Chapter 106 This “Sun Family” night banquet is really unbearable! (Down)

By the lake, the banquet is in progress.


Talking and laughing.

The atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious to the extreme.

Everyone shows his most graceful and elegant side.


A scream from far and near completely shattered the atmosphere of the banquet…

“Oh no!”

“Oh no!!”

“A man broke into Madam’s room!”

With this scream, he immediately pressed the “mute button” for the banquet!

In this second.

In the next second.

The people at the banquet all looked bewildered, shocked, and at a loss…


what? What?

A man broke into the lady’s room?

Is that okay? !

Who is “Madam”?

In this “Sun Garden”, if the word “old” is not added in front of “Mrs.”, it would be Mrs. Qin Qing Qin!

Who is Mrs. Qin?

Recognized as “the second richest man in the True Dragon Nation”-it is said that the boss of “True Dragon Nation’s No. 1 rich man” Ma Yunhua has not been able to find much!

The president of a giant consortium with a market value of “trillion”!

At this moment…

In Mrs. Qin’s house!

A man broke into the room that he invaded? !

Who is that man?

What does that man want to do?


This this?

What is this situation? !

Just when everyone’s brains are dull…

“What did you say?”

“Say it again!”

“Who? Who is it?! Who dares to break into my mother’s room? Say it!”

Sun Liangwu was the first to react!

He has rushed to the maid’s face, squeezing her arm tightly.

The maid was pinched by him in pain, but she did not dare to call.

“Less… Young Master…”

“It seems to be your fellow… classmate…”

“I didn’t see clearly…”

Before she finished speaking, Sun Liangwu was already roaring.


“Yin Zhi!”

“I’m going to kill you!”

He screamed and snarled, and ran away, disappearing.

At this time, Sun Liangwu’s brain was completely insufficient.

As long as he calms down a little bit, a question will pop up in his mind…

“Why is this completely different from what is said in the “Script”!?”

Sun Chongquan was the second to speak.

“That kid is so presumptuous!”

“It’s not as good as a brute!”

“What do the security guards of’Sun Yuan’ do for food!?”

While shouting angrily, he quickly followed Sun Liangwu and left.

When he left, the master who was not present at the banquet took the place.

In an instant, the guests loosened up.

“Would you like to… go and see?”

“it’s not good?”

“What are you afraid of! Go!”

What about “high-class people”?

For certain things, “upper people” are more relaxed!

If ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, they will think about avoiding it, and take care of the master’s face…

But are they ordinary people?

Do they need to worry about this and that?

The world-renowned excitement in front of you, don’t make up for nothing, don’t make up for nothing!

After tonight, this is a great conversation.

Enough for them to become the focus of attention in other banquets and circles in the future!

As a result, a group of people who are not rich but expensive followed suit one after another, running faster than one…

Only Sun Liangwu’s childhood friend stood there in a daze, muttering to himself.


“Couldn’t it be what he just said…”

“It’s hilarious?”

What a strange feeling…

the other side.

Sun Liangwu gritted his teeth and cut his teeth, and came to the door of his mother’s room as quickly as possible.


Bang bang bang!

He slammed the door hard.

“Open the door—”

“Open the door!”

“Yin Zhi, you bastard, I’m going to kill you!”

“I’m going to kill you!”

Sun Liangwu took a few steps back, gathered his strength, and kicked the door.

boom! !

The door didn’t move at all.

On the contrary, Sun Liangwu took a few steps back from the shock…

Good guys!

Sun Liangwu is also a “Golden Spirit Guardian”.

With his full kick, even the rock can shatter to the ground.

At this moment, I can’t kick a door.

How strong and durable is that door?

“Open the door ah ah ah -”

Sun Liangwu’s whole body was trembling anxiously.

He wanted to summon Yu Ling, but because he was too emotional, he couldn’t concentrate on drawing the summoning circle.

Anxious, annoyed and hated, he kicked the door one after another.

At this time, Sun Chongquan also hurried over.

A group of people followed…

“let me do it!”

Sun Chongquan took off Sun Liangwu, brewed up his energy, and kicked on the door.

boom! !

This sound turned out to be like a cannonball hitting the door.

Everyone also obviously felt the ground shake a few times.

They were all secretly shocked by the power of Sun Chongquan in their hearts.

The extremely strong door was kicked open…

Sun Liangwu rushed in for the first time, yelling “Mom, I’m here to save your mom!”

Sun Chongquan and a group of guests joining in the fun also filed in.


There isn’t even the best scene in the house as you imagined?

It was calm inside, as if everything was normal!

Qin Qing?

Where’s Yoonji?

How about Qin Qing who was invaded by Yin Zhi?


“Mom, where are you?!”

“Yin Zhi, get out of here!”

Sun Liangwu’s voice filled the luxurious, spacious and extremely bright room.

There is even an echo…

At this time, Sun Chongquan shouted: “There is someone in the toilet!”

After all, he took the lead and walked up the wrong side, reaching out to pull the toilet door handle.

But the moment his hand was about to touch the doorknob…

The doorknob moved by itself!


At this moment, Sun Chongquan’s eyelids were all adjusted.

Of course the door handle doesn’t move by itself.

It can only be someone behind the door sliding the door.

Sure enough, the door was opened from the inside.

At this moment, everyone had their necks stretched and their eyes widened-like ducks pinched by their necks.

Then, they saw Qin Qing standing behind the door.

A puff of heat came out…

Qin Qing was wrapped in a bath towel, and the snow-white bath towel was held high by the mountain on his chest.

There was also a white towel wrapped around his head, and a few strands of hair that were not wrapped in the towel were hanging and wet.

The arms, shoulders and necks exposed to the air are delicate and rosy, and the tempted person wants to take a bite and take a bite.

Coupled with her dignified, charming, demon and pure face that can’t see the traces of time at all…

Every man who saw Qin Qing’s appearance had the urge to raise his head.

“What are you doing?”

“Why did you run into my room?”

“Jiangquan, what is going on?”

Sun Chongquan was stunned…

You ask me “what the hell is going on”?

I also want to ask you “what the hell is going on”! -“Script” is not like this!

Sun Liangwu reacted with a sharp spirit and immediately grabbed it.


“Where is Yin Zhi?”

“Where is that bastard!?”

Qin Qing immediately glared at own son.

“Sun Liangwu!”

“What are you looking for Yin Zhi in my room!”

“Why is he in my room? Is your brain flooded?”

Sun Liangwu was immediately scolded and stood up on the spot.

Looking at the angry mother in front of me, my mind was blank…

Other people are also an expression-dumbfounded!

at the same time.

Yin Zhi backed up and walked back to the banquet hall with some sour steps.

He looked at the empty lakeside and mumbled…

“This ‘Sun’s’ night banquet is really unbearable!”

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