Chapter 997 Retirement? Don’t even think about it! Even if you die, you will be the undead of my family!

kill him!

kill him!

Kill him!

Hara Young Master’s face is extremely hideous and terrifying.

If anger is fuel that can explode, then he must have been blown to pieces at the moment.


“Bring your life!”

The roar of Hala Young Master echoed between heaven and earth.

He chased all the way, and found that no matter how hard he chased, he just couldn’t catch up. He couldn’t believe it and became more angry.

Then, he directly summoned the “Yu Ling” of the “Eight Stars of the Holy Spirit”, the “Balla Scarlet Mecha”!

Driving the “Palla Scarlet Armor”, Hara Young Master’s speed soared instantly, and the blazing flame was just like the true portrayal of his heart at this moment.

“Stop it for me!”

“Have you heard—”

In the roar, the distance between the two sides shortened rapidly.


Yin Zhi glanced back, then laughed “oooooo”.

“Good fellow, even Yu Ling has been summoned.”

“What should I do now?”

Gulala thought Yin Zhi couldn’t handle it—well, she didn’t have much confidence in Yin Zhi.

As a Yuling, summoning Yuling and not summoning Yuling, it is a heaven and an underground!

She even felt that if she had the opportunity to summon own “Clear Water Goddess Mech” before, she would never let Yin Zhi be insulted.

Just when she was about to say, “Should I also summon Yuling”.

I heard Yin Zhi say: “Girl, hold me tight. Ask me why, because I’m going to speed. Don’t hold me tight…well, don’t fasten your seat belt, I’m afraid you will fly out.”

Gulala: “???”

Where is this guy’s self-confidence?

At this moment, Gulala only feels that the future is dark.

Yin Zhi was stunned when she saw her patronizing, and there was no reaction at all. He didn’t care about her, his arm shook, he took her into his arms, moved his hands together, and wrapped her tightly.

“Speed ​​up!!”

In the next second, Gulala heard a “pop” in his ears-this was a sonic boom produced by Yin Zhi’s sudden acceleration, and he saw that the scenes on the left and right were completely blurred.

As a result, the distance that had been shortened was pulled away in an instant.

Hara Young Master yelled angrily at the rear: “This is impossible!!”

But no matter how he shouted, it is an indisputable fact that Yin Zhi is holding the Gula and getting further and further away from him.

Damn it!

Why is this happening?

It is naturally impossible for Hara Young Master to give up. He used the strength of feeding milk to follow all the way, and finally…


“What are they going to do in’Highland City’?”

Hala Young Master saw Yin Zhi rushing into a huge, majestic city holding Gulala with his own eyes, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

But immediately he laughed “hahahaha”.



“There is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, but you run into The Underworld by yourself-today, you will definitely die!”

Why did Hara Young Master suddenly laugh so happy?

It’s very simple, because that “Mid-Highland City” is the territory of their “Olin Family”!

When he arrived at his family’s turf, wouldn’t he be asking for his own death?

With a fierce and crazy killing intent, Hala Young Master rushed straight to the “Mid-Highland City”.

However, when he found that Yin Zhi and the two had settled, his brows wrinkled deeply.

What are they going to do at my house?

Such an abnormal behavior caused Hala Young Master to be deeply puzzled.

But then he thought: “No matter what they plan to do, they will soon be dead!”

At this time, he hated Gulala too.

He could faintly feel that all this was deliberate by Gulala!

She was unwilling to succumb to the marriage contract, so she tarnished herself through this extreme method.

That being the case, Gu Lala should not die, who should die? !

Yin Zhi and Gulala fell in front of the castle gate of the “Olin Family”. Its majesty and grandeur are simply a city within a city.

The height of the wall is naturally not as strong as the outer wall of the city, but the height of the wall has reached more than two hundred meters!

The city wall also has dense defensive weapons, which looks like a huge hedgehog armed to the teeth.


Yin Zhi’s feet touched the ground, and the person watching the gate shouted, fiercely and severely.

Yin Zhi smiled and looked at Gulala on the side.

Gulala knew that he had no other way to go at this point…

In fact, there is also one, such as immediately changing the camp and standing on the side of the “Olin Family”!

But she obviously couldn’t go this way.

“I am Arian Di Gulala!”

When Gulala clearly understood her own identity, the look at the gate changed, and she looked at Gulala seriously.


That is a top-level family that is comparable to the “Olin family”, and the history of inheritance is even longer than that of the “Olin family”!

“Go tell Duke Olin forty-eight, and say that I have something important to tell him.”

“Olin Forty-Eight Duke” means “Olin Family” forty-eighth Duke!

Without waiting for the janitor to report, a figure fell from the sky, it was Hara Young Master.

The gatekeeper recognized him at a glance, and immediately saluted: “Five Young Master! Why are you back?”

Halla said coldly, “Do I have to report to you when I come back?” Then he looked at Yin Zhi and Gulala fiercely.

“Gulala, do you think you still have the qualifications to come to the’Olin Family’?”

In the words that Hala Young Master said, every word seemed to contain a deep hatred.

Gulala didn’t want to talk nonsense with him, and said straightforwardly: “I’m here to divorce!”

Hala Young Master was shocked: “What did you say?! You say it again!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “Your ears are really not working well. I have heard clearly that she is here to divorce, but you didn’t even hear?”

break off an engagement?

break off an engagement? !

Hala’s handsome face flushed completely.

“you you……”

Suddenly, he insisted on “you” nothing.

Gulala said, “Don’t waste each other’s time. It’s okay if you come. Go and tell your father what I’m here for. I’ll finish the business early, and I will leave early.”


You still want to leave! ?


Hala Young Master laughed angrily. The laughter resounded across the sky, and it attracted the attention of everyone in the “Olin Family”…

Didn’t hear that it was Hara’s murderous heart: “They went to the’Olin Family’ to make noise and seek death!”

But some people heard that the laughter was Hara’s, and they were puzzled: “Isn’t Hara in the’lower right city’? Why are you back at this time?”

The sound came from the direction of the door…

The current patriarch of the “Olin Family”, that is, Hara’s father, asked the personal butler to go to the gate to see what was going on.

“Gulala, our marriage contract was completed under the witness of the’Holy See’!”

“You ignore the’Holy See’!?”

“Retirement? Don’t even think about it! Even if you die, you will be the undead of my “Olin Family”!”

This is what the butler heard when he arrived at the gate…

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