Chapter 103 I’m sorry to call it wrong, a little excited, a little jerky


“Really invite me to dinner?”

“I thought your mother was just talking, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

After class this day, Sun Liangwu looked stiff and asked Yin Zhi to go to his house for dinner on the rest day this week.

Yin Zhi was somewhat surprised when he heard it.

To be honest, he really didn’t take the meal seriously—the little expectation was also a little bit.

Unexpectedly, what Qin Qing said before was not polite, but it turned out to be true…

Sun Liangwu faintly “hum”.

“You think our grandchildren are talking…”

Anyhow, he didn’t say the word “fart”.

“Since I said I would invite you to dinner, I will invite you to dinner.”

“But I warn you!”

“Eat and eat. Don’t disturb other nasty and dirty thoughts. Otherwise, I’ll fight you desperately!”

“I do what I say!”

His fierce and vicious appearance seemed to increase the deterrence in his words.

Yin Zhi stroked his chin and blinked.

Are you going?

Still not going?

After thinking about it, he laughed.


“I see!”

“Someone invites to eat, what a good thing? Don’t eat for nothing, don’t eat!”

Sun Liangwu looked at Yin Zhi’s back, “humph” in his heart.

“I will let you vomit as much as you eat at that time.”

“The opportunity for revenge is here! You brought it to the door yourself!”

“I will treat you well.”

At this time, Sun Liangwu noticed that Bai Yun Tian and others cast strange eyes.

He glanced at them.

In the past, Sun Liangwu would still be afraid of the power of the Yun Tian family.

But now he has completely stopped Bai Yun Tian To put in one’s eyes.

The own Big Brother was sent to prison by Yin Zhi for a lifetime.

I’ve been bullied by someone pushing my nose on my face, and I don’t see any actions from your Bai family. It’s really useless!

Thinking about this, Sun Liangwu became more and more proud.

What you dare not do or cannot do, I will do it!

What does this prove?

Prove that I am better than you!

“I know what you are thinking.”


“Whatever you think. Soon, I will surprise you!”

Thinking this way, Sun Liangwu strode out of the classroom.

As soon as he left the classroom, he heard the voice “Is that guy like Qiu Yaoyao” coming from the classroom.

His cheeks twitched, and Sun Liangwu cursed, “A bunch of useless waste will be uttered behind the back.”

off day!

off day!

Come here soon! I can’t wait!

Yin Zhi returned to his home.

There is still a “oil bottle” behind…


Zhao Yan Wu!

Externally, the relationship between the two has been reconciled.

I don’t know who introduced the “Sacred Heart University” to “Zhao Yan Wu was Yin Zhi’s fiancée”.

Now Zhao Yanwu has become an object of ridicule by boys and contempt by girls.

Of course, it has also become a ready-made “negative teaching material.”

If a boy is looked down upon by a girl, Zhao Yanwu will definitely give an example…

But this situation is still rare.

Everyone in “Sacred Heart University” is the proud son of heaven and the daughter of heaven. They all have an infinitely bright future. Few people look down on others.

Let alone talk about it.

Zhao Yan and Wu followed Yin Zhi into the gate of Yin’s house as usual, and then became accustomed to sitting naturally at the root of the wall.

Looking at Yin Zhi’s back, Zhao Yanwu gritted her teeth.

She plucked up the courage and said, “Yin Zhi, when will you return to the’Holy Skull City’?”

Yin Zhi didn’t know how to do it, and waved impatiently.

“No hurries?”

“The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.”

“Whenever I want to go back, of course I will go back.”

Zhao Yanwu looked at the direction in which Yin Zhi disappeared, with endless humiliation in her heart…

She didn’t know, Yin Zhi mumbled “I really know how to pick the time” when he entered the room.

It turned out that Yin Zhi was planning to go back to the “Holy Skull City” on the next day off.

The truth about his father Death…

About my mother…

One month later, he will go abroad for exchange and study, and Yin Zhi still wants to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

But since “the boss of Qin Danu, the second richest person in the True Dragon Kingdom,” invited him to dinner…

Of course you can’t help but Giving face, right?

Let those whom he can’t even look up to in his previous life invite dinner.

Especially a big beauty in various senses, please eat!

Yin Zhi’s self-esteem and vanity can be said to have been greatly satisfied.

As for going back to “Holy Skull City”…

After eating, take a few more days off without any delay!

Time is fast.

Soon it will be the rest day of the week.

Yin Zhi, who had been on vacation for ten days, took Zhao Yanwu and walked to the parking lot of “Sacred Heart University”.

An extended version of the dark car has been quietly waiting on the side of the road.

An old woman in a maid costume was waiting by the car.

Seeing Yin Zhi, she walked up, folded her hands on her abdomen, and bowed slightly.

“You are Yoon Ji Young Master, right?”

“The old man is the steward of’Sun Yuan’. My surname is Rong.”

“Madam asked me to pick you up.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Mother Rong had a very comfortable smile on her face.

“You are polite.”

“this way please.”

Zhao Yanwu followed Yin Zhi and approached the car.

Her gaze was involuntarily attracted by the license plate of the car.

How did the license plate attract Zhao Yanwu’s attention?

Not to mention her, the number on the license plate is enough to attract most people’s attention.


This is a license plate that money can’t get.

Unless very very very rich-like the Sun family!

The Sun family where Qin Qing is located is the top giant in the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

Compared with them…

Ha ha!

That’s more worthy of the Zhao family!

How ignorant it must be!

Will you compare the Zhao family in “Holy Skull City” with the Sun family in “True Dragon Kingdom”?

The moment I got in the car, my butt was pressed on the soft cushion that looked like a cloud…

Zhao Yanwu had a thought suddenly in her heart – she wanted to throw it out, but she couldn’t shake it no matter how she did it.

Before she knew it, she bit her lip.

That thought completely exploded in my mind.


“If I hadn’t retired…”

“What will happen now?”

For the first time, an emotion called “regret” spread from Zhao Yanwu’s heart like a raging fire, spreading like a prairie fire.

This “Xin·B888888” “Dragon Standard” welcome car drove into “Sacred Heart City” and stopped in front of a hotel.

Zhao Yanwu was unloaded.

Going to “Sun Garden” for dinner is naturally not her share.

Zhao Yan and Wu stared blankly at the car with the “Xin·B888888” license plate going away, unable to return to his senses for a long time…

One hour later, “Xin·B888888” drove into “Jinshan”.

This is a mountain in the city near the center of “Sacred Heart City”, the mountain is like a crouching dragon.

The left side of “Jinshan” is the “Ancient Palace”…

In the central area of ​​the “Sacred Heart City” where there is a lot of money, and in the “Jinshan” on the side of the “Ancient Palace”, there is a large house. The financial and influence of the “Sun Family” can be imagined.

Yin Zhi admired the beauty of “Jinshan” with red mountains and forests all the way, and finally came to “Sun Garden”.

Two men and a woman were already greeted at the gate.

It is Qin Qing, Sun Liangwu, and Sun Chongquan…

Qin Qing Suxiu’s face wore a cordial smile.

“Yin Zhi, you are welcome to come to my house.”

Yin Zhi is also smiling.

“Sister Qin, you… uh, sorry to call it wrong, a little excited, a little jerky.”

“Qin Aunt, you are so young and beautiful, you always feel that you are called ‘Aunt’ weird.”

“Don’t laugh at me.”

With his opening, Qin Qing smiled like a flower, which made his heart tremble…

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