Chapter 996 The first thing, of course, is to go to Hara’s house and give up your marriage

“Do you dare to play with me?”

Gulala: “…”

Yin Zhi asked again, and then added: “Why don’t you speak? Don’t you dare? Or are you afraid that your own beliefs are not as firm as you think?”

Gulala immediately shouted: “No! You are talking nonsense! My belief in the ‘Holy Lord’ is extremely pious and firm!”

Yin Zhidao: “Then come and play with me! Don’t even dare to play games, you are ashamed to say how firm and pious your own belief is, you lie to ghosts!”

Gulala was also stimulated by Yin Zhi and shouted, “Okay! I’ll play with you!”

A bright smile appeared on Yin Zhi’s face.

“Then come and have fun.”

“Don’t forget, you have to listen to me before the results of this game come out.”

“The first thing, of course, is to go to Hara’s house and revoke your marriage contract!”

Gulala’s expression suddenly became very exciting. After a long time, she said: “Okay…”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

How vicious is his eyesight?

At a glance, there was a light flashing across Gulala’s face.

In fact, she really wanted to withdraw the marriage contract, but because the marriage contract was made under the witness of the “Holy See”, she didn’t dare to go back.

But now, with the tremendous pressure from Yin Zhi, she can divorce with peace of mind, because she can put the blame on Yin Zhi!

In this way, she doesn’t have to bear any psychological responsibility herself…

Although Yin Zhi saw it through, he didn’t intend to say it.

That’s fun, isn’t it?

Gu Lala said: “What exactly is the game you are talking about?”


Yin Zhi slapped her again and smiled: “What are you doing in such a hurry? Let’s come one by one.”

Gulala’s face was completely bloodshot, and it was red, as if blood was about to seep out of the pores on his face.

Immediately, Yin Zhi bought a dress for Gulala in the “System Mall”-but he only bought her a coat, ahem!

“I’m so bad.”

Yin Zhi smiled secretly, conjured a set of clothes with “Huntian Wuxiangyi”, and took Gu Lala out of the world of “Ukiyo-e scroll”.


Returning to the guest room, Yin Zhi exclaimed when he saw the knocked door of the room.

“Our Hara Young Master doesn’t know if it’s upset.”

“Especially seeing this.”

Yin Zhi pointed to the blush on the bed…

Gulala looked at the absurd traces she had left because of the momentary anger, and felt extremely regretful in her heart.

Then he gave a wry smile and said, “What’s the use of regret now? It can only…”

“Don’t be happy too early.”

“Even if Hara can’t kill you, the strength of the’Olin’ family is not what you can imagine.”

Yin Zhi smiled “嚯嚯嚯”.

“Although I’m relatively low-key, but listening to you say that, I still can’t help but want to say: I am not as powerful as you can imagine.”

Gulala: “…”

What else can she say?

Yin Zhi stretched out his own arms.

“Let’s go!”

“I guess Hala Young Master must have been very hard looking for you.”

“We also have to be considerate and considerate of him, and don’t let him waste time and energy looking for it.”

Although Gulala was unwilling, she still stretched out her hand, put it on Yin Zhi’s arm, and left the “Star Hotel” with him.

By the way, this “star hotel” was opened by Gulala’s house!

So she can move in even if she doesn’t open a room.

But what she stayed in was not the most upscale and luxurious suite, but an ordinary room.

Yin Zhi has actually sensed the existence of Hala Young Master!

The two left the “Star Hotel”, and before they had gone far, a Daoist shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of them.

It is Olin Seth Halla Young Master!

He was already in anger and was almost about to explode.

When he saw Gulala’s hand holding Yin Zhi’s arm, with a “bear” sound, the whole person was surrounded by the blazing fire.

This is really hot!

The terrifying high temperature made Gu Lala extremely uncomfortable, so she also showed her own ability—water!

A film of water condensed around her body, isolating the high temperature erupting from Hala Young Master.

Of course, Yin Zhi has no such treatment.

If he were just burned to death by Hara Shao…she would not feel otherwise, even a little happy.

Anyway, her goal of disgusting Hara has been achieved, and Yin Zhi is not dead, she doesn’t care.

But she also knew that Yin Zhi couldn’t be killed by Hara so easily.

He and Hala have the same strength and the gap is limited. Yin Zhi can easily control himself, how can he not deal with Hala?


“What did you do when you entered the hotel with him?!”


Hala Young Master just feels that he can’t control himself anymore.

When Gulala was about to speak, he heard a “pop” and his eyes widened-it turned out that Yin Zhi patted the back of Gulala! ?

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “A man and a woman go to a hotel to open a room, what are you absolutely doing?”

“Didi! You got 8 million super kill points from Olin Setter Halla, please check!”

Hee hee, since you are so generous, then I laughed at it.

Hara roared violently: “I’m going to kill you!”


An angry fist blasted towards Yin Zhi.

The most intolerable thing for men is for women to cuckold themselves-of course, there is no such saying here, it’s almost what it means.

In Hara’s heart, Yin Zhi has become his mortal enemy!

Yin Zhi didn’t have the leisure and time to fight with him, even if he felt that it was not difficult for him to solve the other party.

I saw him wrapped around Gulala’s waist, and then flew directly into the sky!

Hara Young Master’s flame anger punched in the air, but the burst of punching power blasted on the “Star Hotel”. With a loud “bang”, the “Star Hotel” was actually beaten to pieces!

“Don’t even want to run!”

“Die me!”

Hala Young Master yelled up to the sky, followed by soaring into the sky, and chased after him.

Yin Zhi, who had already rushed to the sky, asked, “My dear, where is his home? Since he is going to divorce, of course he is going to his home.”

Gulala said with a hard face: “I’m not your dear, don’t call me that.”

Yin Zhi said, “Okay, dear.”

Gulala: “…”

She was so angry that she could only hold it in her body, she couldn’t vent at all, and then she pointed a direction without saying a word.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Good! Hold my waist tightly, I want to take you to fly.”

The two turned into an elongated shadow and flew straight to the distance.

The angry Hala Young Master chased after him…

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