Chapter 999 Your body can go, but your life…must stay!


So so so so?

Yang Yinlong?

This guy is actually Yang Yinlong? !

Yin Zhi was surprised, and couldn’t help looking up and down at him.

Okay, life is good enough, and I have been “reincarnate” in such a top family. The “reincarnation technology” is not bad!

Yes, this handsome blond young man who suddenly walked in was no one else. It was Yang Yinlong who was killed twice by Yin Zhi-the owner of the “game template” Gold Finger, and the “ant” who is highly regarded by the “cracking organization”!

His “reincarnation technology” is indeed good, and he was directly “reincarnated” in the top aristocratic family.

Not only that, but the owner who was taken away by him is still a genius with the name of genius!

Such “openings” are not generally high.

Although I did encounter some difficulties at the beginning, I almost died on two occasions.

However, relying on the “Gold Finger”, he has repeatedly turned dangers to death, and established a magnificent military exploit, becoming a rising star of the “Holy Court Heaven”.

It can be said that as long as he opposes the “Holy Court” without food, his future will be bright!

Naturally, Yang Yinlong is also confident about finding Yin Zhi revenge in the future.

It’s just that Yang Yinlong never thought that he hadn’t even gone to Yin Zhi yet, he himself took the initiative to send it to the door…


Although Yin Zhi wanted to bear it, he couldn’t help laughing.

What is this called?

There is a fate of thousands of miles-no, thousands of miles to meet!

How big is “Endless Sea of ​​Universe”?

After so many people met with Yin Zhi, they never had the chance to meet again in their lifetime.

But Yang Yinlong?

Time and time again, I met in situations where it was impossible to meet each other.

it’s fate!

This is not fate, so what is fate?

“Yang Yinlong!”

“You are Yang Yinlong, right?”

Of course Yin Zhi is happy!

Even a little happily drifting away.

no way!

Who made Yang Yinlong “send” him 10 million as soon as he came up?

Gee tut!

How long is this time, Yang Yinlong is already strong enough to generate 10 million “super kill points”!

“By the way, is this guy the protagonist in a certain novel?”

“You can’t kill you no matter how you kill it.”

“And the more you kill, the stronger.”

“Isn’t this the treatment that the protagonist of the novel has?”


Thinking about it this way, it seems that the more he kills, the stronger.

Am I also the protagonist in the novel?


Yang Yinlong has not recovered from the shock of seeing Yin Zhi. At first hearing Yin Zhi directly pointed out his true identity, he was shocked and angry, and at the same time a little worried…

damn it!

How did he know that I was Yang Yinlong?

Can he tell at a glance that I am Yang Yinlong? !

Of course he couldn’t know that it was his murderous intention to Yin Zhi that he had exposed himself.

Yang Yinlong said coldly: “You have admitted the wrong person. I am Olin Sete Shige!”

With that said, he was thinking how to kill Yin Zhi to get revenge.


“There is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, The Underworld has no way to vote for you!”

“Since you brought it to the door yourself, then I’m not welcome – Yin Zhi, the account between us should be settled properly!”

Shit brother?

The transliteration of your name is a bit difficult to look at directly.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it. Anyway, I know you are Yang Yinlong.”

After speaking, he said to Duke Olin forty-eight, “A reminder. This person’s soul has been occupied by a man named Yang Yinlong. He is no longer the original him. It is just such a thing, As for you, believe it or not, it’s up to you.”

Duke Olin forty-eighth glanced at his own “eldest son”.

Yang Yinlong had a guilty conscience and was uncomfortable being seen, but he did not lose his square inch to defend himself, but smiled disdainfully and said, “I really don’t know what you are talking about.”

After speaking, he saluted Olin forty-eighth and said, “Father, what happened?”

“A little thing. It’s not worth paying attention to.”

“Shi Ge, you and your Little Brother haven’t seen each other for two years. There must be a lot to say.”

“Hala, go talk to your Dage. I’ll take care of this.”

Hara is naturally unwilling to leave like this…

But as soon as he was about to speak, he saw his father’s ugly expression, and his heart shook, so he could only leave with Shi Ge.

Shi Ge-well, Yang Yinlong, he didn’t look at Yin Zhi again until he left, as if he didn’t take Yin Zhi to his heart at all.

Leaving the office and study of Olympian Forty-Eighth, Yang Yinlong said, “Hala, who were those two people just now? What happened? My father seemed very unhappy.”

Hara said bitterly: “I really want to kill those two dog men and women now!”

Then he talked about the cause and effect.

Of course, he disappeared when he saw Gulala and Yin Zhi enter the hotel with his own eyes.

After listening, Yang Yinlong said: “Listen to you, that pair of dog men and women is indeed guilty of death!”

I laughed “haha” in my heart.

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi!”

“Zhengchou has no chance to kill you.”

“Now you pass the knife into my hand by yourself, then I’m not welcome.”

The strength of the “Olin Family” is definitely beyond your imagination!

I think how do you die? !

Here is Yin Zhi.

When Yang Yinlong and Hara left, Yin Zhi said: “Your Excellency, this is just one thing. The meaning has been conveyed. We will not take up your precious time. Goodbye.”

As he said, he looked at Gulala, “Honey, let’s go.”

Duke Olin forty-eight said: “I don’t seem to agree with you to leave, right?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Oh? We need your consent to leave? What is the reason?”

“Come as you like, leave as you like, do you think the’Olin’s house’ belongs to you?”

“What’s more, if the matter has not been resolved, you just want to go?”

“I will not agree to the divorce.”

Duke Olin forty-eight looked at Gulala.

“Gulala, although you are still a child, you can make some mistakes, but you can never make some mistakes!”

“Your marriage to Hara is not about you alone, but about two families. I hope you don’t make mistakes that shouldn’t be made. I will talk to your father about this matter later.”

“You can stay here these few days.”

Saying “stay”, isn’t Gulala under house arrest?

He rang the bell, summoned the old butler in, and then asked the old butler to take Gulala to the guest room.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Since Lord Duke is so enthusiastic, let’s stay here for a few days.”

Duke Olin said: “I don’t remember that I said I would invite you to stay as a guest.”

“Not welcome?”

“okay then.”

“My dear, let’s go.”

Duke Olin said in a cold voice: “Your body can go, but your life…must stay!”

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