Chapter 112 I thought you were so good! You make me want to be dissatisfied, don’t you know?


“Hum hum!”

Sun Chongquan smiled coldly.

He got up from the ground calmly.

He patted the footprints of the waist and ribs, and looked at Yin Zhi with dark and vicious eyes.

Immediately, his gaze passed on “Emperor Qingyan” and “Emperor Mechanical”.

“Bullish kid, your naivety and naivety are ridiculous! Do you know?”

“Do you think that with the’Emperor Qingyan’, the world will be invincible?”

“Today, I will let you know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!”

“It’s not spacious enough here, let’s go outside to fight, don’t accidentally hurt the distinguished guests here!”

“Lest it spread out, saying that my’Sun family’ doesn’t understand how to treat guests.”

“Also, please stay in the house. This house is strong enough to protect everyone.”

After that, Sun Chongquan cast a coldly at Qin Qing.

“Qin Qing!”

“Wait I hope you can hand over all your group shares in a decent way.”

“Reading on the love of the past, I can give you mother and son Wu You for the rest of their lives.”

“If you don’t want to treat yourself decent…”

“Hmph, then I can only help you decently.”

“I hope you think it through.”

Abandoning these words, Sun Chongquan left the hall in a big step.

Yin Zhi curled his lips, muttered “There is so much nonsense”, then turned and walked out.

The other guests, relatives and friends immediately leaned to the window and looked out.

This is lively, you must join together!

They want to see how powerful the “Emperor Qingyan” is.

I also want to see if Sun Chongquan can defeat Yin Zhi!

“This frame… what do you think?”

“It’s hard to say! One party has the’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling, but it’s too young after all…”

“Indeed! Sun Chongquan has been cultivating for nearly half his life after all! His Yuling must not be too weak!”

“Let’s see. Who wins and who loses, who lives and who died, will soon be revealed.”

At this time, no one noticed that there was an extra person beside Qin Qing!

A woman!

A woman in purple wearing a silver mask!


Qin Qing closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

She was lying on the back of the sofa with her whole body, every bit of strength on her body seemed to be drained.

There are only two fists, one is loose and the other is tight.

Qin Qing did not respond at all to the silver-faced and purple-clothed woman’s apology.

She seems to be Qin Qing’s bodyguard…

“I’ll kill him.”

The silver-faced and purple-clothed woman spoke again.

According to her tone, it seemed that she wanted to kill Sun Chongquan easily.

Qin Qing said lightly: “No need.”

The silver-faced and purple-clothed woman stopped talking.

At this time, Mother Rong, who fell to the ground, got up.

She staggered to the door, leaning on the door frame, eyes wide open.

She wants to watch!

Watching Sun Chongquan being killed!

Where is Sun Liangwu?

He sat on the ground, dumbfounded and lost.

At this moment, he was forgotten by everyone-perhaps including himself!


Flat and wide grass.

Sun Chongquan moved his hands and drew two magic circles with one heart, and summoned two Yulings.

One is a huge and exaggerated six-barreled machine gun with flame patterns all over the body!

Weapon system, offensive Yuling, rarity “Legendary Eight Stars”, The Underworld Fire Gatling, overall score 6.6……

One, a spider man with a human upper body and a spider on the lower body. The six spider legs are as sharp as spears!

Orc type, controlling spirit, rarity “Legendary Nine Stars”, spider witch, overall score 6.8…

Sun Chongquan clutches “The Underworld Fire Gatling”.

“Do you have any last words?”

Yin Zhi was not empty-handed at this time.

Holding the “Zhulong Sword” in his left hand.

Holding the “nano pistol” in his right hand.

“Can you stop talking nonsense? It’s annoying and procrastinating, don’t you know?”

Sun Chongquan yelled like a dog that had stepped on its tail.

“The mouth grows on daddy!”

“Daddy can say whatever he wants!”

“You have to listen, and you don’t have to listen!”

“go to hell–”

Sun Chongquan hates that others point fingers at him, saying this or that.

What he wants is the freedom and privileges of “say what I want to say” and “whatever I want to do”!

Whoever cares about him deserves to die!

“The Underworld Fire Gatling” skill-“Full Metal Frenzy”, launch!

The barrel of the gun turned suddenly, accompanied by the sound of “whooping”.

The bullet shot out of the six barrels like a frenzy and swept towards Yin Zhi.

“Didi! You got 10000 points of murder from Sun Chongquan, please check!”

“Subspace Glide”, show it!

Yin Zhi appeared in Sun Chongquan instantly.

The “Zhulong Sword” bloomed with green flames, releasing the terrifying heat, and slashed it down at the back of Sun Chongquan’s head.


Six spears were pierced from Sun Chongquan’s back!

They shoot at Yin Zhi’s body in six directions at a speed that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Yin Zhi, who has the blessing of “quantum calculus”, does not panic at all.

“Sub-space gap”, show it!

Yin Zhi directly penetrated into the “subspace gap”, causing six spears to pierce loneliness.

Sun Chongquan suddenly rotated, and “The Underworld Fire Gatling” also swept one hundred and eighty degrees.

Bullets shot everywhere.

A large number of bullets hit the wall and glass.

Those who watched the show to join in the excitement were forced to behave like a turtle.

Rao is the Sun’s house, the motherland is strong, and the bullet still made a large hole in it.

Sun Chongquan shouted: “Come out! Get out and die!”

Unable to see Yin Zhi, he simply grabbed “The Underworld Fire Gatling” and played around.

The tide of bullets fired three hundred and sixty degrees.

The landscape plants not far away were shot and smashed in an instant.


Yin Zhi appeared in front of Sun Chongquan without warning.

He got out of the “subspace gap”.

This skill has two big disadvantages.

First, it cannot be moved.

Second, there should be no debris in the main space.

Especially the “second point”!

If there are debris in the place where you drill into the “subspace gap”, those debris will directly fit into your body!

Yin Zhi also showed up at the moment when Sun Chongquan moved “The Underworld Fire Gatling” away.

Otherwise, the “The Underworld Fire Gatling” will be directly embedded in his body.


Without waiting for Sun Chongquan’s “you” to come out, the “Zhulong Sword” slashed down!

Sun Chongquan’s arm was gone.

Yin Zhi flew out again, hitting Sun Chongquan’s abdomen.

This added Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi’s kick was stronger and fiercer, and directly kicked Sun Zhongquan out.

At the moment he was about to land, Yin Zhi used “Subspace Glide” to appear in front of him again, and kicked again!

So many times…

It’s just like playing table tennis and kicking a shuttlecock.

Sun Chongquan is the “ball” and “shuttlecock”!

boom! !

Sun Chongquan got a kick in midair and hit the ground straight!

“A bunch of nonsense, I thought you were so good!”

“I wanted to try the power of the’Dragon Sword’ with you.”

“You turned out to be so weak!”

“It’s a wasteful expression, don’t you know?”

“You make me want to be dissatisfied, do you know?”


“You must try my sword!”

After that, Yin Zhi jumped up.

The “Zhulong Sword” pointed directly at the sky of the night sky, and nine green flames burst out instantly.

In an instant, the entire “Sun Garden” seemed to be coated with a layer of blue light.

“I am completely arrogant too!”

“This’Dragon Nine Tribulations Sword’…”

“Did you block it?!”

In midair.

Yin Zhiguo’s upside down, the “Zhulong Sword” pierced from above.

The nine green flame fire dragons raged and twisted wildly, and the Nine Dragons fell, instantly drowning Sun Chongquan.

what! ! ! !

The screams were instantly above “Jinshan”…

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