Chapter 119: It’s Really Not Me! Everyone present here counts as one, it’s all rubbish!

Is “hypnotist” really that amazing?

Can a person’s mind be completely changed?

The answer is: yes!

But it is very difficult to completely change one’s mind.

There are many difficulties to overcome.

But how difficult is it?

No matter how difficult it is, it can’t stand it because someone has to do it.

Not only do it, but also do it!

After that, Yin Zhi was “packed” and taken away.

A group of people brought out the “Holy Skull City” through the secret road.

He was finally taken to a manor at the foothills of “Yinmei Mountain”, next to “Yintong Lake”.

In ancient times, yin was left and yang was right.


“Yinmeishan” is the left brow of “Sage Skeleton”.

And “Yintong Lake” is naturally the left eye hole of “Sage Skeleton”.

Naturally, this manor belonged to the “Zhao family”, and it was built very luxuriously and magnificently.

It’s like a palace!

Regardless of the “Zhao Family” being placed in the “True Dragon Country”, it is just a small household that has not entered the market.

But in the “Holy Skull City”, it is a real giant!

As long as Zhao Fengming thinks about it, he can build a palace-no, he really built a palace!

Zhao Haolong is very satisfied with this “Zhao Family Manor”…

Especially here, the Spiritual Qi is very rich, and it is a treasure of cultivation.


Then come to “Holy Skull City”, we will live here!

While enjoying the scenery of nature.

While cultivating, unlock the “Emperor Qingyan” skill.

While enjoying the service of Zhao Yanwu, the “Wife Yin Zhi”…

In the future, when the time is right, we can ride the wind and the clouds and transform the dragon to the extreme!

Thinking of the happy place, Zhao Haolong let out a “haha” laugh.

He opened his hands, embracing the sky and the earth, facing the blue sky and blue lake.

“This world!”

“It will eventually be mine, Zhao Haolong!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

But at this moment…


“Ha, your mother!”

Upon hearing this sound…

Zhao Haolong turned around in shock.

There was even a laughing expression on his face.

But there is no more “haha” sound.

at the same time.

Zhao Fengming, Zhao Yanwu, and Zhao Kuang looked for fame, but they were also dumbfounded, stiff like a stone sculpture.

On the contrary, Zhao Haolong’s entourage had the fastest reaction.

They drew the summoning circle for the first time and summoned their respective Yulings.

Putting on a fighting pose in an instant!

Whose voice did they hear?

Who did they see?

Who else can there be?

It is Yin Zhi!

At this time, Yin Zhi was akimbo, twisting his waist and twisting his neck, moving his body that had not moved for several hours.

The taste of stiffness is uncomfortable!

On his left, is the “Emperor Qingyan” holding the Dragon Sword.

On his right side, is the “Emperor in White” holding a huge syringe.

As for himself, his face was full of contempt and jealousy.

“I thought it was you who set the game.”

“It turned out to be you, Ye Haolong! Dare to love your surname Zhao.”

“You should take a piss and take a picture of yourself…”

“Look at what you are!”

“Also,’This world will eventually belong to me, Zhao Haolong’-vomit!!!”

Zhao Haolong’s face turned gloomy…

Zhao Fengming trembling with a fat face, exclaimed: “Why are you awake!?”

Zhao Yanwu’s face was white and her lips were white, and her big black eyes trembled…

Zhao Kuang is still stunned…

Yin Zhi “haha” laughed twice.

“How did I wake up?”

“Uncle Zhao, I’m really embarrassed.”

“I’ve always been awake.”

“What kind of rubbish drug do you use?”

“I smoked for more than an hour, and the more I smoked, the more awake I got.”

“Could you sell fake and shoddy products?”

“Use fakes to stun me-damn you, who do you look down on!?”

Huhuhu! !

A strong wind blew from the “Yintong Lake”, which disturbed the hair of everyone present, and even disturbed everyone’s mind.

Say it!

Why is Yunzhi okay?

Of course it is not that the “Gentle Hero Mound” is a fake and shoddy product!

On the contrary, this thing is quite powerful!

It is not only a physical medicine, but also a psychoactive medicine…

It can make people feel weak and weak physiologically.

At the same time, it can also make people have some “unspeakable dreams” spiritually.

In the dream, the poisoned person can get the ultimate enjoyment.

He completely sinks into the “gentle town” willingly, and does not want to wake up.

It is not that the world is immune to the “Mound of Gentle Heroes”.

According to common sense, Yin Zhi is definitely not in this list!

He is just a “Golden Spirit Guardian”!

This level, no matter the strength of the body or the spirit, can’t resist the medicinal power of the “Gentle Hero Tomb”.

That’s right…

That’s right…

According to common sense, Yin Zhi will indeed be buried in the “Mound of Gentle Heroes.”

But the question is, is he a person who can be guessed according to common sense?

Why is the “Mound of Gentle Heroes” invalid for Yin Zhi?

The skills of “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling “Female Emperor in White”…

“Give yourself a shot that will never invade the poison” to find out!

“Give yourself an injection to soothe the nerves and make it a meticulous injection” to find out!

Before entering the “Zhao Mansion”, Yin Zhi gave himself several shots!

No matter how advanced is the “Gentle Hero Tomb”, can it be higher than the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling skills?

Zhao Haolong naturally knows nothing about these…

At this moment, looking at Yin Zhi who was alive and energetic, Zhao Haolong almost called out “This is impossible”!

But in the end he held it back.

Why hold it back?

Because it’s so embarrassing!

What does it mean to shout “This is impossible” at this time?

It means that I have lost control of the situation and situation in front of me!

It means…I am incompetent!

How much effort and effort did the “Descendants of Zhao” put into this “game”?

How can you fail? !


Zhao Haolong sneered and sneered, hoping to hide his lack of confidence.

“Yin Zhi, you seem very proud?”

“Do you think that if you hold onto the’Mound of Gentle Heroes’, do you have the chance to win?”

“If I were you, do you know what I would do?”

“I won’t talk nonsense just now, but will directly launch the toughest attack!”

“It’s a pity…”

In an instant, four people appeared around Yin Zhi.

Four people, three men and one woman, stood in blind spots and surrounded Yin Zhi.

These four people, except for the woman, are all a bit old.

And that woman, although coquettish and beautiful, she didn’t look young, about Mo and Qin Qing…

Each of them was followed by two Yulings.

Although they are of different types and shapes, they are extremely rare just by looking at their appearance.

“Do you know how much we prepared for this operation?”

“You who missed the opportunity, have no chance!”

“You are a’Golden-ranked Spiritist’, even if there is a’Emperor Qingyan’, what about?”

“In front of you, there are four ‘king-level guardians’!”

“You who are not even a’Diamond-level Warlord’, do you really know how strong a’King-rank Warlord” is?”

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

A magical smirk erupted from Yin Zhi’s mouth.

“I really don’t know how strong the’King-level Spirit Guardian’ is.”


“You don’t know anything about my strength!”

“It’s really not me! For me, one of you here counts as one, it’s all rubbish!”

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