Chapter 105 This “Sun Family” night banquet is really unbearable! (middle)

Everything is imaginary…

The reputation is imaginary!

Face is imaginary!

What is eaten in the stomach is real, and it is own!

Ever since, Yin Zhi’s figure moved around the banquet.

As long as there is a table with newly served delicacies, there will be his “fighting” figure.

As for what others think of yourself…

not give a damn about!

At first, some people talked to Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi still has the most basic courtesy and etiquette.

Whenever he came to talk to him, he would stop the “work” in his hand, wipe his mouth clean, and talk and laugh with the caller honestly.

After the caller left, he continued to “fight” again.

Gradually, other people were probably embarrassed to disturb him eating and drinking, so they stopped coming to contact him.

During this period, Qin Qing brought Sun Liangwu over to give Yin Zhi a toast.

Qin Qing also expressed his gratitude to Yin Zhi more formally, and thanked him for his “reconstruction” of Sun Liangwu-of course this is not the original saying, but the term “reform” is the most appropriate and vivid!

At the same time, she also hoped that Yin Zhi would continue to “remove” Sun Liangwu and “bring him”.

In this regard, Yin Zhi naturally agreed.

He patted his chest and said, “Aunt, leave it to me!”

Sun Liangwu has no right to speak during the whole process…


A very important figure appeared at the banquet.

That is the ancestor of the “Sun family”, Mrs. Sun!

She is Qin Qing’s mother-in-law, Sun Liangwu’s grandmother, and Sun Chongquan’s mother…

Based on politeness and respect, Yin Zhi took the initiative to greet Mrs. Sun.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, although Mrs. Sun is kind and kind on the surface.

But Yin Zhi always feels that she looks weird when she sees Own’s eyes…

Yin Zhi didn’t delve into it, only that he was thinking too much.

Mrs. Sun left after only less than five minutes, apparently going out as a “parent” for a cutscene.

As soon as she left, Yin Zhi continued to do business.

Let’s eat!

Then drink!

As he ate, Yin Zhi frowned suddenly and tightly!

“Isn’t it?”

“My stomach isn’t that bad?”


At this time, Sun Chongquan just passed by.

Seeing Yin Zhi’s strangeness, he couldn’t help showing concern.

“Brother Yin, what’s wrong with you?”

“Is the food unpalatable?”

Yin Zhi waved his hand, frowned and twisted his face.

“No, no, the food is delicious.”

“It’s kind of…”

“I want to empty my intestines. Ha, it’s a bit embarrassing.”

Suddenly, Sun Chongquan recruited someone.

No one else, but Rong, the housekeeper of “Sun Yuan”!

“Aunt Rong, you take Xiaoge Yin to make it easier.”

Mother Rong bowed slightly: “Yes, uncle…”

Yin Zhilian said two “no need”, saying that he could just go by himself.

Sun Chongquan smiled and said something that made Yin Zhi speechless.

What’s that?

“The Sun’s house is relatively large, there are many roads, and there are a lot of rooms. I’m afraid that Brother Yin will get lost, haha!”

So, what else can Yin Zhi say?

Saying “Then trouble Madam Rong”, he followed her.

This is the time.

Yin Zhi, who left with his back to everyone, must have not noticed some details…

For example, Sun Liangwu, who was talking to his childhood playmate, looked at Sun Chongquan.

Sun Chongquan gave him a look of “rest assured”.

Then Sun Liangwu “ha” laughed.

His childhood playmate asked him: “Liangwu, are you okay? Why are you suddenly laughing?”

Sun Liangwu smiled and said: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I just suddenly thought of something happy! Haha!”

Childhood playmates are full of question marks.

Sun Liangwu smiled mysteriously: “You, just wait for a good show.”

There were even more question marks on the heads of childhood playmates…

The banquet went on for more than ten minutes.

Qin Qing, who was talking and laughing with a few ladies, suddenly frowned, then apologized, got up and left.

“What’s wrong with her? The chat is hot, why did she leave suddenly?”

“I don’t know, maybe something happened suddenly.”

“Hee hee, do you think it’s Aunt Hong who is here?”

The banquet continues…

at the same time.

Yin Zhi is sitting on the toilet to release pressure from his intestines.

While letting go, sighed with emotion.

“The rich world really doesn’t understand.”

“Even repaired toilets are of such a high-end atmosphere.”

“Necessary? With this money, wouldn’t it be fragrant to do more meaningful things?”

Why does Yin Zhi have such feelings?

Because the toilet he is in now…

The space is very wide!

The decoration is particularly luxurious!

The toilet is extremely comfortable!

The incense is particularly sweet!

This is the toilet?

He didn’t doubt that it was a palace!

Moreover, this is only a public toilet for guests…

The public toilets used by the guests are so luxurious, what should the owner’s toilet look like?

Poverty limits Yin Zhi’s imagination, which he can’t even imagine.

After squatting for a while, Yin Zhi still felt something was wrong.

Seems to be able to pull…

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a possibility.

“Isn’t it?”

“The Sun family didn’t give me laxatives while I wasn’t paying attention, right?”

“This is too low-handed, too lack of technology content, right?”

Yin Zhi quickly summoned the “Emperor in White”.

“Little Bai, I might have been fed a laxative.”

“Hurry up and give me a shot.”

“I don’t want the chrysanthemum to be broken, my feet are soft. Hurry, hurry!”

“The Lady in White” was overjoyed, and quickly gave Yin Zhi an injection—non-skill!

After the injection, Yin Zhi felt better…

He gritted his teeth suddenly.

“Sun Liangwu!”

“You grandson!”

“I thought you could come up with any great tricks.”

“It turned out to be a laxative for me!”

“You can do it! You can do it! See how I pick you up!”

How do you pick it up?

It’s still the “fairness principle”-what others do to us, how we do to others!

Didn’t you give me a laxative?

I also ask you to eat, so that you will faint and grow old!

Muttering and cursing.

Yin Zhi suddenly touched own cheek and forehead.


“Why is it so hot all of a sudden? I actually sweated.”

“and also……”

Yin Zhi lowered his head.

“I said, brother, there is nothing wrong with you now, what are you doing suddenly standing up?”

“Stop it first.”

“What are the sayings? Don’t ask for it early, but ask for it!”

“Don’t worry, when you come in handy!”

When he was alone, Yin Zhi’s mouth was still broken.

Of course, in some cases, his mouth is more broken when there are more people!

I feel almost…

Yin Zhi pressed the “smart flushing and drying button” on the toilet and sighed “Really comfortable”.

He couldn’t help but think of “I’ll get one when I look back”.

Putting on his pants and pressing the still-spirited little brother, he walked for nearly ten steps before he came to the dressing table.

Seeing himself in the mirror, Yin Zhi frowned suddenly.

“I’m blushing… something is wrong!”

Yin Zhi in the mirror has a blood-red face!

Suddenly, his face changed, and a thought came to his mind.

“Gan! Didn’t you give me other medicine?”

He was about to summon the “Emperor in White” again.

But at this moment, Yin Zhi’s ear moved.

He heard footsteps, and soon the handle of the toilet door was moved.

However, Yin Zhi was locked from the inside, and naturally he couldn’t open it outside.

Yin Zhi yelled: “Wait a minute, it will be done right away.”

Let’s go out first…

He walked over and opened the door.

In no mood!

The moment the door was opened, a slightly hot fragrance came out, and then a figure crashed into Yin Zhi’s arms…

Holding the full of nephrite, Yin Zhi was dumbfounded.

“This…what’s the situation?!”

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