Café Quezron

Thankfully, my voice was not trembling or blocked. I am familiar with this feeling since I have felt it a lot in the past.

“Yes, I'm going to mix it with plain green bean and make it taste special while ensuring price competitiveness. ”

The Jamaican Blue Mountains just cost more to buy a free and ordinary fish, but they didn't have to tell me that.

“But I think the price of coffee will be too expensive. ”

“It's okay because there's a cheap supply place. But the price is still 6,000 won per remaining americano. ”

Although he said the situation was nothing, Hyunju thought that the price of 6000 won was too expensive. Of course, if you think of the Blue Mountains included, it was cheap, but if you think of a typical cafe at less than KRW 4,000 per glass of Americano, it was too competitive.

“Have a cup of coffee first. It's the price. You can try and adjust it. ”

When Hyunju heard the price and raised his worried face, he shrugged. I understand worrying about that because I haven't tasted coffee. It's worth every penny. Once you try the right coffee, you'll feel like it's worth 6,000 won.

“Yes. I'll make it 6: 2: 2. ”

Hyunju was put into a preheated roaster with a mix of common poultry, blue mountain and special poultry boasting the poem.

“The temperature is getting too high. Did you set it on purpose? ”

“Yes? No. ”

“Then I'll make it normal first. ”

Hyunju skillfully regulated the temperature and began stir-fried green beans. After two popcorn sounds, I took out the beans and cooled them, then switched to the grinder and pulled out the espresso with the coffee machine.

Unlike the poem, it was too proficient and quick to move. I'm glad it doesn't seem like a foolish thing to do.

“When I extract the espresso, I extract about 1 ounce for 25 seconds, so it tastes neat because I feel like I have nothing to do with it. If you look here, you can see about four millimeters of crema, right? This should taste pretty good. ”

When I got the coffee mug that Hyunju handed me, the brown cream looked pretty. It wasn't like this when I made it, but it's amazing.

The poem carefully smelled and drank espresso. It's bitter, but it's thick and soft and sweet. Amazing flavor fills the mouth. I'm amazed that you pulled out coffee like this as soon as you arrived. Experts are definitely different.

I don't think it will be a problem if I leave the coffee to Hyunju. Coffee seemed to be resolved, but mainstream itself was a problem. No different from the last time we met, I'm worried about where to start.

“Wow, you're amazing. I kept failing, and I kept doing that, and it was my hands. Try it.”

When the poem handed over the coffee cup, Hyunju drank a little somewhere his mouth could not reach. A mouthful of exquisite flavor spreads. Delicate sweetness and tenderness are so luxurious that they can't be compared to any coffee I've ever had.

“Well, how does it taste? I tried the Blue Mountains, but it wasn't like this... ”

Unlike the brutal situation, Hyunju was in awe. I tried all the coffee because it was delicious as a mania, but this coffee refused to compare with them. I can't believe this coffee is 6,000 won.

“It's because you're good at it. ”

The poem simply said, but I knew that Hyunju was not. It was clear that a mix of plain green beans and blue mountain could not produce this flavor, but it was a secret that it would give a special flavor. I keep getting the urge to drink coffee made only by that raw bird.

Hyunju took a slight look at the poem, but his eyes met. I was embarrassed and avoided my eyes immediately. I'm not nervous.

“What's the matter? ”

“Oh, no. ”

When the curious expression asked, Hyunju was surprised and replied. It's hard to talk to such a handsome and decent man.

“Would you like to put on a barista and make coffee? I think you should practice. What do you think?”

“Oh, yes. It's okay."

“Wait a minute. I'll get some clothes.”

The poem took the barista's uniform from Rohim Café's closet and gave it to him. I think I need to put some clothes on before I can see what's going on.

“Brother, I want to wear it too. ”

Hyunju glanced at the aru. I think I'm getting a little older, but I've never seen my brother write a word of respect to my brother. In cartoons, rich brothers and sisters pay respect.Is the poem that rich?

“Really? Then put this on Aru. ”

Aru gladly examines the poem when he gives him the uniforms worn by part-time students. The poem had no intention of using Aru as a part-time student. Even though a slightly prettier woman does part-time work, there are a lot of men who do dash, but I can't imagine how many men would be grossed out if Aroo did part-time work in a cafe.

“Where are your clothes……. ”

“Change with Aru on the second floor. I'm gonna do something else. ”

“Sis, let's go this way. ”

Aru took Hyunju to the second floor bedroom.

Hyunju glanced around, but there was only one bed. As soon as I realized that I wouldn't sleep in the same bed with my sister, I had a wild thought. Aroo serves the poem every night....



Suddenly, Hyunju was imagining the scene where the poem was roughly draining the aru. Suddenly, Aru called out, and he was surprised and shouted. My face is burning and ashamed as if I've been caught doing something bad. When I saw one bed, I had a crazy thought. How could you do something like that between your brother and me? I'm so embarrassed.

“Aren't you dressed? ”

“Yes. I'll put this on. ”

Hyunju glanced down the stairs and noticed that no one was there. Then he took off his corny clothes and changed into the barista clothes the poet gave him. I am with Aru, but my heart is pounding because I am changing at home with a man.

“You're too short. ”

Hyunju, who had never worn a miniskirt in his life, was embarrassed by a short, tight A-line skirt that climbed over his knees. Exposure, but I didn't think it would suit me at all with this stylish outfit.

Hyunju put on all his clothes and glanced at the full-body mirror on the wall. Just as I thought. This stylish and stylish outfit didn't go well with me compared to the one I wore when I hit the barista.


I peered into the mirror wearing a café uniform. Of course, it was incredibly beautiful, unlike myself. It feels like a celebrity is wearing a cafe uniform to shoot a movie or drama. The design of the uniform itself was too stylish to fit the face of the aru. I feel humbled for some reason.

“Sis, go downstairs. ”


Hyunju went to the poem shy.

“Oh, what a lovely match. ”


Hyunju heard something wrong. It can't be a good fit......

“What about me? ”

“Aroo is beautiful. ”

At the words of the poem, Aru smiled in a cheerful manner.

“But Hyun-joo. ”


“You look good in your clothes. It doesn't really go with your hair. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Then I heard the idea. Maybe he's just saying that so he won't hurt himself. But I know I don't look good in these fancy outfits.

“I think you need a haircut.... ”

“Yes, I'll cut it later. ”

“No, don't do that. Would you like to come with me to the salon? ”

“Yes? Go or together? ”

Hyunju was embarrassed. Going with you?

“Yes. Meanwhile, I'll do some market research. Don't you want it?”

“Oh, no. I understand.”

The poem once again searched the mainstream. I changed my outfit as I thought, and it was pretty good. Particularly, the gap between the explosive charm from the body with a chest called the C cup and a slightly childish and naive looking face was quite good.

Although he didn't seem to know it himself, he wore a short skirt with a shirt with a discreet highlight on his chest, and he was as stunning as a model. Thin, thin legs are as long as an aru and cut down to the waist.

It didn't feel like she was pretty just by her face, but she was giving off a strange charm because she was in harmony with her body as well as her model. Until now, the dresses were so beautiful that they covered their bodies.

I drew a picture of how to change and coat the mainstream in a snap. I think I'll be amazed at first glance if I cut my hair clean and clean.

“I didn't know you looked so pretty. Good taste, too.”


“Oh, I'm sorry if you're upset. ”

“No, no, no. It's not like that... ”

Hyunju blushed his cheeks at the words of the poem. I was so embarrassed that I had never heard of such a beautiful body and good taste. I tried to think of it as just a lip service, but for some reason my heart did not calm down.

I looked at the poem's face to make fun of him, but I was looking at him with a very pure smile as if there were no lies.

“Then let's make coffee again. ”

“Yes, yes. Yeah, I'll do that. ”

Hyunju pulled out the espresso with a variety of roasts and tasted it daily.

“What do you think? Do you think it's worth 6,000 won? ”

“Of course! 6000 won is not a waste at all. It's better than any coffee I've ever had. ”

“Really? That's good. ”

As expected, Hyunju tasted a completely different reaction from the previous one. Coffee tasted just as glamorous.

Afterwards, I tried to extract the optimum flavor while running through roasting time, and after the flavor stabilized to some extent, I tried various coffees, such as cappuccino and caramel macchiato, but not espresso.

Taste was also the most satisfying but luxurious flavor. There is no woman who will not fall in love with this coffee.

“Well done today. Hyun-joo.”

“Oh, no. ”

It was 6 p.m. one day.

“Then tomorrow, around 9: 30, I'll be at the front door of the university. Is that okay?"

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

The poem smiled satisfactorily. It was not a bad choice to draw a current drink. With the exception of a slightly childish attitude, there was nothing frustrating about working itself because it was exhausting and quick to understand. Now, if you just code for Hyunju and pick Alba Saints, the cafe is ready.

The town immediately posted a job advert on the internet. 10 days until cafe opening.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you so much for your recommendations, selections, comments, and coupons.

It's over the shipping bay. I want to thank you again for watching my novel.

I was going to join the party like I said before... Actually, I couldn't make any supplies because of what happened yesterday...

So instead, I'm going to put up three or four on Friday. It's possible...

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