< -- Civilization Advancement -->

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I handed all the photos to the people of Hong Myung Min and told them which direction to work. If the poem could frame the virtual reality game in the form desired, Hong Myung Min would handle the detailed polishing to fit the world view.

Lunamos had already outlined the situation as desired in several meetings. As a project to create virtual reality games that have never existed, the heat of developers who participated was also very high.

All he wanted was a realistic virtual reality game. There were many MMORPGs in existence, but I wanted to be true enough to run from them.

For example, when using magic, conventional MMORPGs would end up pressing the keyboard or mouse button once, but the game that the poem created would allow them to recognize magic directly in their head and express it in the form of sentences or magic. And I was going to stick to the realistic elements as much as possible so that I could recognize and use magic on my own, even in the game.

Of course, all of this was possible because it was a virtual reality game using brainwaves. In that case, there was a difficulty in building a device that uses EEG and integrates it with the game so that it could be recognized and operated without any problems, but Lunamos was going to take care of it entirely. In fact, without Lunamos, it would have been almost impossible to create virtual reality games because we had to make progress.

Before making the game, we usually created the prototype form for a number of reasons, but we decided to omit and create it simply because it was difficult to create the prototype, including the characteristics of the virtual reality game.

So far, planning has only framed the entire game, so we have to create a more in-depth worldview and in-depth game story. This was something that was not meant to be done, and it was something that was meant to be done.

The poem looked at the history of other planets and found a game engine that could establish stories and worldviews and express more realistic graphics.

Modern game graphics that have evolved over and over were sometimes so great that it was hard to distinguish them from real pictures, but I still felt like graphics. No matter how realistic the graphics were, there were limitations due to various problems such as computer specifications, technical skills, and manufacturing costs.

The epic visit to Quezron Castle has chosen one of the elite civilization's special tools, an engine capable of expressing graphics that are indistinguishable from reality. The engine was extremely intuitive and convenient and had the same level of physical, environmental and light expressions as reality.

Building games through these engines has allowed us to create a real-world world that is virtual but not so different from real life. Even the sun was shining like reality, the grass was shaking when the wind blew, and every strand of hair was gently bouncing, the perfect reality that is difficult to make with current technology.

The basic language and programming language of the engine were, of course, completely different from that spoken on Earth, but Lunamos was also going to take care of the modifications. Of course, Lunamos didn't do any more work than the poem gave him, so the overall game framework was entirely made by the poem.

After entrusting Lunamos with the game engine, he sought various materials and created a huge and deep game worldview.


Gamemaking was going smoothly.

The worldview built by the poem was so complex and deep that other planets could never emerge from the ordinary human head because it was based on thousands of years of history.

More than just complex, the deep worldview, the detailed cultural patterns that match it, and the vibrant civilizations that permeate history were important elements that allowed you to feel deeper and deeper the more you enjoyed the game.

As I have said many times, what the situation wanted was a virtual reality game that felt more real than reality. That's why I worked hard to make it more compatible with the game without feeling overwhelmed by the production and production that is common in other games, not just combat.

So instead of classifying them into battle, production, and production tabs, they dived into the world of giant virtual reality and became as natural as reality. Even with a sword, anyone could gain magic, production skills, and crafting skills, and could master swords and enchantments with all their efforts.

But even in virtual reality, it was a game, so I didn't miss out on the often used level systems of gaming. Of course, it did not mean to use a growing system of boring hunting called Nogada. I tried my best to make it clear that I'm growing up on my own as I explore the big world. I don't have to level up to be stronger, but I've created a new way to level up as I grow stronger.

As I was making the game, caring about every detail and detail like this, two years had passed.

Game development is well over the middle. We still need at least a year to develop it to be publicly available, but before that, the situation decided to solve some preliminaries.

There were no problems with developing and launching games as much as they were made in Quezron. However, if I suddenly made a virtual reality game and launched it, it would take a long time to secure the user number because I was unaware of it. That's why it was important to raise awareness.

And now the virtual reality game that the poem is playing was not installed on a computer like a normal game and played on a monitor. It was true that I installed the game on a computer, but I had to use a device that recognizes brainwaves to play it in my head.

That's why it was important for people in advance to present how they were making these games, how they implemented them, and how great experiences they could have using brainwave recognition devices.

The brainwave recognition device was already built and commissioned by a national agency to complete a safety check. Once the game was completed, it was ready to be released at any time

And if it was Quezron Zero, you could play the game without installing the game on the computer. This was also to be announced together.

The town decided to go to E4, the world's largest gaming festival. So the promotional game footage to be presented on E4 was also prepared diligently.

Four months before the E4, a list of participating companies appeared on the official site. Naturally, the list was posted directly on the domestic gaming site.

When he suddenly saw the list of participating companies written in English in the middle of his gaming mania, he asked if they knew if it was true.

[There's a quezron in the middle? Is that Cazron, the company in my country? Or is it another company with the same name? Quezron, my country, sells cosmetics and luxury clothes, right? I made you a smartphone, but you didn't make the game?]

[It's Quezron, my country company. I don't know if you remember me, but two years ago, I was recruiting game developers from Quezron. And I thought, what was it about? I think it was actually developing a game. I can't wait to see what kind of game you made.]

[Honestly, I don't expect to be able to gamble for the first time, but since it's still a quezron, I'm interested in how it was made. I don't want to put too much personal billing.]

[I want you to make a good game. We've never made a great game in our country that's so popular in the world. Because it's Kestron, right? I believe in the power of the High Priestess. Cheer ~]

People anticipated that they might make a world-class game because they were anti-Semitic, just like when they recruited game developers from the old Quezron.

The world's largest game show E4 was opened in expectations of these people.

The E4, held in New York, began its presentation at 2 a.m. in my country's time due to the jet lag. Since it was broadcasted on the Internet, world gaming enthusiasts watched E4's game announcements on the Internet.

The announcement began with great music. After a short orchestral performance, video games began to appear in turn on the huge screen in front of the convention stage where a large number of people gathered. As the world's largest game show, great games known globally showed state-of-the-art graphics and gaming, and tremendous applause rang out in the audience.

Then a game video was released, prepared with great care in Quezron. It shows graphics and physical engines that are so powerful that they can't even tell the difference between reality and reality using engines from a higher civilization.

At the beginning of the video, she looked down at the city with a glorious medieval civilization, flying elegantly and divinely, as if the real Rosalind had just entered the screen. The landscape of the city that seems to have relocated the actual empire of Capelonia fills the screen.

The fast-moving camera entered the city. Various people in the marketplace, under the dazzling light of day, were buying and selling things, and the man next to him, who looked like a warrior and a wizard, was walking around with an elongated sword and staff on his waist. The swords and staff on their waist dance resound like reality, shaking more naturally.

It was a normal video, but all of this showed quality that did not even distinguish between real and game, as if it were a real actor.

The people in the audience didn't understand why they were showing the movie, not the game or CG, but just a puzzled face.

Suddenly, a red evil dragon Kisilif appeared from the sky. A dragon the size of which engulfed the city sprayed Bress out of its mouth and the city began to burn in an instant.

It was a thrilling video, but still, what is it with people? I was just watching with my face.

And the camera switched rapidly, and it had just switched to the wizard who was walking from the market. A simple game interface appeared around the wizard.

In the sky, Rosilin and Rufelin led the knights and began to fight the evil dragon Kisilif who invaded the city, and the user wizard pulled out the staff at his waist and fired his magic at Kisilif. As the staff moves, a magic circle is drawn and a giant ice arrow protrudes from the magic circle, attacking Kisilif at the same speed as the light.

There was a brief skirmish and Kisilif turned into a combat mode, as he had done before. This time, you switched to a warrior's point and began exchanging swords with Kisilif, who switched to battle mode. It followed a realistic sound and graphical effect. It was definitely a game, but it boasted of perfect physical movements like fighting in reality.

Around this time, people murmured with a face that they couldn't tell if it was a game or a movie. On the screen, I used fancy abilities like a game, but I felt overwhelmed because they were too realistic.

Eventually, the warriors and wizards who could not defeat Kisilif were swallowed by Breth.

And on the black screen came the title of the game [Real World, Capelonia].

The video was over, but people were still confused without even clapping. Is that a game? The question was sitting on everyone's face.

The people who were watching the video on the Internet had the same question.

[Is that a game? You didn't just put an interface on the movie, did you?]

[I don't believe it, but I don't think it was that scam at Kesron. Is that really how the game works? Wow, that graphics is ridiculous. What's that?]

[I don't know yet. When presenting graphics like that, it often lowers graphics because of performance later on. It's easy to show, and it might get ugly enough to be the same game later on.]

[Still, that's a lot of money. I still can't believe it.]

[I need it if it comes out like that. And that's a game changer that even real graphics can do. It's Quezron, again. I was convinced that if he made a game, he would pick this quality.]

Everyone was divided. The graphics were too good for the game. But people had no idea that this was the most important game of virtual reality. The most important part was that graphics were controversial just by being good.

And shortly thereafter, information emerged about the real world and the carfilonians.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

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