Chapter 118 In the future, I will ascend the throne and proclaim your emperor, and there will be a place for you in my harem!

Zhao Mansion.


“Nephew, please sit down.”

Zhao Fengming stretched out his hand and asked, and he also sat on the seat of the master himself.

Yin Zhixiao sat on the opposite side of Zhao Fengming.

“Uncle Zhao, is it convenient to talk here, right?”

“Let’s stop talking and go straight to the subject.”


Zhao Fengming smiled.

“Nephew, you are really impatient.”

“Well, in that case…”

“Then I will speak directly.”

Yin Zhi pricked up his ears and made an appearance of listening carefully.

Zhao Fengming said: “Actually about your father’s death…”

Having said that, he sighed “Oh”.

Suddenly, his foot stomped on the ground.

Suddenly, Yin Zhi disappeared…

It turned out that the area where Yin Zhi was sitting suddenly collapsed.

No warning!


That is one percent of the time in the blink of an eye, even if there is a person with a seat on the ground, it is gone in an instant.

Instead, there are two closed pieces of ground, which are tightly stitched together…

Zhao Fengming sighed again.

“Brother Yin.”

“For the rejuvenation of the’Zhao Family’…”

“I can only be sorry for you.”

This was obviously said by Yin Zhi’s father, Yin Tianying…

He and Yin Tianying are indeed good brothers!

But so what?

Yin Tianying is dead after all!

Once the man died, his debts disappeared, and his love naturally disappeared.

Not to mention, the “Zhao Family” and Yin Zhi had already cut off justice and had nothing to do with them.

Dealing with Yin Zhi for the great cause of “Descendants of Zhao”, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!


Yin Zhi has been enveloped in a thick cloud of smoke.

The smoke penetrated into his mouth and nose, and he only felt it was unusually sweet…


“I knew it was a trap!”

“Wait and see, this account depends on how I settle with you!”

Cursing in my heart and cursing in my mouth.

“Zhao Fengming, you pit me… ahem!”

“Zhao Yanwu…you bitch…you wait for me!”

“Ahem! Ahem, ahem! I will never… never… let you go!”




Gradually, the voice became weaker and weaker.

In the end, Yin Zhi passed out completely in a coma, unconscious.

The situation in the secret room was broadcast live on a screen in real time…

Zhao Fengming, Zhao Yanwu, Zhao Kuang, and…

Zhao Haolong!

Plus Zhao Haolong’s entourage.

A group of people are watching and waiting quietly.

Zhao Kuang’s cheeks were still swollen high, pink-his shoulders were trembling slightly.

Zhao Yanwu looked at Yin Zhi, who was already lying motionless on the screen.

Her look is very complicated…

At this moment, she felt that she should be very happy!

This person who has brought endless humiliation to himself is now in this end, isn’t it worthy of happiness?

However, I don’t know why, but Zhao Yanwu can’t feel the slightest happiness.


Even a little pity, pity him?

Ha ha!

What good is it for you to be beautiful?

From now on, you will become a waste again!

Of course, it’s just a pity and pity for him!

She doesn’t think she is doing it right…

But I never think I am doing something wrong!

Not to mention that she was kept in the dark at first…

What if she knew it was a “game” from the beginning?

She will do it for the sake of her family!

At this time, Zhao Fengming spoke.

“Young Master Zhao, it looks like he is completely unconscious.”

He has lived an age, but he will not be as stupid and naive as Zhao Kuang!

From the beginning, he knew that he was just another pawn…

After some thoughts, he is also happy to be a chess piece!

Yin Tianxiong wanted to take the “Yin Family” to a higher level.

Does Zhao Fengming not want the “Zhao Family” to become a bigger and stronger family?

In his opinion, this time is an opportunity!

To put it bluntly…

As long as he can hold the thigh of “Descendants of the Zhao Family”, his “Holy Skull Zhao Family” will be able to go to a wider world!

“Everything is under control” smiles on Zhao Haolong’s face.

“Not in a hurry.”

“That guy is very cunning.”

“Although he can’t resist the’Gentle Hero Tomb’ at all, it is better to be safe…”

“Hey, Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi, you also have today.”

“Wenrouxiang is a hero’s grave–the ancients don’t deceive me!”

Zhao Haolong looked at Zhao Yanwu, and his eyes flashed with lavish light.

Zhao Yanwu noticed Zhao Haolong’s gaze, and dodged as soon as his gaze touched his gaze.

He has become a cowardly frightened little white rabbit…

Zhao Fengming saw it in his eyes, but he was a little happy in his heart.

“If Yanyan can get along with him, it will be of great benefit to my’Zhao Family’!”

Zhao Haolong asked: “Zhao Yanwu, what are you going to do next, do you know?”

Zhao Fengming hurriedly said: “Young Master Zhao, I haven’t had time to talk to the little girl yet.”

“Then it’s up to me.”

He pinched Zhao Yanwu’s white and delicate chin, with a domineering and evil smile at the corners of his mouth.


“With the aid of the’Mound of Gentle Heroes’, the’hypnotist’ will hypnotize Yin Zhi.”

“Let him fall in love with you hopelessly.”

“Then you two will get married and get married.”

“From then on, you have stayed and stayed in the’Zhao Mansion’.”

“After that, he will willingly pass on the’Emperor Qingyan’ to you.”

“After that, I will come to the’Holy Skull City’ and meet you by chance.”

“The finale is that you start chaos and end up, abandon Yin Zhi and join me again.”

“In the end, you willingly passed on the’Emperor Qingyan’ to me again!”

“have you understood?”

Zhao Yanwu suddenly had an urge to cry…

I am already the laughing stock of many people.

If you do what you say, then I will become a bitch and a bitch that everyone scorns, despises, and ridicules!

What is my Zhao Yanwu?

A tool for you to get the “Emperor Qingyan”?

Zhao Haolong’s voice continued to reach her ears…

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you do it for nothing.”

“After it’s done, you should be the first to do it.”

“In the future I will ascend to the throne and proclaim your emperor, and there will be a place for you in my harem.”

“At that time, you’ll be able to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors, and you will ascend to heaven!”

Zhao Fengming hurriedly said, “Yanyan, don’t you please thank Young Master Zhao.”


Zhao Yanwu smiled sadly inside.

“Thank you Young Master Zhao for his great kindness.”

“It is an honor to be able to work for Young Master Zhao.”

“The little girl must do her best for Zhao Gongzi’s restoration and enthronment, and she will do her best.”

Zhao Haolong frowned.

Zhao Yanwu sounds very uncomfortable…

Are these verses mocking me?


Zhao Haolong didn’t care about it.

Zhao Yanwu was nothing but a chess piece and a tool in his eyes.

It’s not worth his anger.

Wait and wait, wait and wait…

After waiting for an hour, Zhao Haolong felt almost done, and stood up.

“It’s almost there, let’s start…”

“Er Dezi, go and get’Master Xiao’ and the others to prepare.”

“Let them be foolproof!”

The confidant entourage “Er Dezi” responded, and he ran away without a trace…

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