Chapter 113 You give me your arms, I give you everything I have…

The screams continue!

In the mountains at night, the people who listened to me were panicked.

Sun Chongquan, who is afraid of death and does not want to die, is already calling for help and begging for mercy…

“Help! Help me!”

“Don’t kill me! Please!”

“I was wrong! Forgive me!”

How can there be the slightest demeanor and magnanimity before?

At the same time, all the guests were shocked by the strength shown by Yin Zhi!

“He is so strong!”

“Is this the power of the’Emperor Qingyan’?”

“Sun Chongquan can be said to have no power to fight back at all!”

“No, no, no! I don’t think he is so strong, it’s completely skill restraint!”

“Yes, ‘spatial skills’ are indeed very difficult to deal with.”

“Unless Sun Chongquan also owns the’Space Yuling’, he will lose!”

“Brother Ye, it’s you now, can you hold that sword?”

“Hehe, I’m not afraid of your jokes, head-on head-on, I really don’t have a bottom.”

“This kid, the future is limitless!”

The guests discussed and expressed their opinions.

The green flames of the “Nine Tribulations of Dragon Climbing” lasted for a full five minutes before it gradually extinguished…

Naturally, Sun Chongquan’s screams lasted for nearly five minutes!

And even if Qingyan died out, his screams continued.

not dead?

Of course not dead!

There will be a full 50,000 “pigs” at the moment of killing. How can Yin Zhi be willing to slaughter?

“The stupid son of the landlord” can do such a stupid thing!

As the master of the “Emperor Qingyan”, with his current strength, he can already control the temperature of Qingyan.

Yin Zhi came to Sun Chongquan’s side.

“Still talking nonsense?”


“I want to ask you something! Want to die, don’t you?!”

Sun Chongquan tremblingly said, “No… I dare not…”

“Who asked you to talk? You are still talking nonsense!”


“Know that you are dissatisfied! You must think I relied on the’spatial skill’ to beat you, right?”

Sun Chongquan quickly said: “No…no…I don’t…I serve…”

“Why are you talking nonsense?! Did you let you talk!?”


At this time, Sun Chongquan even had the urge to cry.

At the same time, from the bottom of his heart, Yin Zhihengzhi penetrates the bone—it hardly needs to be said!

Yin Zhi patted Sun Chongquan’s face burnt to coke with the “Zhulong Sword”.

“I won’t kill you today.”

“I’ll give you a chance!”

“Let’s fight back again!”

“This time you make me want to be dissatisfied, I hope you let me have a good time next time!”


Sun Chongquan’s eyes widened and looked at Yin Zhi incredulously.

Did I hear it wrong?

Don’t even kill me?

real or fake? !

“Why are you staring at me with so big eyes?”

“I ask you: Have you remembered?”

“Do you want me to give you a long memory?”

Sun Chongquan suddenly shouted: “Remember…remember! Remember!”

The guests not far away listened and mumbled.

“After all, he is a young man, not cruel enough.”

“After all, this is the capital city. It’s still very troublesome to kill people…”

“But in the end, the tiger will return to the mountain, and there will be endless disasters.”

At this time, Mother Rong shouted loudly: “Kill him! Kill him quickly! Revenge the second Young Master!”

She stumbled and ran towards Yin Zhi and Sun Chongquan, tears streaming down her face…

Even the guests were quite moved when they heard and saw it.

This grandmother Rong is an admirable woman who is affectionate and righteous!

But immediately, she was fainted by a woman in purple clothes with a silver face and taken away…

However, at this moment, another roar of “I’m going to kill you” broke out.

It’s Sun Liangwu!

In the meantime, he rushed over like a madman, his eyes were red and murderous!

At this time, he already understood…

I understand it all!

I was used by Sun Zhongquan.

It has been used thoroughly from start to finish!

I turned out to be the culprit who hurt my mother!

Then I thought of what Rong said, Dad was killed by Sun Chongquan and grandma together…

At this moment!

There is only one thought in Sun Liangwu’s mind-to kill Sun Chongquan for revenge!



Sun Liangwu received a fist in the face, was beaten and flew out, rolling away.

It is Yin Zhi who does it!

Sun Liangwu got up and shouted: “Get out of the way!”

He rushed over again.

boom! !

He took another punch on his left cheek and rolled away.

Sun Liangwu roared like a wild beast: “I killed you!”

“Didi! You got 20000 points of murder from Sun Liangwu! Please check!”


20000 points?

With his strength, he was able to burst out 20000 points of murder!

There is only one possibility, the killing intent in his heart at the moment has been “exploded”!

Sun Liangwu was so emotional and energetic at this moment that he couldn’t summon Yuling at all.

After failing twice, he roared and rushed directly towards Yin Zhi savagely.

In the end, Yin Zhi, who had performed the “quantum calculus”, grabbed his clothes and fell to the ground severely.

Yin Zhi stepped on his chest with one foot.

“You want revenge, don’t you?”

“I’m crippled by him now, you come to make up for the head, what revenge?”

“You take revenge for the fart!”

“If you are a man, take revenge on your own ability!”

“Me too! Sun Chongquan! To get revenge is on your own!”

“On your own! On your own! On your own!”

“Have you heard clearly!?”

Looking at Sun Liangwu at this moment, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but think of himself in his previous life…

Isn’t the self in the previous life the Sun Liangwu at this moment?

It’s just that Sun Liangwu is much luckier than his previous life!

In his life, as long as he is willing to work hard to become stronger, he will have a chance for revenge.

But what about the self in the previous life?

No chance!

No chance!

This hatred, even in this life, is really retributed…

Sun Liangwu stopped yelling or screaming, his chest was violently ups and downs, but his eyes widened to the limit.

Yin Zhi then stepped on his feet away.

Then he raised Sun Chongquan with the same foot.

“Don’t get out yet?”

“Do you still want to have a barbecue?”

“Yes! Then let’s continue…”

With a sound of “bear”, Yin Zhi’s palm was filled with blue flames.

Sun Chongquan hurriedly stood up, enduring the pain in his whole body, and fleeing by crawling.

“You wait for me!”

“You wait for me!”

“Today’s hatred, my Sun Zhongquan must be returned to you a thousand times, a million times, and a hundred thousand times!”

“Didi! You get 60,000 kill points from Sun Chongquan!”


Give me another 60,000 points!

I am even more reluctant to kill you…

With Sun Chongquan fleeing in embarrassment, this farce of the “Sun family” seems to have finally come to an end.

Or is it the beginning of another farce?

who knows!

As the host, Qin Qing gave away a group of guests, relatives and friends with his usual expression and courtesy.

Many people murmured to themselves: “Qin Qing is Qin Qing after all, this kind of patience and tolerance is not something ordinary people can have.”

As for Yin Zhi, he wanted to leave, but was retained by Qin Qing.

Then stay!

The night is getting darker.

Yin Zhi was a little hard to sleep.

What happened to the “Sun Family” today has refreshed his three views…

What kind of weird things are these all?


The door opened sounded.



No one responded.

A curvy figure walked in.

Sniffing a familiar fragrance, Yin Zhi said in shock: “Qin…”

“Don’t talk.”

This voice was somewhat strong, but also pleading.


In the darkness, the curved shadow and Yin Zhi’s shadow overlapped.

“I am so tired.”

“I need a hug to rest.”

“You give me your arms, I give you everything about me…”

“Just tonight!”

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