Chapter 115 The last time I came to score, I was welcomed in this time! Isn’t it magical?

The Yin family is so broken?

Who did it?

Why do you do this?

Could it be because I offended a bunch of people and got angry?

All of a sudden, various problems arose in Yin Zhi’s heart.

Then, an emotion came to my heart…


Super unhappy!

For the Yin family, you can do anything by yourself.

But he never thought of destroying the Yin family anyway.

But he didn’t allow others to engage in the Yin family.

Not to mention that it burns clean as it is now!


“No matter who you are, you can really do it!”

“Playing with fire, right?”

“Don’t let me know who you are!”

“Otherwise, let’s compare and see who knows how to play with fire!”

Why does Yin Zhi think it is man-made?

Because as long as he is not stupid or stupid, he can tell that the fire that burned the Yin family was man-made!

Yin Zhi thought for a while, then left the ruins of the “Yin House” and took a taxi to the “Sanctuary”…

He met “Sanctuary Director” Jin Hanhai very smoothly.

At the beginning, it was he who opened up the relationship and sent Yin Zhi to the “Sacred Heart Academy”!

Jin Hanhai was a little surprised when he saw Yin Zhi.

“Why are you back?”

“When did you come back?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I just arrived today. I have something to do when I come back. Come and see you on the way.”

As he said, he passed the gift box in his hand.

Jin Hanhai smiled and said, “It’s enough if people come. What other gifts do you bring?”

“A specialty of’Sacred Heart City’.”

“A little wish. Don’t refuse.”

“Furthermore, if I don’t ask you to do anything, it’s not a bribe, right?”

Jin Hanhai “haha” smiled: “I never refuse the things I deliver.”

Immediately, Jin Hanhai asked about Yin Zhi’s situation at “Sacred Heart University”.


“The students are very friendly.”

“As soon as I went, they recommended me to be the monitor. Seeing their enthusiasm, I am embarrassed to refuse. Haha!”

“Later, I followed the group to visit the’Wanlong Ruins’…”

“I’m going to’Haward’ to exchange and study in a while…”

Jin Hanhai nodded.

“good very good!”

“Now I feel even more that it is correct to send you to’Sacred Heart University’.”

“But after you go to’Haward’, remember to report to the local’Sanctuary’.”

Yin Zhi said: “You still have to report?”

Jin Hanhai looked serious and nodded.

“Others don’t need it.”

“But you need!”

“Just because you are the master of the’Emperor Qingyan’!”

Yin Zhi smiled: “Hey! I see! Are you worried that someone will rob my “Emperor Qingyan”?”

Jin Hanhai shook his head and said, “It’s not…”

“Uh… isn’t it?”

Jin Hanhai said: “I’m worried that they will kill you! Even, I want to suggest that you don’t go to’Haward’.”

“Go is definitely going. Why would they want to kill me? Who are’they’ referring to?”

Jin Hanhai looked serious: “Almost everyone is’Oding Merah’!”

Yin Zhi was surprised.

“Isn’t it?”

“Is it so exaggerated?”

Surprised on the surface.

In my heart?

Of course it is “Yi Xi”!



He wished that others wanted to kill himself, the more the better.

Jin Hanhai answered questions for Yin Zhi.

“If you ask this, it proves that you still don’t understand the basic situation of the’Odin Merah.'”

“Looking back, you still need to understand.”

“In a nutshell, the’Emperor Qingyan’ is the most ferocious demon in the mythology of the’Yehayahism’ of the’Odin Mela Kingdom’!”

“She has a name over there, ‘Sayingtan’, which means ‘Devil who destroys the world’.”

“Going back to the source, Zhao Zheng used the’Qingyan Female Emperor’ to conquer the’Han Kingdom’ more than two thousand years ago.”

“You pulled out the’Emperor Qingyan’, then in the eyes of the’Odin Mela people’, you are the incarnation of the devil!”

“More than ninety people of the’Odin Mela people’ are followers of the’Yehyo Sect’.”

“You, the incarnation of the demon king, ran to the territory of the’Yejo Church’, what do you think they would do?”

Yin Zhi touched his nose and said, “So it’s like this…”

He was already laughing in his heart.

Then I will go even more-no one can stop me from going!

For me, “Odin Merah” is full of “money”!

Immediately, Yin Zhi chatted with Jin Hanhai for a while, and then asked about the “Yin’s house fire”.

Jin Hanhai sighed.

“I knew you would ask this.”

“Externally speaking, the cause of the fire in the’Yin’s house’ was the rupture of the gas pipeline…”

“But in fact, Yin Tianxiong should have set fire to the’Yin Family’.”

Yin Zhi was taken aback: “Yin Tianxiong?”

Yin Tianxiong, the “Patriarch of the Yin Family”, actually burned the “Yin Family” with a fire?

He’s crazy?

“Not alive?”

Jin Hanhai said: “No! They were all tied up and burned alive!”

Yin Zhi heard it, but felt a chill from the tail bone…

This Yin Tianxiong is really cruel!

After chatting with Jin Hanhai for a while, Yin Zhi got up and left.

Jin Hanhai personally sent Yin Zhi to the door of the “Sanctuary”.

Looking at Yin Zhi’s back, he muttered to himself.

“It’s okay to burn a fire…”

“Burn everything that shouldn’t exist, and the world will be clean…”

“I wish… I wish…”

His whisper was very light, so light that he himself might not be able to hear it clearly.

After leaving the “Sanctuary”, Yin Zhi, who hadn’t been anywhere for a while, found a star hotel and opened a room with internet access.

Then he shut himself in the room and began to search the Internet about “Odin Merah”.

I don’t know if I don’t search, I found a bunch of things…

For example, there are two things that are most lively in the “Odin Merah” right now.

First: A contagious disease, “Black streak”, is raging in “Oding Mela”, and the number of infections has exceeded 50 million!

Second: the heads of state competition! The “bear faction” and the “wolf faction” are fighting for the position of “head of state”, and the whole country is in chaos!


“It seems that when I go there, I have to be careful not to get ‘black streaked disease’.”

“In such a chaotic place, I really don’t want to go if it weren’t for’killing the mind’ and still have a mission.”


He also saw an entertainment news…

“Yang Feiyue was actually trapped in’Odin Mela’?”

“This is really…”

“What are you going to do in such a dangerous place to receive an award?”

“This is not uncomfortable!”

For the next two days, Yin Zhi stayed in the room.

On the third day, he went out and went straight to the “Zhao Family”.

Yin Zhi got out of the car door, and the “Zhao’s” guard ran into the “Zhao’s”.

“Master Yoon Young is here!”

“Master Yoon Young is here!”

“Master Yoon Young is here!”

The voice came from the other side of the high wall…

The other janitor greeted him with a smile.

“Yin Young Master, you are welcome to come here.”

“Please wait a moment, Master, Young Master and Miss will come out to greet you soon.”

Yin Zhi looked at the “Zhao Mansion” in front of him, and sighed with his arms akimbo.

“I went in last time, but this time I was greeted in! Amazing, isn’t it?”

The janitor nodded and bowed, licked his face and smiled “hehehe”…

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