Chapter 108: Taking a group of people to kick the widow’s door at night, what kind of style is there to talk about? !


Yin Zhi and Qin Qing both left the “toad belly space” and the “matrix box”.

Just in time, a loud noise came from the door.

It is Sun Liangwu kicking the door with his feet!

The two immediately made the bed, and then quickly entered the bathroom.

With Yin Zhi’s help, Qin Qing quickly wetted his body and hair, and then wrapped a bath towel.

In this way, it is completely as if he had just taken a shower.

Yin Zhi is leaving…

Seeing Qin Qing’s appearance at this moment, an impulse rushed to his head.

He hugged Qin Qing, bit her ear and whispered.

“Qin Aunt…”

“Don’t forget my sixteen yuan.”

“I will always remember what happened tonight.”

“In addition, I will take one of your things as a souvenir.”

“Whether you agree or not-I’m going to make it!”

As he said, he bit the earring on Qin Qing’s left earlobe, and then a “subspace gliding” disappeared.


Qin Qing couldn’t help holding the empty, flushed earlobe.

Thinking of his sentence “But you don’t agree, I’m going to make it!”

Qin Qing unexpectedly felt that her heart was empty and itchy…

Since the death of her husband, she has never heard such domineering and powerful words again.

Now I heard it again suddenly, and I heard it after some relationship…

She felt a little surprised, a little nostalgic, and a little kind.

It’s really mixed!


“Smelly boy!”

Qin Qing couldn’t help but cursed lowly.


boom! !

There was a loud noise outside.

The door of the room was kicked open by powerful violence-naturally it was Sun Chongquan’s kick!

A shout came from outside: “There is someone in the toilet!”

Hearing this voice, Qin Qing took a deep breath.

Her pair of Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze was like a knife, fierce and terrifying!

At this time, all the messy thoughts have been left behind by her.

She is not a weak woman!

She is Qin Qing, the dictatorial president of the “Ababa Group”!

Even if you have money in the “True Dragon Kingdom”, you can’t do whatever you want…

But with money to her level, besides those in power at the top, who else is she afraid of?

She came behind the toilet door.

With force, the door was opened.

Looking at the outside look, Sun Chongquan and others were brought along.

Qin Qing frowned.

“What are you doing?”

“Why did you run into my room?”

“Jiangquan, what is going on?”

At this time, Sun Chongquan was dumbfounded…

He thought to himself: “You ask me what is going on, I want to ask you what is going on?”

Where’s Yoonji?

Isn’t he supposed to be here?

Also, why didn’t Qin Qing see anything?

In the “fallen angels”, the two of them should be completely swallowed by desire and reason, and they should be crazy about asking!

Did the “fallen angels” fail?

Do not!


This is a drug developed by the “Materials Department” under the “Haward University”.

It can make the most chaste and loyal men and women incarnate into the beasts of spring!

In addition, the “fallen angels” are merely inducing catalysts.

It is not a poison, and even Yuling’s “detoxification skills” are ineffective.

Therefore, there is no solution for the “successful” men and women apart from frantically asking for each other until exhaustion!

So what went wrong?

I don’t understand it at all!

Just when Sun Chongquan wanted to break his head, Sun Liangwu had already grabbed it.


“Where is Yin Zhi?”

“Where is that bastard!?”

Qin Qing had already controlled his own emotions…

But when he heard his son’s words, a sudden burst of anger broke out in his heart.

Can’t even stop it!

She immediately scolded.

“Sun Liangwu!”

“What are you looking for Yin Zhi in my room!”

“Why is he in my room? Is your brain flooded?”

Sun Liangwu was immediately blank by this bloody scolding…

There is a saying that “care is chaos”!

Qin Qing still had the vision to know people.

But at this moment, she couldn’t see if her son was involved in this matter.

She certainly hopes that her own son will not do such a thing.

But she also knows that reality is sometimes so cruel-bloody cruel!

“The Sun family” such a wealthy family, the family love is as weak as water!

for money!

For the right!

What can’t you do?

He has seen a lot of the dirty and dirty in it, and has experienced more!

After the cruel calculation…

She couldn’t believe anyone now.

Even if it is own’s biological son!



anger! !

“Sun Liangwu, tell me clearly!”

“And you, Dage, what the hell is going on?”

“I’m just a little uncomfortable, come back and take a bath and rest.”

“How can I kick my door well, what else are you looking for Yin Zhi!”

“Why is Yin Zhi in my room at night?”

Looking at Qin Qing who was furious, Sun Zhongquan felt weak and weak.


Guilty conscience!


He is afraid of this younger sibling…

After Little Brother died, in order to seize power, he had a “fight” with Qin Qing.

The results of it?

He is defeated!

Dingy went to the “Odin America Latin America” ​​to “expand new business”.

To put it nicely, it is to expand new business.

To put it bluntly, it’s not just exile and escape!

But can Sun Chongquan be willing?

It’s weird to be willing!

Therefore, he has been waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, and secretly prepared for the counterattack.

Wait and wait.

Wait and wait.

Waited for three years and three years, waited for three years and three years!

No, I saw an opportunity from Sun Liangwu-a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Ever since, Sun Chongquan acted!

Outside, he tried his best to get various drugs such as “fallen angels”.

Inside, he colluded with almost everyone in the “Sun family”.

Working hard both inside and outside, this “game” was laid.

The goal is to completely sull Qin Qing’s voice and ruin her!

After such a big scandal, how could she still be in charge of the “Ababa Group”?

Qin Qing is fucking off, he will take her seat naturally!


never expected.

It turned out to be such a result now.

Why is this happening?

Where did it fail?

Can’t figure it out!

Can’t figure it out!

Just when he was stunned…

“what happened?”

An old voice came in.

But it was Mrs. Sun who came.

And beside Lao Fu Sun, it was Mother Rong who supported her and lowered her head…

“Old lady.”

“Old lady, why are you here too?”

“Old lady.”

Those “upper people” who joined the fun began to be polite and personable again.

Mrs. Sun passed through the crowd and came to Qin Qing.

She looked like Qin Qing and immediately reprimanded her.

“Qin Qing, how do you dress like this?”

“You didn’t see any guests here.”

“In what style?”

Qin Qing showed no fear to Mrs. Sun.

At ordinary times, she is taking care of her.

But today, she didn’t want to give anyone a good face.


“I’m in my room. I just took a shower. What should I wear if I don’t dress like this?”

“You ask Dage.”

“He took a group of people to kick the widow’s door at night, what kind of style is he talking about?!”

Sun Chongquan blushed immediately…

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