< -- Civilization Advancement -->

[Unbelievably, the real world and the carfilonia are developing the goal of a complete virtual reality game. Kezron explains that it is a perfect virtual reality game using brainwaves, not VR devices that we know. Using brainwaves, not vision, this game immerses you in a graphical world like the one we saw, and lets you feel another reality with an organic, perfect physical engine. Can you believe it? I can't even believe I did an interview myself. What the hell is going on here? Quezron said it was based on his understanding of information using electromagnetic waves published a few years ago and his paper on electrical signals. And what's even more unbelievable is that I can experience it for a little while directly on the E4.]

People who watched the video and were excited were making a face that the more they read the information about the game, the more it made no sense. A game of brainwaves? It was a story based on a future novel.

With graphics that are indistinguishable from reality and perfect physical engines, it has surpassed the modern level. It's even a virtual reality game using brainwaves. I wondered if the real world and anyone who wrote or saw information about carfilonia were exaggerating.

[Are we really building a virtual reality game using EEG in Quezron? I can't believe I even saw the video myself. Isn't that a little awkward?]

[Since the relevant paper came out, it's not ridiculous at all. But as soon as a difficult paper comes out, I'm a little skeptical about making products that are commercially viable. Now, my guess is that even if it's a virtual reality game using electroencephalography, it's probably an input device, like a pad, and it's a very simple part of recognizing EEG. In fact, this is great. We created the world's first brainwave-recognitive game. But if you have too many expectations, you can be disappointed. Please note that…]

[There are a lot of people here who don't even know Quezron. Quezron creates a product that exceeds people's expectations a lot. I've fought like this before, and it's the same today -- it's annoying to point out every time I look at it.]

In Korea, there was a fierce disagreement between the side that Kezron would make the right virtual reality game from the dawn and the side that there were a lot of technical difficulties. This controversy was not confined to Korea. Worldwide, he questioned whether he could make a virtual reality game. In foreign prominent communities, over a thousand comments were controversial.

There were a lot of anticipated works on E4, but everyone was interested because the virtual reality game released by Kesron was so shocking. There's already a huge line of people standing in front of the Kestron booth.

The first Westerner standing in line in his mid-20s entered the expedition room in the corner with a rattling face. I said it was a virtual reality game, but it was nothing more than a thought. There were goggle machines that looked similar to VR devices, as well as ordinary computers.

I sat on a chair following the staff's instructions and used a device to connect virtual reality games. For a moment, I felt like I couldn't see anything because my eyes were blacked out. Suddenly, my whole field of vision became brighter, and another world opened up before me.

I noticed a market for a city with a civilization similar to the Middle Ages that I saw in the video earlier. As I turned my head according to the simple instructions on the screen, my vision moved gently as if it existed in reality. At the same time, you hear the scent of spicy food on the side stand and the loud commotion of people.

“No way! ”

He looks frightened. I can't believe this is all a game. He shakes his head gently in a thunderstorm, and he can't stand it. He removes the virtual reality device. Then I quickly returned to the bustling game show scene.

With a blank look, he once again used a virtual reality device. My vision, which had been dimmed for a moment, changed into an unbelievable world again. All I could do was wander around, but that alone brought me the perfect reality of being in another world.

After experiencing virtual reality for a certain amount of time, he awoke from his chair with a dazzled face. And I looked at the virtual reality device a few times as if I didn't believe it. It was hard to tell whether the world you just saw was real or not.

This was not the only thing that happened to him. The game enthusiast who sat in his seat with anticipation was spewing harsh profanity or amazement, taking off the device and wandering around.

Famous game journalists also expressed their surprises in a long and long version of Virtual Reality Games. I have increased my praise by expressing it as a new experience that I have never felt before.

People who only looked at information on the internet saw these compliments and expressed great expectations that people would like to praise it this much.

It became a big issue on the site so that no one knew about the game.

The game was still over a year away from launching, but the situation was very satisfied with the fact that it had made people aware of the real world and of Capelonia.

* *

While E4 was ending and games with huge worldviews were step-by-step ready, the situation was last minute preparations to launch low-cost Keslon Zero and virtual reality devices.

It had been two years since the launch of Quezron Zero, but it was still showing steady sales. Although the initial price came to have a solid image of a luxury phone, it was still available to very few people.

Naturally, it was more beneficial to buy 1000 smartphones that cost more than 1 million won than 1 person. The lower the price, the higher the level of purchasing as an index, so issuing lower priced smartphones was also a great way to make money.

Then, we might have questioned whether the low-cost equivalent could be released at the time of the release of Kestron Zero, but the situation did not intentionally launch together to strengthen the image of a smartphone that no one could overlook.

And as the poem wished, the current Keplon Zero was perfectly positioned as a luxury image because it was inexpensive.

When preparing for the launch of the low-cost Quezron Zero and the virtual reality device, he officially promoted that a new product was being announced in the Quezron first-floor hall, as before.

There was a huge interest in the virtual reality game announced on the previous E4.

On the day of the presentation, on the first floor of the Kestron Building, Kestron Hall, a large group of reporters gathered and stared at the stage with their faces rattling in the audience. They didn't tell me what to announce at all, so people were making all sorts of guesses.

It's 2: 00 p.m. Presentation time. The conference was broadcast live on YouTube, so there were already 500,000 people watching the conference together.

With the pitch hall darkening and the sound of a grand song, Korea's global genius story slowly walked.

Even after two years, the appearance of the poem remained. No, it seemed more elegant than before. There was a gentle exquisite atmosphere flowing from the body.

“Good to see you all. This is the chief prosecutor of Quezron. Today we're going to introduce again an innovative product that's going to change the world. You want to know what it is? Well, there you go! ”

When the poem pointed to the huge screen, a smartphone that looked like a kezron zero, along with music with exciting beats, protruded round and round. Colorful colors were overlaid on the smartphone, and the design of the smartphone appeared on the big screen as well as the name [KesronZ].

I didn't know if I would announce another smartphone, so people were puzzled and applauded.

“Two years ago, we successfully launched Keslon Zero. The product went seamlessly and made Kestron one of the largest companies in the world. But the sad thing about Quezron Zero is that you can't buy too many people at too high a price. So we created a low-cost smartphone, Kezron Z, for those of you who can't afford it. With its colorful yet sensual color, Kestron Z will be available for as little as KRW 7.99 million. ”


At the same time as the poem said the price, there was a huge miracle in the audience. No one expected to launch a smartphone worth KRW 79.90 million in Quezron.

Of course, it was very expensive compared to high-priced smartphones, which usually cost around 1 million won. However, everyone knew that the price of 9.99 million won would be ridiculously cheap if it was given the name Kesron in front of it. With half a million or more people watching on the Internet today, even 800,000 people were cheering as soon as they heard the price.

A smartphone priced at 140 million won was an affordable price for 799 million won, no matter how hard it was for ordinary people to try. If they lived in 3-year installments, it was a bit more than 200,000 won. It was a realistic enough price for them.

A description of QuezronZ then flowed onto the screen. Naturally, he lacked many skills compared to Quezron Zero, but nevertheless, he was superior enough to refuse to compare with mediocre expensive third-party smartphones.

It wasn't the new product announcement I was expecting, but I was already excited about buying QuezronZ from people in the audience or viewers on the internet. There were numerous exciting articles that said they would buy immediately when they came out on the internet.

Everyone thought this was the end of the presentation. When I was naturally relieved, suddenly fresh music began to flow.

The poem on the stage looked through the audience and continued to speak in a bold tone again.

“I don't know if you all know this, but a while ago, we published a secret game on the E4 in Quezron. ”

At last, when he thought he was finally releasing the virtual reality device to the world, Mana began to exude a deep presence in Yongsin, boiling a little inside the poem. It was a suppressive young donation, like a stubborn emperor. In that intense existence, people focused their minds unknowingly and stared at the situation.

“We are committed to turning the world into a better place. Virtual reality is the innovative service that comes out of all that worry and effort. Tired of the reality and travel? Want a new experience? Is there anything you haven't learned about money and time? We have a virtual reality device that will solve that problem all at once. Let's see!”

This time, the magnificent effects of virtual reality devices developed in Quezron were also revealed on the big screen. It was the same goggle-looking device that was demonstrated in the previous E4.

A screen-filled virtual reality device appeared and the name [Lunar] appeared next to it. It was entirely developed by Lunamos, named after the prefix of Lunamos.

“Lunar R will take you to a virtual world you've never felt before. Can't imagine yet? Don't worry, if you try Lunar R, you'll immediately feel what I'm saying. Lunar R will be an innovative product to leap the world again! ”

“... Wow! ”

Those who swallowed up the majestic words of the poem slowly began to applaud as they staggered. Suddenly, people shouted and applauded.

After a while, the applause stabilized the intestine and continued the explanation.

“Lunar R is easy to use for computers as well as for Kestron Zero and Z and will sell at a low price of KRW 590,000. By the way, Lunar R gives you access to a variety of virtual reality programs on the Kestron homepage, and lets you experience the real world of games we're developing in Capelonia. Kestron Z and Lunar R are scheduled to sell tomorrow. ”


Another round of applause erupted. The people who gathered here had the expectation that they might announce or experience such a highly acclaimed virtual reality game, the Real World and Capelonia. Then, if you buy Lunar R, you can only experience the virtual reality game on E4, so you couldn't clap.

This concludes the announcement. The poem simply greeted and disappeared backstage, and people's applause continued endlessly. After a long round of applause, people went to a table on one side of the presentation board and filmed a video of the review, studying KesronZ and Lunar R.

The announcement was over, but the heat remained there. Even when Lunar R was announced, there were more than a million YouTube viewers instantly. It was such an exciting announcement.

The following morning, after the announcement, I started selling pre-orders for KesronZ and Lunar R. There were already a lot of people gathering to pre-order QuezronZ and Lunar R because people already knew about it through announcements and a lot of news.

The planet has also entered a cutting-edge civilization that uses virtual reality.

= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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