Chapter 102: What hadn’t happened before, but he was abruptly reorganized by himself!

High-end luxury private tea room.

It is ten thousand times more expensive than gold, and the top-level soothing fragrance is quietly burnt.

A line of cigarettes floated straight up.

The extremely delicious fragrance filled the room.

But even this top-level soothing fragrance could not calm Sun Liangwu’s impatient mind at this moment.

He didn’t dare to interrupt the uncle’s thinking…

I can only count down seconds like years and wait for his reply.

What is uncle thinking now?

Sun Liangwu is wishing that he has a mind-reading skill!

Suddenly, the whistling sound of the kettle boiled, which was particularly harsh in the quiet room.

Sun Liangwu was really taken aback.

At this time, Sun Chongquan smiled and spoke.

“Since he wants to come to your house for dinner, please invite him.”

Sun Liangwu couldn’t believe Own Ear.

“Uncle, why? Knowing his vicious intentions, isn’t this… isn’t this leading the wolf into the room?”

Sun Chongquan shook his head with a dumb smile and pointed Sun Liangwu twice.

“You are too tender.”

“Energetic, passionate, impulsive-just don’t use your brain!”

“You only thought of’introducing wolves into the room’, why don’t you think about the idea of’closing the door and hitting the dog’?”

Sun Liangwu blinked blankly.

“close the door……”

“Hit the dog?”

Sun Chongquan grabbed the kettle and brewed the tea in an elegant and slow manner, with skillful and sophisticated movements.

“You, don’t think about fighting at every turn.”

“This is a city, not a wilderness. No one cares about you.”

“But there is law and order in the city. Just like before you, when you fight, you will be locked in.”

“Killing? It’s okay?”

Sun Liangwu scratched his head and did not listen to Sun Chongquan’s words at all.

“Uncle, why do you say’close the door and hit the dog’?”

Sun Chongquan lowered his head slightly, and poured hot water into the purple clay pot very intently.

“We can set up a round to ruin him…”

“If he doesn’t resist, we will send him to jail. As long as he gets in, he can’t get out for the rest of his life.”

“If he resists, he will openly confront the country. When that happens, some people will clean up him, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

Sun Liangwu’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he turned on two light bulbs with the maximum power.

He stood up excitedly.


“Uncle, you are great!”

“Then what kind of round should we make?”

Sun Chongquan put a cup of tea in front of Sun Liangwu, reminding him of “be careful of burning”.

“This matter can’t be rushed.”

“After all, the other party is the master of the’Emperor Qingyan’…”

“Longer consideration is needed. Let me think about it.”

“Emperor Qingyan”?


I even forgot this.

Sun Liangwu’s heart thumped and throbbed faster.

“Uncle, you said…”

“is it possible……”

“Just… snatch the’Emperor Qingyan’ from him?”

After plucking up the courage to finish speaking, he looked at Sun Chongquan expectantly.

Sun Chongquan lowered his head and drank a sip of tea-this boss is absolutely full of style!

“Ha ha!”

“As long as you are willing to use your heart, there is nothing impossible in this world.”

“If you really want to get the’Emperor Qingyan’, I will do you think of a way.”

Sun Liangwu was suddenly excited.



“Thanks…Thank you uncle!”

The stumbling words exposed his inner excitement at the moment.

Sun Chongquan put down his teacup and raised his head, looking at Sun Liangwu with piercing eyes.

“Hehe, what else does the family say to thank you?”

“You are my nephew, who am I not thinking about you?”

“It’s just that you don’t get old-fashioned about your mother in the future. If you are old or young, you should know something.”

Sun Liangwu should be repeated again and again.

At least for this moment, he really wants to be a good kid who is obedient and sensible.

The next moment… Then I don’t know.

Sun Liangwu stayed with Sun Chongquan for a short time. To be honest, he didn’t like the overall style of this tea room.

After drinking two cups of tea, he just left with “Ask a friend to watch a movie”.

After Sun Liangwu left, Sun Chongquan continued to drink tea alone.


“Ha ha!”



Sun Chongquan suddenly laughed.

Strange laughter echoed in this tea room.

“What’s this called?”

“Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!”

“Even God can’t see and help me! This time…I’m sure to win!”

the next day.

Sun Chongquan in a suit and leather shoes came to Qin Qing’s office.

Sun Chongquan started talking about business after some boring chats.

“I have already criticized Liangwu severely.”

“He also realized that own was wrong. He promised me never again.”

Qin Qing sighed, her mature and charming face was full of melancholy and distress.

“I have listened to his guarantee how many times!”

“I thought he was better and more sensible. But what happened?”

“I heard that he came back safely, so I don’t want to be too happy.”

“I don’t know if I received a call from the police station the next day!”

Qin Qing said more and more angry, but he was still working hard to restrain, and finally waved his hand, saying that he didn’t want to say more.

Sun Chongquan smiled, very gracious.

“I really can’t blame him this time. It was brought by his stubborn friends.”

“As the saying goes,’the one who is near Zhu is red and the one is black is near Mo.'”

“In the future, don’t let him come into contact with those fox friends and dog friends.”

Qin Qing nodded.

“What you said makes sense.”

Typical behavior of shaking the pot!

A person suddenly popped out of her mind…

“Xiaowu became better before, and it was related to the squad leader in his class.”

“It seems that it is necessary for him and Xiaowu to get in touch with each other a lot.”

“With a better role model, and stay away from those friends who drink meat and drink, I believe that he will slowly get rid of those bad things.”

Sun Chongquan looked puzzled and said, “Oh? Really? What’s the matter?”

Qin Qing said briefly…

Sun Chongquan nodded.

“According to you, you should really let Xiao Wudu get along with him.”

“Moreover, he is still the lord of the’Emperor Qingyan’, and his future achievements will be limitless.”

“If Xiao Wu can become friends with him, it may be good for his generals… I have a suggestion.”

Qin Qing asked, “Oh? What suggestion?”

Sun Zhongquan said: “Let’s invite him to the house for a casual meal, what do you think?”

Qin Qing let out a puzzled “um”, thought for a moment, and said, “This proposal is not bad…”

Sun Zhongquan said: “Are you busy lately? Leave this to me, Zhang Luo.”

“How can this work?”

Sun Chongquan smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s just a small matter.”

“I have been on vacation recently, and I am idle anyway.”

“I can do something for Liangwu, I am still very happy to be an uncle.”

Qin Qing thought for a while, and said, “Then…I will trouble you, Dage.”

Dare to love, Qin Qing completely forgot to “invite Yin Zhi to eat at home” in the morning!

No wonder!

How can she remember the things she said casually?

That is why Sun Liangwu firmly believed that “Mom will definitely invite Yin Zhi to eat at home” under the explicit instructions of Yin Zhi Tiantian, Tiantian, and Tiantian.

If Sun Liangwu knew that Own’s mother had forgotten about eating, I don’t know how he would feel…

To put it bluntly, Qin Qing forgot about this, and there will be basically no follow-up!

Could Yin Zhi still run away from the Sun’s family with a slap in the face?

Therefore, there was no such thing as “eat at home”, but he was forced to rectify it by himself…

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