Chapter 104 This “Sun Family” night banquet is really unbearable! (superior)


Sun Liangwu looked at the pleasant greetings between Yin Zhi and his mother, and he was full of resentment.

“Wait! Wait!”

“How happy are you smiling now…”

“How miserable I will make you cry later!”

Just in time, Qin Qing introduced Sun Chongquan to Yin Zhi.

The two spoke in a harmonious and pleasant way.

Seeing that his son was silent, Qin Qing looked at him with a slightly reproachful look.

“Xiao Wu, why don’t you speak?”

“Today you and Yin Zhi are the protagonists.”

“Your uncle and I are both company.”

Yin Zhi embraced Sun Liangwu’s shoulders generously.

“Papa” patted twice, in a posture of “Brothers are good”.

“Qin Aunt, Liangwu and I are so familiar with each other.”

“It can be said that you are like brothers, so you don’t need to be so polite.”

“Brother, don’t you think?”

Sun Liangwu smiled dryly.

“Yeah yeah.”

“Mom, what are you polite?”

“Squad leader, since you are here at my house, don’t be polite, just like you are at your own house.”

Yin Zhi “haha” smiled.

“Is that what you said? Then I’m really welcome?”

“You know me, I have a muscle.”

“I do what others say. I believe what others say.”

So cheeky, what else can Sun Liangwu say?



“I’m waiting to see you cry!”

Immediately, the three masters and one guest entered the house.

In the living room, the guests and the host were seated separately.

The diligent maid served tea and water, and put melons and fruits on it.

The host and guest were chatting shortly in the extravagant, luxurious and restrained living room.

Around the “Ten Thousand Dragons Ruins” trial, some people talked about topics.

After talking about the sky, Yin Zhi realized that this time he was not only invited to eat by himself…

What is about to begin is a small night banquet!

The banquets were all neighbors who lived in “Jinshan”.

There are also some relatives and friends of the “Sun” family.

As for the reason for the banquet.

It was “Sun Liangwu returned safely from Wanlongxu”!

According to the social law of “big guys are all in a circle”.

It is conceivable that those who come back to the banquet tonight will definitely be big guys!

Knowing this, two words emerged in Yin Zhi’s mind…

High class!

This is the legendary “upper”!

At the same time, the other two words also popped out in Yin Zhi’s mind…


“I thought it was a special trip to invite me to dinner.”

“Unexpectedly, I just came to join the head.”

“Maybe I still want to’show up and talk’ to Sun Liangwu and say something nice.”

Waiting for the day to talk about…

Sun Chongquan said that there was still some time before the banquet, so Sun Liangwu took Yin Zhi to the guest room to take a rest.

Sun Liangwu got up to lead Yin Zhi.

en route.

Yin Zhi went into the city with his chin.

“Really worthy of a big family!”

“Look at this decoration, look at this ornament.”

“Liangwu, do you sleep on a 20,000 square meter bed at night?”

“Get up and pee at night and have to fly?”

“Also, won’t you go wrong with so many rooms?”

These questions were asked one by one, and Sun Liangwu only felt noisy!

Waiting for Yin Zhi to the door of the guest room, he didn’t even go in.

After leaving a sentence, “Someone will invite you after the banquet begins” and left.

When Yin Zhi entered the guest room, he immediately felt that he was in the top suite of a five-star hotel!

He fell on the bed, only feeling lying in the clouds, soft and springy, and there was a wonderful feeling of wrapping…

“Huh? Incense still burns in the room?”

“This smell smells very advanced.”

“The life of the rich.”

I don’t know if the incense smells too good or the bed is too comfortable.

After a while, Yin Zhizhi felt drowsy.

I don’t know how long it took…

A knock on the door awakened Yin Zhi.

He stood up, looking left and right in a dazed manner.

I am asleep?

It seems that there is no…

“They won’t give me medicine, will they?”

Muttering, he yelled “Wait a minute” at the door, and immediately summoned the “Emperor in White”.

“Xiao Bai, do you see if I am sick now?”

“Xiao Bai” tilted his head and looked at Yin Zhi.

“No illness!”

“Do you want an injection?”

“You can get injections if you are not sick! Injections are fun!”

Yin Zhi rolled her eyes and disbanded her.

What injection should I get if I’m not sick?

It’s not sick!

“Is it my heart?”

“Even if this family wants to deal with me, they won’t invite me to their house, right?”

“How stupid is that?”

Isn’t it?

Who would be so stupid as to invite someone who is about to kill him to come home, and pull a bunch of rich and expensive people to watch and join in the fun?

No matter what the “Sun family” is just a rich man…

In the “True Dragon Kingdom”, no matter how rich and powerful, you can’t do whatever you want!


“What kind of medicine you sell in Calabash!”

“The soldiers came to cover the water and soil, the beauty came and drew her guns!”

“Who am I afraid of!?”

With this enthusiasm, Yin Zhi followed the “Sun’s” maid and swaggered to the place where the banquet was held-the “Sun Garden” backyard, beside the artificial lake!

At this time, night has fallen.

This is a night with stars.

The plane flew through the sky.

The stars in the sky are bright enough.

But it was no match for the bright lights in the “Sun Garden”, which reflected here as if daylight.

Many people have already stood by the artificial lake.

The man is handsome.

Women’s jewels.

Both men and women are more prettier than the other.

Well, the main value is the temperament, if you just talk about the “face value”, there are some levels of unevenness.

However, there are also attractive handsome men and women, but they are mainly waiters in waiter costumes who specialize in serving people…

At this time, Sun Chongquan’s voice rang.

“Look, who’s here?”

“Our most important guest in this banquet!”

“The monitor of Liangwu’s class, Mr. Yin Zhi!”

“Of course, I think everyone’s understanding of him originates from his being the lord of the’Emperor Qingyan’!”

The master of “Emperor Qingyan”? !

In an instant, everyone present cast all kinds of eyes on Yin Zhi…

Soon, the whispering voice sounded.

“I know him! He was so shining in the’Prince King Finals’ before…”

“Hehe, the eldest son of the Bai family has been sent to prison by him, can he shine.”

“It’s really terrifying to the younger generation, the younger generation is terrifying!”

“Did he really have a relationship with the Sun family? In this case, it would be interesting…”

Yin Zhi has become accustomed to being the focus of the crowd.

He was not shocked in front of 200,000 people before, let alone there were only more than 20 people present.


Are all the rich and powerful?


What about the rich and powerful?

In this life, do we still need to kneel and lick the powerful?

As long as it is not four eyes and two noses, we can treat you as individuals.

After that, there are some messy things that are not worth repeating…

After finishing the “Face Project”, Yin Zhi devoted his energy to the real business for him.



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