Café Quezron

Even though there was more than 10 minutes left before 9: 30, Hyunju quickly ran to the front gate of the university in a clean suit.


“You don't have to run. ”

The poem smiled and said.

Hyundai's clothes were no different from yesterday's. Stretched neck teas and fluffy jeans didn't show the charm of modernity by even 1%. The poem thought about buying clothes and cutting the head, cutting the head first, and buying clothes.

“Let's go to the salon first. ”


As the poem went on, Hyunju walked along. I was nervous because I had never walked the road with a man and a man as handsome as the poem. In my spare time, I left Yeogu and Woman, so I never had any contact with a man, and I never received a confession because of my shy, ugly appearance. Just watching dramas and cartoons at home, handsome men and dating rich boys like the poem filled my desire with imagination. But I know it's all a fantasy anyway.

“Hey, here? I don't have much money... ”

When he tried to enter the hair shop that looked very expensive and glamorous, he said with a trembling voice.

“Don't worry. I'll pay for everything. ”

“But……. ”

“It's okay. Come on in. ”

When he took her by the wrist and brought her into the salon, he was ashamed of her.

I've never done this kind of skinship with a man. Hyunju felt his heart beat for no reason even though he knew that the situation didn't have any compassion for him. It's like a scene from a drama.

“Welcome. Who's gonna do the hair? ”

“This way.”

The poem pointed to the mainstream.

“Come this way. ”

The hairdresser took Hyunju to an empty hairdresser and followed the situation.

“Do you have the style you want? ”

“Yes? It's, just neat... …. ”

“Wait a minute. Do you have a book with a haircut? ”

“Yes, I'll get it right away. ”

The poem cut off the words of Hyundai. You don't even have to cut it neatly in style now. It wasn't that Hyunju's face was ugly because of the big eyes and a crooked nose, but there was something 2% missing. So I had to watch the battle with my hair, makeup and fashion.

When the hairdresser brought me the book, I went through the whole thing. One of them stands out. It was a hair style that Kim Da-yeon, the leader of the tribal idol group called Rosemary, has been doing recently.

It was long hair to the waist, but it was cute and adorable with waves from midway through. Especially Kaki blonde.

“Here you go. I want you to keep the color on Kaki blonde. ”

“This long-wave love firm is popular nowadays, and you picked it out nicely. And your skin is white, so it goes well with Kaki blondes. ”

“Now, wait a minute. Ms. Grant, are you dyeing? ”

Hyunju was overwhelmed and asked the poet in a trembling voice. What do you mean, dyed, blond? I never really imagined what it would look like. I was scared beyond anxiety.

“Yes, don't you like it? ”

“I-I don't think I'd go too well with blondes. ”

“No, Hyun-joo looks great because his face is white and his hair is small. When I saw you yesterday, I thought you'd look great with your blonde hair. ”

“Hawk, charm? ”

“Yes, Hyun-joo's body is quite western and pretty. So if you wear Kaki blonde on a long wave, you'll look great.... You don't have to do it if you don't like it. ”

When Hyunju heard the turbulent words of the poem, my heart was suddenly startled. I've never heard of a beautiful line, because it's attractive. I looked at your face, but that innocent face was never a mockery of you. With a slight red face, I thought that blondes might really suit me.

“Ha, I'll do it. ”

The poem gave me courage.

“Thank you. I'll sit on the couch over there. ”

The pope tapped his shoulder slightly and went to the couch. Hyunju looked in the mirror and followed behind the scenes with his eyes.

How happy would it be to be with such a sweet, wonderful man? A sweet and wonderful man like the poem will wake himself up with a kiss. And they'll touch your chest with their good hands.

‘Don't. Idiot.'

If so, I'm sure I'll be eager.

‘My Hyunju is so pretty. ’

‘Shame on you, fool. ’

I will embrace the poem with a red face. And…….

“Ahh... ”

I was so excited that I could only imagine that scene.

“Can you hold your head up for a second? ”

“Yes? Yes, yes. Yeah, I'll do that. ”

Hyunju was surprised by the hairdresser's words. I know this is all a fantasy that can't be accomplished. A rich son like the Pope might have someone in a marriage or already have a fiancé.

‘You have a fiancée. ’

‘I know, I know. But I love you so much... I close my eyes, I work, I keep thinking of you! ’

At sunset, the poem will hug him next to a beautiful river in pink.

‘No. Our love cannot be fulfilled. ’

‘Without you, I... I don't mean to be alive. ’

I'll give myself a tough kiss for grieving the love that can't be fulfilled....

“Any discomfort? ”

“Yes, yes. No, it's okay. ”

It was because of this imagination that Hyundai's face was strangely reminded.

The situation may be that Hyunju is imagining it for himself, and he searches the quest on the tablet.

[Hire 1 employee.] [Completed] [EXP 100]

Hired Hyunju and gained EXP 100. We're still at four bells.

The poem took a level 3 picture and thought about what was useful in the items he received as a reward.

I thought it would be good to have an obstacle bypass hoop, but it was no use at all because it wasn't robbing a bank or breaking into someone else's house. I have regrets about choosing other magical items.

Rather, the top-quality earphones and the rehabilitation tree of Ro Hame, which seemed to have a lot of meaning, seemed to be quite good to use.

The poem pulls his hand out of his pocket and his earphone out of the subspace. I don't really like to listen to music, so I bring it out first.

[Earphones from Sensei Cadren. Luxurious kernel-like earphones made by Seine Cardron. I can't hear anything at the moment I put on my earphones, thanks to the perfect sound and noise canning. It sounds more intense and delicate than a compact, lightweight, multimillion-won sound device made from a single driver. It has multiple connectors that can be plugged into any terminal, without any twists.]

The description was huge. In order to test the situation, he took his smartphone out, connected it to his earphone, and plugged it into his ear.


I swear, it was a hair salon with a song on and a loud dryer, and the moment I put my earphones in my ears, all I could think about was silence. I can't hear anything as if I'm lying there at 3: 00 in the morning trying to sleep.

The poem used his phone to play Rosemary's song.


I was amazed at the pressure of the drum sound at the beginning. Then came Rosemary's leader, Dayeon, whose voice sounded vivid as if she was next to her. Everything was perfect, including heavier bass, cooler eardrums, and lively vocal sounds. My heart beats and beats as if I were at a concert.


The poem that listened to one song took out the earphones. I could easily tell that my self in music and sound was not the same dimension as a normal earphone.

I didn't think it would be a bad idea to create a table to listen to music with these earphones and mp3.

I was looking for information about the cafe on the tablet and thinking about how to decorate it for a long time, but I felt like I was out of my head.

“That's it, I'm done... ”

Hyunju was making an embarrassing face, but it was much more appropriate than I thought. If it was just a long black wave love firm, dyeing it with Kaki blonde might have been the best choice. The beautiful colors of white face and Kaki blonde were the perfect match.

“Wow, that looks so much better than I thought. ”

“Well, is that so? ”

When he heard the poem speaking in amazement, Hyunju frowned again. Honestly, when I saw myself after my head was done, I knew that I was a completely different person. I liked my head too much in contrast to what I thought.

“Do you do makeup here? ”

“Of course, sir. ”

The hairdresser next to him replies right away.

“Then I'll also ask you to make up in a clean style that matches your hair. ”

“I understand.”

The hairdresser takes her home again and another employee comes and gives her makeup. The ordinary face of Hyundai turned innocent. Of course, it wasn't as pretty as it used to be, but the combination of hairstyle and full makeup made me look completely different from my previous childhood.

After that, it was a thousand. I went to the department store with a head and makeup to match the lens and put on matching clothes.

“Sa, Ms. Grant, this is too expensive. ”

“It's okay, just wear the clothes I bought you, not the clothes you're wearing now. Okay?"

“Yes, yes. ”

Hyunju was confused whether he was dreaming or not. The scene that the poem is doing is one of the imaginations that every woman dreams of doing. And yet, this happened to you!

I could not believe that Hyunju was the same person I met in the morning wearing mint-coloured skinny pants, sneakers, and a white chiffon blouse.

Unlike a cute and clean face, the subtle charm that sexy body brings was that it was not felt by any woman who had seen the poem. The face may be ordinary, but thanks to my heart, it was definitely full of charm.

“Let's break up after dinner. ”

It was getting late. I went shopping with Hyunju all day and wandered around the cafe. Time passed quickly.

“Oh, I'm so sorry... ”

“We'll continue working together. What's there to be sorry about? Do you want sushi?”

“Yes? Yes. Oh, anything's fine. ”

The poem laughed and took him to a sushi restaurant to eat.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend? ”

The poem swallowed sushi and said.

“Oh, no. ”

“Really? I've never had a girlfriend before. Haha.”

I'm not lying. I've had a lot of people have sex, but I haven't even had a girlfriend yet. However, it was also subtle that most women would give permission without even thinking about it if the poem confessed. It's just a simple pun, but it also strangely reassures women.

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I'll pick up the next one between 2: 00 and 3: 00 P.M.

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