be destroyed by the Demon King a while ago, and that would never have happened if it were you. ”

“I see. I'll do as you say. ”

Of course, Kisliff had no intention of doing so. The level of human magic would be obvious if you tried to use the restrictions, so no matter how powerful you were, you were confident to let it go. The magical divide between man and dragon was not something only power could overcome.

“Good. Then we won't let them break it, because they've given us permission." Kids like you beat the shit out of people. ”

“I see. You can bet on any constraint. ”

“You don't have to say it. Lunamos, come here a minute. ”

A black hole emerges from the air as the poem calls out to Lunamos, roughly throwing Kisilif to the ground, and Lunamos walks barefoot in a light outfit. And I came close to the poem as if I were rich.

The expression on Kisilif's face that had seen Lunamos changed rapidly. It was a shocking face that I saw, even though it was something I shouldn't have seen.

“Yo, Yongsin...”

And I barely said a word out of my throat. The presence before me was a god who ruled the rules of the world and had all-powerful powers. He was a creature called the same dragon, but not compared to himself.

“I'm looking for Lunamos. ”

Sylphina and Laviola, who saw Lunamos, also greeted in haste. Lunamos nods lightly.

“You heard it, right? Make me feel like I'm going to die if I don't do what he says. Break it three times and you're dead. ”

“Got it.”

At the words of the poem, Lunamos waved his hand lightly, while Kisilif was wrapped in a chain that could never escape. There was no one who could escape the chains of soldiering men.

And he looked at the situation of giving orders as if it were natural for such a gentleman to be seen as unreliable. I couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Kisilif's face was filled with embarrassment and despair.

“I've got the samples. Thank you. Shall we take a picture? ”

The poem smiled lightly, looking at Kisilif. Then Kisilif instinctively felt scared for the first time in his life.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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