Chapter 1000 Looking for death? Hahaha! Don’t you know that I like to look for death the most?


“Must stay?”

“Then what if I don’t stay?”

Yin Zhi smiled, but he opened his “wallet” with a big smile in his heart.

Come on!

Big money is coming to my bowl!

I don’t know if I heard Yin Zhi’s heartfelt voice, a “didi” sounded.

“You got 8 million super kill points from an unknown object, please check!”

Ha ha!


And Duke Olin’s forty-eight should only be a little bit murderous-after all, he hasn’t offended him yet, isn’t he?

A little bit of killing is 8 million “super kill points.” If this offends him to death, how many?

Yin Zhi is ready to move.

How did Duke Olin’s forty-eight know that Yin Zhi was cheering at this moment?

He smiled and said, “It seems that you can’t help it.”

Yin Zhi smiled deeply and said: “I’m sorry, my fate, I have the final say! Don’t talk about you, it is your ‘Holy See’ is here, it’s not necessarily who is the one who is the one!”


When Yin Zhi didn’t put the “Holy See” in this way, Duke Olin’s eyes glared, and his murderous intent erupted.

“How dare you be disrespectful to the’Holy See’?”

“Your courage… is really not so big.”

Yin Zhi laughed “hahaha” and said, “Why should I not be disrespectful to the’Holy See’? You say that I’ve done two’Holy See’s already! That’s so good!”

Duke Olin’s forty-eight looked at Yin Zhi’s trivial and disgusting expression, and shouted, “You are looking for death!”

“Didi! You got 20 million super kill points from unknown objects, please check!”

Oh ho ho ho ho!

It directly adds 12 million super kill points!

Obviously, Duke of Olympian Forty-eight still has a lot of potential to squeeze.

Yin Zhi knew that a big battle was about to break out.

He only left ten million “Super Kill Points”, and all the others were allocated to his pile of “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors.”

It is not a joke that the tens of millions of “super kill points” are smashed down, Yin Zhi obviously feels a new force in his body-this “enhancement” makes him particularly satisfied!

What a pity…

After being promoted to the “Three Wu Yu Ling”, there is no way to feed the “Super Kill Point”.

In this way, the growth of the “Three-Wu Yu Ling” is stuck-although the “Three-Wu Yu Ling” is already very strong, Yin Zhi certainly hopes that they will be stronger.

However, the current Yin Zhi doesn’t know how to strengthen the “Three Wu Yuling”, so he can only take one step at a time.

Well, it seems that it’s been a long time since I smoked a new Yuling?

Take time to draw and see what Yuling can be drawn out again!

“court death?”


“Don’t you know that I like to find death the most?”

As soon as Yin Zhi’s voice fell, the housekeeper said, “Master, leave it to me!”

With that said, Yin Zhi received another ten million worth of murder, obviously from the housekeeper.

This really made Yin Zhi tut, he deserves to be the “Olin Family”, even a housekeeper is so powerful!

boom! ! !

Yin Zhi kicked the old housekeeper’s belly, showing no “respect for the elderly” at all.

With a “boom”, the steward pulled through the wall and flew directly into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Duke Olin’s pupils flicked, and the murderous intent in his eyes became thicker and colder.

“It’s no wonder that I came to the’Olin Family’ to be presumptuous. It turned out to be a little capable.”

“But it’s over…”

“Now, I will impose sanctions on you on the charge of disrespect to the’Holy See’ and execute them immediately!”

With a flash of white light, Duke Olin’s 48th Duke added a slender thorn sword condensed from light.

Just like a snake, a dazzling and beautiful streamer drew straight to Yin Zhi’s eyebrows.


Unbeatable block!

Even time seems to be unable to catch up with his sword…

Time can’t catch up, but Yin Zhi’s hand can catch up!

Two fingers are just one pinch!

The “light snake” that combines death and art was like being pinched by seven inches. It was clamped by Yin Zhi with only two fingers, and it was fixed one centimeter away from the center of Yin Zhi’s eyebrows.

In this scene, not only the Forty-eight Duke of Olin was shocked, but also Gulala, who was held by Yin Zhi’s waist, opened his mouth in disbelief.


How can this be? !

He actually clamped the sword with only two fingers! ?

As everyone knows, Yin Zhi is also secretly grateful.

“Good risk, good risk, I almost pretended to fail!”

“Fortunately, I strengthened a wave before.”

Although being stabbed does not necessarily lead to death, pretending to force the crit damage to the heart is still great.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Master Duke, haven’t you eaten enough? Or let’s have a meal and then fight?”

Duke Olin forty-eight asked the unanswered question again: “Who are you?”

It’s not uncommon to be able to hold their own sword with just two fingers, but it is absolutely rare!

The entire “Holy Court Heavenly Kingdom” may not be able to find ten people.

But now, the stranger in front of him who brought Gulala to divorce has actually done it, then he is definitely not an ordinary person!

who is he?

where is he from?

What is his purpose?

These are the issues that Duke Olin Forty-Eight had to consider.

Of course, he has to consider another more important issue-how to kill him!

What about Yin Zhi’s answer?

“Who am I? Didn’t I just say that I am Yin Zhi?”

“Oh, by the way, I also have a nickname, known as the’Black Stick Demon’ who is called’One Stick Sweeping the World’!”

“How about it, isn’t this nickname very popular?”

Duke Olin forty-eight is no longer nonsense.

He has thoroughly faced the enemy Yin Zhi!

In an instant, he disappeared.

Yin Zhi took a slack, and could only shout, “Hey, don’t say hello, and are still passionate about martial arts?”

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strong pressure from the sky.



The whole house was crushed.

Yin Zhi stopped Gulala and shot out from the ruins, soaring into the sky.

At this time, there was already a huge dragon with two wings and a big bellied spear tail flying in the sky-well, a mechanical dragon!

Under the shining of the sun, that huge body was blooming with a cold light.

At this moment, although the “Middle Upper City” was big, many people felt the strangeness, and even saw the mechanical dragon flying in the sky.

It turned out to be “Nano Devil Dragon”! ?

No one who lives in the “Middle Upper City” does not know the “Nano Devil Dragon”!

At the same time, Hala and Yang Yinlong also walked out, looking up at the sky.

Hara’s eyes widened, and said: “It’s… it’s father’s’Nano Demon King Dragon’, he is… unexpectedly…”

Yang Yinlong’s face was also extremely gloomy!

Forcing Duke Olin to summon the “Nano Devil Dragon”, how strong should that guy be?

Could it be that he has also become strong enough during this time?

But how is this possible, how can his speed of gaining strength catch up with me? !

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