Chapter 107 Sixteen dollars, I can just have a Mala Tang!


What is going on with all this?

Time, a few minutes backwards-yes, only a few minutes!

Yin Zhi opened the door and threw a ball of nephrite into his arms…

It’s Qin Qing!

Soon, Yin Zhi understood what had happened.

She was “striked” and unconscious.

As for himself, he was also “successful”, and his consciousness was almost lost.

As a result, two people burning with a raging fire ignited each other…

At a tense moment, the door slammed “bang bang bang”.

Yin Zhi also heard the yelling from outside Sun Liangwu…

In an instant, I felt a lightning strike in my brain, and my scalp was paralyzed!

“Day! Trap!”

“This is a trap!”

“The trap against me and Qin Qing!”

How to do?

Yin Zhiji immediately summoned the “Machine Empress”.

At this moment, Qin Qing actually began to urge Yin Zhi…

Right now, she has no reason to speak of, she is driven by instinct.

As soon as the “Mechanical Empress” appeared, the “Quantum Calculus” was launched immediately!

In an instant, Yin Zhi’s brain turned at a high speed…

Soon, he thought of a way!


“I want to advance the reward!”

“Hurry up and give me the reward for ‘Free Unlock Skills’!”

The “Death System” responded immediately.

“Didi! You haven’t completed the task yet! Can’t…”

Yin Zhi now has a temper, and he jumps out a “shit”!

“I have already got a place!”

“It’s a matter of time to go to’Odin Latin America’!”

“Will I still rely on your reward?”

“Even if there is a chance, you can block all skills at that time, right?”

“Didi! Deal!”


Immediately, Yin Zhi received the “free unlocking skills” benefit.

“Unlock the skill of’Mechanic Empress’: Matrix Box!”

Yuling Skill: Matrix Box

Skill effect: Open up an independent matrix space. Time in and out of space is relatively static.

Unlocked one second before.

Cast in one second!

Immediately, Yin Zhi summoned the “Belly Toad”.

His “big-bellied toad” slipped into the “matrix box”.

Then, he and Qin Qing, as well as the “Machine Empress”, entered the belly of the “Belly Toad”.

In this way, a “domestic doll structure” is formed.

As for what happened after entering the “big belly space”.

It speaks for itself.


A man and a woman lay quietly, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Yin Zhi turned his head and looked at Qin Qing.

“Qin Aunt…”

“do you feel better?”

“I can’t hold it anymore…”

Maintaining the “Matrix Box” also requires Spiritual Qi!

It is not easy to persist until now.

Qin Qing also turned his head and looked at Yin Zhi.

The pink cheeks with residual redness are very complicated.

“I didn’t expect such a thing to happen…”


“Forget it, it’s already happened.”

Qin Qing is no ordinary person after all!

“Just treat it as it didn’t happen.”

“You are also a victim.”

“I still have to thank you. Looking back, Aunt will give you a sum of money…”

Yin Zhi frowned, feeling very upset.

give me money?


What do you take me for?

“You don’t need money!”

“I am not short of money.”

“Furthermore, even if I am short of money, I can always make enough money to squander.”

Qin Qing looked at Yin Zhi.

“Don’t get me wrong, this is Aunt’s intention.”

“Furthermore, it’s my compensation to you.”

She sighed and closed her eyes, not knowing what was thinking in Dao’s heart.

“I am the one who implicated you.”

“If you are not able to deal with it, the consequences would be disastrous!”

Yin Zhi felt a little relieved after hearing Qin Qing’s words.

He smiled.

“All right, then you can give me sixteen yuan.”

Qin Qing was stunned.

“Sixteen yuan???”

If you want me to give you 1.6 billion, I won’t even frown.

You want me to give you sixteen yuan?

Yin Zhi barked his teeth with a smile.

“For sixteen yuan, I can just have a spicy meal!”



Just when Qin Qing was speechless.

Yin Zhi couldn’t resist his inner curiosity and asked the reason for this…

“Qin Aunt…”

“What’s the matter?”

“I think it’s hard to count you, right?”


If Qin Qing had been calculated so easily, she would never have come to this day.

But today’s “game”…

It looks rough at first glance!

But thinking about it carefully, it is very, very difficult to achieve this result today.

Aside from anything else, it is extremely difficult to control the time when the drug’s effect occurs!

Also, let them meet at the exact time, a man and a woman!

Looking at it before and after, it can be said that everything is just right.

So that everything seemed so coincidental in the end-no one believed it!

I guess I wouldn’t even dare to write a novel like that…

It can be said!

If it weren’t for Yin Zhi to own the “Mechanical Empress”…

If it weren’t for him, he happened to be able to unlock and use the advanced skill “Matrix Box”!

This “game” has been completed!

When I thought of the fate I would face if I was scammed successfully…


Very upset!

Really reached that point, not to mention others…

Qin Qing in front of the light!

It is estimated that there are one trillion thoughts that have destroyed themselves, let themselves be wiped out, and completely disappeared in this world.


Asking Qin Qing the reason is not only driven by curiosity.

More importantly…

He wants to know who is pitting himself!

Sun Liangwu?

Impossible impossible impossible!

How can there be such an unfilial and perverted son in the world?

Not Sun Liangwu…

Who is that?

Yin Zhi’s question caused Qin Qing to shook his head.

She sat up with her body supported and gave Yin Zhi a ruddy back.

“This matter……”

“Just leave it alone.”

“I will take care of it!”

Qin Qing’s voice was flat, but Yin Zhi keenly smelled the murderous aura inside.

At this moment, Qin Qing’s face was indeed an expression of “I want to kill”.

very scary!

very scary!


Yin Zhi blinked and sighed.

“Qin Aunt…”

“Even if you don’t say it, it’s impossible to expose this matter, when nothing happened.”

“There will definitely be a follow-up.”

“While there is still a little time, we should return the information.”

“Let you know in my mind and minimize the impact of this incident.”

“Even… a counter-attack! What do you think?”

Qin Qing turned around and looked at Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi met her gaze and met her.

Seeing her expression at the moment, her heart beats suddenly.

“Obviously so beautiful…”

“It looks so scary now.”

“It seems that someone is going to be unlucky!”

Qin Qing stood up, his head held high, like a queen…

In fact, with her financial resources, she and the queen are not too far apart.

“You are not wrong.”

“There are more than ten million people calculating me? But how many people can succeed?”

“However, it’s hard to guard against a house thief if you are a thousand guards against night.”

“The person who calculated me this time is not a certain person, but…”

“Everyone up and down the entire’Sun’s Family’!”

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