Chapter 116 Tell me, what the hell is going on! ? Say it!


“My nephew, I’m waiting for you!”


Zhao Fengming walked out with his hearty and enthusiastic “haha” accompaniment.

Behind him, Zhao Kuang and Zhao Yan and Wu followed from left to right.

Zhao Yanwu had a real smirk on her face.

Zhao Kuang lowered his head, unable to see his face clearly.

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”, listening very perfunctorily.

“I didn’t want to come.”

“After all, I am usually very busy.”

“But I can’t hold Miss Zhao’s soft and hard foam.”

“It just so happens that I want to go back to my hometown, so I just ask for leave and come back.”

Zhao Fengming smiled and said: “Yes, yes. My uncle is very happy to be able to come. Walk around, let’s go to the house.”

Yin Zhi glanced at Zhao Kuang.

“Uncle Zhao, right?”

“Master Zhao doesn’t seem to welcome me.”

“Look, I am here, and he doesn’t even look up.”

Zhao Fengming hurriedly said “Nothing”, and then said to Zhao Kuang: “Kuang’er, please call me brother!”

The tone was quite severe.

Zhao Kuang gritted his teeth secretly, raised his head, and pulled out a very ugly smiling face.

“elder brother……”

“You are welcome to come to my house as a guest.”

Yin Zhi “haha” smiled and walked into the “Zhao Mansion” with the “Zhao Family” three people.

Walking on the retro corridor, Yin Zhi sighed.

“The Zhao family is still so stylish.”

“It’s a pity…”

“The Yin family has become a ruin.”

Zhao Fengming also showed sorrow.


“There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and there are misfortunes and blessings for people.”

“The disaster is here, you can’t hide it. Nephew, you are sorry.”

Yin Zhi sighed, “Everyone is dead, so I can only mourn.”

The three came all the way to the living room.

The agile servant immediately brought tea.

Yin Zhi touched the tea cup with his finger, but he didn’t mean to drink, he went straight to the point and got to the point.

“Uncle Zhao, right?”

“Our two families are so familiar with each other, so we won’t be oblivious.”

“What am I coming back for, you should know it well, right?”

Zhao Yan and Wu were anxious, “Yin Zhi…”

She is afraid of spying on the “Zhao Family” secretly!

“Don’t talk! There is no place for you to talk!”

Yin Zhi interrupted her unceremoniously.

Zhao Yan and Wu’s face suddenly flushed…

Yin Zhi looked at Zhao Fengming and said, “So, Uncle Zhao, let’s just talk about business. What do you think?”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Zhao Fengming’s eyes looked east and west.

“Then let’s talk about your marriage to the little girl…”

Yin Zhi’s face sank: “Uncle Zhao, are you kidding me here?”

Zhao Fengming kept winking at Yin Zhi.

“How can this marital event be used to joke?”

“After all, this matter was decided long ago by your’parents’ and I.”

“Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, it was all because Yanyan was too young and ignorant. It was a sudden impulse that made a big mistake.”

Zhao Fengming puts the word “parents” more important!

Yin Zhi frowned.

Of course he heard that Zhao Fengming bit the word “parents” more seriously.

Naturally, he also understood what the other party meant: “I know what you want to know, so you have to do what I say!”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Uncle Zhao, you should also know my style of doing things.”

“I like to take the initiative.”

“Like to take the initiative means that others have to follow my steps.”

“Instead of letting others come and lead me by the nose.”

“I mean, Uncle Zhao, you should understand?”

Zhao Fengming looked at Yin Zhi’s expression and sighed, his face was bitter.

“Since my nephew has said more about it…”

He stood up and said, “Then please ask my nephew to go to the study with me. It is more suitable to talk about things there.”

Yin Zhi also stood up, “Walk around. Uncle Zhao leads the way.”

Zhao Fengming immediately asked Zhao Kuang and Zhao Yan to arrange lunch in the kitchen. He and Yin Zhi went to the study to discuss the so-called “marriage events”…

Brother Zhao watched Zhao Fengming and Yin Zhi leave.

For a while…

Presuming that Yin Zhi and his father are already far away, Zhao Kuang immediately cursed “this damn bastard”!

Zhao Yanwu’s face changed suddenly: “What nonsense are you talking about!”

At this time, Zhao Kuang’s whole person changed completely different from before.

I saw Bareya laugh, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

“Sister, what are you nervous about? From now on, you will be completely relieved.”

“Hey, sister, I have worked hard for you this time.”

“Don’t worry, the grievances you have suffered and suffered with him will be recovered immediately!”

Zhao Yanwu’s expression was stunned: “Zhao Kuang, what are you talking about? What’s ‘recovering the capital and profit’?”

Zhao Kuang smiled triumphantly, picking up the tea, about to take a sip, suddenly thought of something, and quickly threw the cup away.

“Good risk, good risk!”

“Almost forgot, this tea is poisonous.”

“Although I take medicine beforehand…”

“What a pity! What a pity! That guy didn’t even drink it.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

“Entered the door of my’Zhao Family’ vertically, he just waited to go out sideways.”

The more he speaks, the more proud Zhao Kuang…

Zhao Yan Wu said: “Zhao Kuang, what are you talking about? Tell me clearly!”


“Sister, now I can tell you—actually, all this is one game!”

“A bureau that lured Yin Zhi into the’Zhao Family’!”

“The current’Zhao Family’ has already laid a net of heaven and earth.”

“Yin’s wings can’t escape!”

Zhao Yan and Wu were stunned: “The bureau…the bureau…then you and your father were coerced…”

Zhao Kuang “haha” smiled.

“Of course it’s fake too!”

“Sister, this is what I have to say to you. I’m sorry. It’s not that we deliberately lied to you. I’m really afraid that you will be exposed.”

“In this round, you are the most critical!”

“Only if you really think that my father and I are being coerced, can you ‘play it sincerely’ and deceive Yin Zhi’s bad boy!”

Zhao Yan and Wu Ru were struck by lightning!


“It’s actually fake…”

“Then I…”

So what’s my grievance these days?

So what is my worry these days?

In the past few months, many tears flowed from Zhao Yanwu’s eyes…

Zhao Kuang suddenly became uncomfortable.

“elder sister……”

“Why are you crying?”

“Don’t cry!”

Zhao Yan and Wu looked at Zhao Kuang blankly, and suddenly raised his hand to slap him.

Zhao Kuang quickly raised his hand to block.

Looking at Zhao Kuang’s appearance, Zhao Yanwu raised her hand and still did not fall.

Zhao Kuang quickly apologized…

“Sister, I know I was wrong.”

“Don’t be angry, okay?”

“Isn’t this for… to be foolproof?”

“All for the sake of the overall situation!”

Zhao Yanwu touched a tear and said fiercely: “Tell me, what is going on!? Tell me!”

“Talk! I say I say!”

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