Chapter 998 Didi! You got 10 million super kill points from Yang Yinlong, please check!

The noise at the gate of the “Olin Family” ceased with the arrival of the butler.

Gulala, Yin Zhi, and Hala Young Master…

The butler invited him to the “Forty-Eight Duke of Olin”.

This is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and explosive power all over his body.

Yin Zhi felt a sense of oppression from him!

Can’t be wrong, this is a strong one!

This made him a little excited.

“This guy must be able to generate a lot of’super kill points’, right?”

Anyway, he was destined to offend, and Yin Zhi was of course unscrupulous.

The piercing gaze of the forty-eighth Duke of Olympus swept over Yin Zhi and Gulala, and finally fixed on Hara.

“Hala, you should resist the invasion of the Zerg in the’Lower Right City’ at this time. This is your Sacred duty!”

“Tell me, why are you here?”

“It is unforgivable for a soldier stationed on the frontier to leave his defense zone. You must give me a reasonable reason.”

Haram was angry and said: “Father! Please believe me, if there is no reason, I will never leave my job without permission!” He said, he glanced bitterly at Yin Zhi and Gulala.

He was about to speak, but Gulala had already said forward: “Your Excellency the Duke…”

This title made Olin forty-eight frown.

Given the relationship between the two families, it shouldn’t be called such an unfamiliar name.

But he didn’t say anything, just listened to Gulala.

“I’m sorry to bother you this time, please forgive me.”

“But I had to come.”

“I’m here to divorce!”

With that said, she took out a “marriage letter”-this thing was stolen from her home earlier!

“This is the “Marriage Letter”!”

Hara said angrily: “Father, do you now know why I am coming back?”

Duke Olin’s brows were already deeply frowned, but he was not as ghoulish as Hala.

He said quietly: “Gulala, your marriage contract with Hara was made under the witness of the Holy See, and it is also the expectation of your father and I… You are now retiring, it is your own will. , Or your father’s?”

Gu Lala said: “It’s my own!”

“The reason?”

Gu Lala struck up his spirit and plucked up the courage to meet Duke Olin’s gaze: “I don’t have any feelings with Hara, let alone like or love. A marriage without any feelings is not what I want.”

Duke Olin Forty-eight shook his head.

“It’s a pity, boy, I’m going to let you down.”

“This matter is not counted by you.”

“If you have to insist on it, your father will come forward, and then under the witness of the’Holy See’, can the marriage contract be terminated.”

Gulala’s lips pursed tightly.

She could feel the anger from the 48th Duke of Olin…

But he always maintained the integrity and tolerance of an aristocrat, which made her even more frightened.


I must be crazy!

Actually listened to Yin Zhi’s words to “Olin Family” to divorce!

Hara on the side was about to laugh.

Want to divorce?


Arian Di Gulala!

Even if you die, you have to die after you become my wife!

Thinking of this, his murderous gaze fell on Yin Zhi.

Frankly speaking, he didn’t expect that a person he met in a bar would make his relationship with Gulala to this point.

I’m still too kind!

When Gulala took him out of the bar, he should have been killed!

Thinking of him and Gulala coming out of the “Star Hotel”, his heart felt like being stabbed and cut by countless knives.


At this time, Yin Zhi coughed twice and spoke.

“Your Excellency the Duke… isn’t it?”

“I don’t think you have figured out one thing.”

“Gulala is not here to discuss with you, she is here to announce to you the decision to divorce.”

“So no one’s consent is needed, and no one’s witness is needed.”

Olin Forty-eighth’s brows frowned slightly-there were very few things that would make him frown, but Yin Zhi’s words still made him frown.


“Who is it again?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Who am I? This is a long story…but I have a very simple identity.”

As he said, he grabbed Gulala’s thin waist.

“I am Gulala’s man now!”

After hearing this, Hala exploded in an instant: “Father, let me kill him! Let me burn him to ashes!”

Olin’s forty-eighth said: “You shut up!”


Hara wanted to say it again, but when he saw his father’s cold face, her heart trembled and she closed her mouth reluctantly.

It’s just that those eyes are still staring at Yin Zhi, and he can’t wait to stabb him to death immediately.

Olin forty-eighth no longer looked at Yin Zhi, in his opinion this person was completely unworthy of his care.

“Gulala, do you know what it means for you to do this?”

“Do you know what you are doing now will bring to your family?”

“Seeing you are still young, I allow you to make some mistakes.”

“I can treat today’s things as if they didn’t happen.”

“Go back, go back to your post.”

At this moment, Gulala, who was not determined, really retreated…

No way, the gap between her and Duke Olin’s forty-eight is too great, no matter how hard it is, it is impossible to take the initiative.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Mr. Duke, don’t ignore me. Now I am the full representative of Gulala’s man. Everything I say is what she meant.”

Olin forty-eighth finally looked at Yin Zhi and said, “Are you qualified?”

In just a few words, a powerful coercion surged toward Yin Zhi like a huge tsunami wave.


In an instant, he felt a terrifying pressure acting on him, as if he was about to squash it completely.


We can stand it!

This Olympian forty-eight might be a little bit stronger than the bald man back then…

it is good!

This is a big fat pig!


Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“If Mr. Duke can use your coercion to overwhelm me, then I am indeed not qualified.”

“But… are you overpowering me?”

“The pressure seems to be not enough.”

Seeing Yin Zhi with his head held high, Olin Forty-eight’s brow furrowed deeper and deeper.

He was also secretly surprised.

In own Realm, he can still be like a okay person?

Who is he?

“Who on earth are you?”

For the Duke’s forty-eighth question, I always smiled, just about to answer, I heard a voice outside the door: “Father, what happened, I heard that Hara is back…”

A young man walked in.

When he saw Yin Zhi, his whole body froze, and his eyes trembled.


“Didi! You got 10 million super kill points from Yang Yinlong, please check!”

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