Chapter 114 The Sun family is broken, but the Yin family is broken? !

This night.

The big fish swims in the sea.

The mouse ran wildly in the sewer.

On the construction site, workers who stayed up all night are driving piles with pile drivers, one after another.

In space, the two “Satellite Yuling” successfully docked and merged into one.

The endless sky outside, the little stars are especially bright.

There was even a meteor shower, and the meteors dragged the white tail flame across the sky.

Everything is so harmonious and beautiful.

The next day.

Yin Zhi ate breakfast in “Sun Yuan” before leaving.

In addition to him at the breakfast table, there are Qin Qing, Sun Liangwu, and Mrs. Sun…

Mother Rong lowered her head and stood by and waited on her.

But only Qin Qing and Yin Zhi had dinner.

Sun Liangwu and Mrs. Sun sat still.

Especially Qin Qing’s appetite seems to be very good, and the food is very fragrant.

It’s normal, after all, the “physical activity” last night consumed too much physical energy…

Yin Zhishi couldn’t stand the inexplicable atmosphere on the table.

He gobbled up his stomach and got up to leave.

Qin Qing said, “Aunt hasn’t eaten enough, so I won’t give you away”, and asked Mother Rong to give him away.

With a gift from Mother Rong, Yin Zhi got into the arranged car and left the “Sun Garden”.

After Yin Zhi left…

Qin Qing put down the tableware in his hand and wiped his mouth with an elegant napkin.

“Auntie Rong, go and call all the servants over.”

Soon, all the servants of “Sun Yuan” gathered in the restaurant.

Aunt Rong held the tray in one hand and handed them cards.

“You guys are fired.”

The servants immediately became agitated.

Mrs. Sun was excited about the case.

“Qin Qing, what are you going to do?”

“What qualifications do you have to fire the servant of’Sun Yuan’!”


Mother Rong walked up to Mrs. Sun and slapped her face with a “slap”.

Mrs. Sun fell directly to the ground.

She was beaten up…

The servants fell silent for a moment.

Qin Qing’s voice echoed in their ears.

“Kari has ten million!”

“Enough for your life, Wu You.”

“From now on, you will have nothing to do with’Sun Yuan’.”

“Pack your things now and let’s go.”

An old gardener said: “Madam, I have worked in Sun Garden all my life…”

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Qing shouted: “Get out!”

The old gardener shuddered in shock and closed his mouth.

The servants hurriedly squeezed the bank card in their hands and hurried away.


“You all come back to me!”

“I am the owner of the’Sun’s Family’!”

Mrs. Sun yelled.

Qin Qing said calmly: “From today, I, Qin Qing, and the group, have nothing to do with the’Sun Family’.”

Mrs. Sun screamed excitedly.

“You can’t do this!”

“Why do you do this!”

“Qin Qing, are you going to rebel!?”

Qin Qing continued to speak in a calm tone.

“I will give you a sum of money every month from now on.”

“Not much, at least it will keep you starving.”

“Aunt Rong will stay here to take care of you.”

Mother Rong said, “Old lady, don’t worry, I will take good care of you.”

Mrs. Sun is old, but not stupid!

She has realized something at this moment.

“no, do not want……”

“Qin Qing, you…you can’t do this…”

“You can’t do this to me!”

“I’m the mom with the same name…”

Snapped! !

Mother Rong slapped her face and screamed: “You are not worthy to mention the second Young Master! You are also worthy to mention the second Young Master!?”

Qin Qing continued her light words…

“This’Sun Garden’ has changed the nature of the land.”

“After you die, this place will be converted into an orphanage.”

“As for the other people in the’Sun’s family’, I will send them far away.”

“After you die, the’Sun Family’ will no longer exist.”

“Treasure your last time for the Sun Family.”

After that, she stepped away.

Sun Liangwu stood up silently and followed Qin Qing.

“Qin Qing! You stop!”

“Liangwu, don’t leave, don’t leave grandma!”

“Come back!”

No one cares about her…

At this moment, she had already resigned from her relatives and tasted the bitter fruit she brewed herself.

Mother Rong stood beside Mrs. Sun.

“Old lady, am I still with you?”

“Don’t worry, I will take good care of you.”

“You said I was born to serve other people’s fate.”

“You also said that I will serve you for the rest of my life.”

“You are right, I will serve you forever.”

She is laughing…

Mrs. Sun was crying…

In the car.

Sun Liangwu quietly and blankly looked at the red “Jinshan” outside the window.

The quiet inside the car that Qin Qing broke.

“Xiao Wu.”

“You give this to Yin Zhi.”

“Remember, you must give it to him personally.”

Sun Liangwu took a red envelope in a daze.


“This is……”

“Why give him a red envelope?”

Qin Qing said, “Why do you ask so much? Just give it to him if he asks you to give it to him.”

After speaking, she turned her head and looked at Fengye, the red “Jinshan” full of mountains outside.

That Hongfeng also seemed to make her cheeks red…

Sun Liangwu returned to “Sacred Heart University”.

At a certain moment, he still couldn’t restrain his curiosity and opened the red envelope.

“Sixteen yuan?”

“Okay, why mom…”

“Sixteen yuan for that bastard?”

A owe!

A owe! !

On the plane.

Yin Zhi sneezed twice.

He sniffed.

“Who is scolding me?”

“Don’t let me know who it is…”

“Otherwise, I won’t beat you up!”

At this time, Yin Zhi had already boarded the plane to “Holy Skull City”!

“Going back to’Holy Skull City’ again…”

“Is this a good return home?”

“Before I go to the’Zhao’s house’, I must go back to the’Yin’s house” first!”

“Before I would still be afraid of those who are not dead, but now I still need to be afraid of them?”

at this time.

“You… hello…”

Yin Zhi turned his head to look, but it was a flight attendant with a round face and a tall face.

“Hello, what’s the matter?”

The tall space with a round face blushes, like a ripe apple.

“Mr. Yin, I…”

“I…I admire you so much…”

“Can you…can you sign me?”

Yin Zhi was taken aback, then smiled: “Okay!”

The tall, round-faced stewardess was immediately overjoyed.

Soon, the name was signed, and she happily grabbed the signed handkerchief, thanking her for leaving again and again.

After that, other flight attendants also ran over to ask for autographs…

“Ha ha!”

“Unexpectedly, someone came to me for an autograph.”

“They are still beautiful women.”

In his back seat, Zhao Yanwu looked gloomy…

Three days later.

Yin Zhi returned to “Holy Skull City.”

Breathing the air of his hometown, he only felt that it was extraordinarily sweet.

“You go home by yourself and wait.”

“I want to go back to the “Yin’s House” first.”

“Remember to prepare your dad to meet me!”

After speaking, he hit a car and drove straight to the “Yin’s house”.

But when he came to the “Yin’s house”, his expression was surprised and suspicious…

The “Yin Family” has been burned to ruins!

At this time, firefighters are extinguishing the residual fire.

The sky above the “Yin’s House” is still filled with burning smoke…

“It’s so miserable. I heard that the entire family was burned to death.”

“I deserve it…”

“Hush hush hush! The curse comes from the mouth, the curse comes from the mouth, understand!”

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