Chapter 995 How about this, let’s play a game! Do you dare to play with me?

Woman’s face…

It really changes faster than flipping a book!

I just said it before, but now I still do it, and I will kill it directly, and don’t talk about feelings at all.

Just when Yin Zhi spit out, Gulala’s palm knife cut Yin Zhi’s neck.


Click! !

With great force, Yin Zhi’s neck was cut off directly.

“you you……”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes and fell limp on the large bluestone, dead!

Everyone is dead, so the story about Yin Zhi will naturally end there-a ghost!

He was totally interested, pretending to be dead and teasing Gulala.

Gulala looked at Yin Zhi’s “corpse” and stayed for two seconds before exhaling.

She threw the strange taste out of her mind and muttered to herself.

“To blame, blame yourself. To blaspheme the’Holy See’, only life can atone for sins.”

Then she stood up and looked around blankly.

“Next, think of a way to leave this place.”

“But what should I do?”

She jumped off the big bluestone and landed on the soft grass with extremely lightness.

The four big white rabbits also jumped down, hopping around.

But before she took a few steps, a figure rushed over from behind and instantly threw her to the ground.

Gulala was shocked: “Are you not dead?!”

Yin Zhi said with a smirk: “You are so ruthless! Kill if you say kill, without leaving your hands at all, it hurts my heart too much.”

Gulala reacted from shock: “You fool me!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “No? I’m just fooling you! The intermission is over. Come, let’s keep playing!”

Gulala’s face changed drastically: “You…ah!”

not far away.

A big black python that had just left home to go out for food was frightened by Gulala’s scream, turned around and got into the hole again.

The flock of birds in the sky was also startled, and went into the jungle and hid.

At this time, the sky in the “Ukiyo-e scroll” world is still so blue, and the clouds are still so white.

There are mountains and waters on the hanging island, as well as various small animals inhabiting it. It is full of vitality and vitality!

Everything looks so natural and harmonious.

Sunset, sun rises again!

Before I knew it, it was the early morning of the next day.

On a new day, the first sentence Gulala said was: “You kill me!”

She doesn’t know who Yin Zhi is.

But she knows that the other party is very strong!

She doesn’t know how strong she is, but she must be better than herself!

Because own all kinds of resistance are so pale and weak in him.

It’s useless to resist, she becomes like a doll toy in the hands of a child, and she can play with whatever she wants…

Yesterday was definitely the darkest day in my life!

If there is regret medicine in this world, she will definitely eat it without hesitation, and return to the day before yesterday, and will never let the things of yesterday happen again!

At this moment, Gulala even felt that even if she married Hala, the situation would be better than it is now.

Who is he?

What is his purpose?

Gulala didn’t care anymore.

She wanted to die now, to atone for her sin with death!

Holy Lord, benevolent and almighty, punish me, all this is my own responsibility!

Thinking of sadness, Gulala’s tears fell from the corner of his eyes, under the sunlight, like dew in the morning.

Yin Zhi said: “I am not like you. I am a person who nostalgia. Besides, I don’t like killing people very much…” Of course, he wouldn’t say that it is more interesting to let the enemy live. “As far as our current relationship is, how am I willing Kill you?”

Yin Zhi looked at him affectionately.

Gulala turned her head and didn’t go to see Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi said: “Look at you, I was originally going to have a business talk with you. I was interrupted by you, but I haven’t said anything until now.”

Gulala said coldly: “I have nothing to say to you.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “I ask you, have you ever thought about why you are so pious to the’Holy Court’? Why do you value the’Holy See’ so much that you are so excited when I scold her as trash.”

Gulala: “…”

Still ask this kind of question?

Isn’t this justified?

Yin Zhidao: “Let me tell you why. Because the’Holy Court’ has ruled you at the ideological level since ancient times! From the time you can learn, you will instill the belief in the’Holy Court’. Over time, you will do this. Believe it firmly, and even feel that the “Holy Court” set is justified.”

Gulala shouted: “You nonsense! Silence! I forbid you to blaspheme the ‘Holy Court’! You are a sinner! You are a heresy!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “The mouth grows on me, I can say whatever I want to say. Think about it, if I completely erase your memory, and then instill another set of beliefs into you, The idea of’evil organization’ has been injected into your memory. What will happen then?”

Hearing this, Gulala’s face turned pale in an instant, and she became even more excited.

“You can’t do this, you can’t!”

“You devil!”

“How can you…”

Snapped! ! !

Yin Zhi slapped it down, but Gulala’s face was nothing…

But the pain of being beaten calmed her down, without yelling.

Yin Zhi also knew that it was not easy to reverse her “Three Views” at once, so he was quite patient.

“You want to calm down and think about it.”

“Since belief is completely manipulated, what is the meaning of belief?”

“Determine yourself on a belief, and behave and do things according to the belief. Are you really yourself?”

“No, you are just a tool shaped by faith, a tool man who does things according to the religious doctrines you believe in!”

“You live the way others want you to live, but is this really what you want?”

“As a thought tool, what is the meaning of such a person’s life?”

Yin Zhi’s remarks were nothing short of a thunderbolt, which hit Gulala’s long-standing personality concept.

But she is not so easy to be changed, her “Three Views” is doing the most fierce resistance.

“Shut up! Shut up!”

“I don’t listen, I don’t listen!”

Yin Zhidao: “The reaction is so big? So, in fact, your subconscious has agreed with what I said. It’s just that the ideas and habits you have formed for a long time are resisting. You are afraid, right? Because once it has been developed The’Three Views’ are destroyed, and you are at a loss.”

Snapped! ! !

Yin Zhi slapped again.

But it didn’t work this time, Gulala was still so excited.

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but slapped her wild fan, finally let her completely quiet down.

“How about this.”

“Let’s play a game!”

“Look at whether your faith is firmer or my point of view is correct.”

“I only have one condition. You must obey me unconditionally before the results come out.”

“Do you dare to play with me?”

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