< -- Civilization Advancement -->

After seeing Lunamos, Kisilif calmly accepted the reality and acted according to the situation. The poet was almost killed in a single blow, but he healed perfectly by giving himself a moment like a dragon.


“I understand.”

And unlike before, I used a word of respect for the city. Kisilif had a stiff look on his face like a soldier in front of him who was leading the Secretary of Defense in the military. For the poem to handle the dragon who rules the world on his own terms, there was no way a trivial trinket like Kisilif could dare to say no.

According to the prophecy, Kisilif was transformed into a dragon. Small particles were created and scattered with a pale light, making them a huge dragon that could not even fathom its size. It was terrifying and terrifying enough to know who could defeat that giant creature, but Kissilf was still trembling. It was easy to be trampled down at a massive scale, awed by trivial beauty, but its pure combat strength was much higher than it had just been. When I fought like this, I knew better than anyone that I couldn't even fight back without being beaten like a sandbag by the poet.

“It's too big. Try to reduce it a little bit. ”

“I understand!”

Kisilif reduced the size as much as he wanted. And as the poem dictated, he took a plausible position against the distant high mountains.

“That's it. Now hold still. ”

The poem took a photograph of Keisilf with Kezron Zero. The quality of a dragon was more important than anything else, as he wanted to create a virtual reality game focused on dragons.

I took pictures at various angles and then turned Kisilif into a combat mode. This was unexpected but surprisingly cool, so I decided to take a picture. After Kisilif transformed into a good man, the situation again took several more photos.

Then I told Kisilif that I had gathered the monsters around me, and I finished the schedule by looking at Kisilif and taking all the pictures of the monsters who were afraid.

At first, I was going to finish with just a few pictures of the monsters, but I was able to gather a substantial amount of data thanks to Kissilf's suggestion at the right time. Now you can go to the Capelonia and take pictures of swords, armor, and characters.

“It's time to go back. It's already time like this. ”

Looking at the time with Kestron Zero, it's been a while since I've been here. I felt like I could just finish my work and go home.

“Are we going home now? ”

“Yes, we should go. I've done everything I can. ”

“Phew... I'm glad. ”

Sylphina sighed of relief in the words of the poem. I know it's safe because of the poem and Lunamos, but somehow I didn't calm down. Quiet Kisilif and the monsters gathered around him were fearless.

“What about Lunamos? You want to come with me? Or do you want to go now? ”

“I'll go first. It wouldn't have made a difference with me anyway. ”

“Okay, I'll see you then. ”

Lunamos, who lightly kissed the poem, opened a black hole and entered it. This seemingly insignificant behavior was a magical ability that even a keyless dragon couldn't dream of. At the sight of Lunamos leaping through the space without even the breath of magic, Kisilif trembled. Compared to humans, it was Kisilif who had transcendent magical power, so he realized at once how great the existence of the dragon appeared in the legend.

“We should get back. But I don't want you to go...”

The poem flicked his hand lightly. Then, under your feet, you make your way to the swollen air where the Empire of Capelonia is visible. In fact, he didn't have to bounce his hand, but he took a little motion in case he got embarrassed.


Nevertheless, Sylphina and Laviola were tangled with the poem, screaming loudly. After feeling a soft sensation for a moment, the sight stabilized the two. I dressed him up in light clothing and gave Kisilif some directions.

Kisilif, who had listened to the poem, transformed himself back into a dragon. A huge body with a red scale rises above the Capelonia Empire.

The poem took Sylphina and Laviola and mounted them on Kisilif. It was wide enough that I didn't have to worry about falling if my body wasn't so big that it pushed away.

Kisilif flies his wings lightly to the castle of the Empire of Capelonia.

People who didn't know what it was when they were in the air became more and more aware of the dreadful and dangerous demonic dragon as Kisilif came down.

Suddenly, the city was in chaos. The scream echoes and trembles with fear. Not long ago, the world was almost destroyed by the Demon King's invasion, but again, the world was in danger of being destroyed by the Demon Dragon Kisilif.

The emperor hurriedly left the castle in a sudden commotion, and when he saw the evil dragon Kisilif, he looked desperate. There was more danger in the world than when the previous Demon King appeared. The emperor knelt down and prayed to Lunamos.

Rumelin, who was praying to Lunamos, urgently led the Knights into the air and blocked the presence of the Demon Kisilif. They knew they couldn't stop Kisilif with their abilities, but they had no choice. If we let Kisilif in like this, the world could be in grave danger again.

Lupelin's relentless expression whispered to Rosilin.

“Please go and get the Pope quickly. I'll buy you some time. ”


“If we all die this way, the world may perish again. The only hope is for the Holy Mother to bring the Pope. Please…”

Lupelin spoke to Rosilin, pulling out his sword with the burning eyes of Eagle and pointing it at Kisilif. The appearance of Rupelin, who spread his wings and blocked Kisilif's front, was not unusually sacred in history. And the Knights standing behind Rufelin have drawn their swords with their godly faces, preparing for an attack at any time.

“Okay, so wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. ”

Rosilin chews her lips and spreads her wings. I had to retrieve the poem as soon as possible before I could save Rufelin. Please, I hope she doesn't die. Rosilin tries to go to the Pope.

“Did you meet her? ”

However, I heard a heartbreaking voice from Kisilif.

Rosilin quickly looks back. Then the poem, Sylphina, and Laviola flew slowly from Kisilif's back.

“Poetry, Pope! ”

Rosilin did not understand what was happening at the moment after the situation came down from Kisilif's back. Lupelin also looked surprised when he saw the situation. I was prepared to die for Kisilif, and the surprise was even greater.

“What's wrong with everyone? What's the big deal? Another Demon King? ”

The poem appeared on purpose and asked, pretending not to know anything.

“I came here because of the Demon Dragon... I don't know what's going on anymore. Did that demon do something bad to the Pope? ”

Rupelin asked if the pope was possessed by the Demon Dragon. Of course, I knew it was absurd, but I was still greatly anxious as a wife.

“By the way, I've brought him here as a guardian for the Empire of Capelonia. ”

“You use a demon as a guardian dragon? ”

Rosilin quickly asked. I didn't understand what it was. There's no way that arrogant, conceited, evil dragon is just going to listen to you.

“Yes. Since I dropped by for work and ran into you, I've decided to become a Capelonian Guardian forever." Wait a minute. That was awesome. Get back in that pose. ”


“The way you pointed your sword at Kisilif. It was so pretty and cool. ”

“Ah… yes. I understand.”

After saying that the poem was pretty, Lufelin blushed his face slightly and pointed his sword at Kisilif as the poem said.

The poem asked me to pose one more time to take a close-up picture, even though I took a picture on Kisilif's back. I took a godly and pastoral photograph of the Knights and Rupelins, as well as a photograph of the holy woman, Rosilin.

Rupelin and Rosilin were going to make their appearance as the characters in the game. Even if they appeared in the game, there was no sense of camouflage because of their huge wings or atmosphere and beauty that would not feel real.

After taking all the photos, he took Keisilf back down to the castle. Of course, there was no room for Kisilif to sit in the castle, so he turned into a normal human form and settled in the castle.

When Kisilif landed in the castle garden, the emperor hurried to find the situation and greeted him with a proper greeting. I don't know what the hell is going on, but no matter how important Kisilov was, there was no one more important than the poem.

The poem briefly explained that Kisilif will be the guardian dragon of the Capelonia Empire in the future, as I had just told Rupelin and Rosilin. The emperor's expression was dull, but he was both delighted and uneasy at the fact that Kisilif became a guardian dragon. I was afraid that the evil dragon Kisilif would run wild in the absence of the poem.

“Let's get inside. There's a lot of people here. ”

The poem led the emperor, Rosilin, and Kisilif into the castle. I entered a luxurious room, sat roughly down, and explained further.

“Like I said, Kisilif will be the guardian dragon of the Capelonia Empire. Of course, Kisilife is so constrained that he can't control himself. But if Keesilf listens to you, he's going to have some conditions because there's a problem with the balance of the world. ”

The poem took out a blunt ring from the subspace and put a simple magic spell on it.

Keesilf, who was watching next to him, looked at the poem with surprised eyes as he easily used the words that only Yongsin could use. What do you mean, "a man of faith" and "dragon"? Despite the deep scent of humans, it was perhaps a god in human form. Otherwise, I couldn't explain the situation.

“Here, take this. ”

The poem gave the ring to the Emperor.

“May I ask what this is? ”

“It's simple. You see the numbers on the ring? I can ask Kisilif for help with that number. Of course, you can't ask others to attack other countries, and since you're a Guardian Dragon, you can only ask those who protect the Empire from harm. How's that? How's that? ”

“Thank you for the grace of the Pope. ”

It wasn't good enough. With this ring, the Kisilif Empire could have the ultimate power to overcome many dangers in the future. This ring is more precious than any treasure in the castle.

“And I've made it available only to those who are connected to the Emperor's blood, and I don't want you to have to keep it too precious, because it has the ability to come back even if you lose it. Is that enough? Do you need anything else? ”

“No, this is a great gift. Thank you again. ”

The poem nods, greeting an emperor with an impressive face. I felt better because I like him so much. A little God-fearing, I guess. Anyway, this was the end of the matter with Kisilif.

The poem looked at Kisilif in ordinary human form. Then Kisilif flinches. He was frightened by the sight of his eyes.

“That's all I have to say to you. I put a magic ring on it, so if you stay put and call for help, you can come and help. Do you understand?”

“Very well. I will do as the Great One commands." ”

“Yes. Now go. ”

Kisilif once again took the example of the poem and flew to his own resting place in the shape of a dragon. I almost died by the Pope, but when I finished helping the Empire of Capelonia a few times, I sighed for relief.

Although the story of the emperor who later received the ring of the Guardian Dragon, the greatest treasure of the empire, was exaggerated and varied, becoming a legend so great that no one knew about it, it was really far later.

However, I had just told the Emperor that the situation would become a great legend that would appear in the history books, and he took pictures of various weapons, armor, and the design of the castle.

With this, I gathered a lot of satisfactory data.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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