Chapter 124 I must be dazzled! There is a whole ship of Yuling Crystal? !

the truth?

The truth about Yuling’s existence?

The truth with the power to subvert the entire world…

What kind of truth is it?

Yin Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

“You mean’Holy Court’…”

“Preventing my dad from investigating the truth about Yuling’s existence?”

“is not it?”

Zhao Fengming waved his hand again and again.

“No no, don’t get me wrong, nephew.”

“I didn’t mean it.”

“I just relayed to you a few words I heard from your dad.”

Yin Zhi asked, “What else did my dad say?”

Zhao Fengming shook his head.

“There is nothing else to say.”

“I also asked him what he called the “Truth of Yuling”.”

“But he didn’t want to tell me. He also said that it will not be announced for the time being!”

Yin Zhi said, “So, you said my dad was poisoned?”

Zhao Fengming thought of Yin Tianying and sighed…

“Your dad is someone who likes to take risks everywhere.”

“He himself is a’Nine-Star King Master’. His physical condition has always been very good.”

“And after that conversation, he never left the’Holy Skull City’.”

“But it didn’t take long for him to suddenly pass away. I think it’s weird.”

“After thinking about it, the more I think about it, the more I feel that the possibility of him being killed is very high.”

After all, the truth he was investigating…

According to him, it can “subvert the whole world”!

To say that someone got rid of him in order to prevent him from subverting the whole world…

This conjecture is perfectly reasonable and reasonable.


Yin Zhi was silent for a while, and then asked several questions about his father.

For example, what is that half of the pitch-black “Tie Tuo Tuo”!

Unfortunately, Zhao Fengming didn’t say any more valuable information.

“Then talk about me… Mom…”

He hasn’t called “Mom” much since he was a child, and now he just feels awkward when he speaks it out.

Zhao Fengming said: “I don’t know much about your mother…”

Yin Zhi waved impatiently.

“Key point, point to point!”

“Know how much to say!”

“I only need dry goods, no water!”

How did this kid develop his temperament?

Children without parents are really wild!

Zhao Fengming mumbled twice in his heart.

“Your mother doesn’t seem to be from the’True Dragon Kingdom’.”

“Although she looks exactly like ours, she has black hair and yellow skin.”

“Your dad didn’t introduce your mom specifically to me either.”

“I only heard them mention’Haward’ when they were communicating.”

“The others are gone.”

Yin Zhi was surprised…

“Haward”? !

Is it “Haward College”?

Yin Zhi asked, “Have you seen my mother? What does she look like?”

“I did see it once. But I forgot what she looked like.”

Yin Zhi joked: “Uncle Zhao, can’t you see that you are still blind?”

Zhao Fengming shook his head.

“I am not face blind.”

“The day after I saw your mother, I couldn’t remember her appearance.”

“When it was I guessed, it must be your mother who used some ability to make me forget or not remember her face.”

Hearing what he said, Yin Zhi was silent.

own mom…

Is it so mysterious?

Can’t even the face be remembered?

Yin Zhi touched his chin, thinking.


“It seems that this is the only clue now.”

“In that case, I really want to go to Haward!”

Zhao Fengming interrupted Yin Zhi’s meditation: “Xian… Nephew, look, I have said everything I know, can you…”

Yin Zhi curled his lips and gave him a few packets of food.

Zhao Fengming thanked him again and again, and said to Zhao Yan and Wu Zhi, “Quickly eat” and “Quickly eat”.

Zhao Yan and Wu silently tore open the biscuit package and gobbled it up.

Yin Zhi walked to an unknown tree and leaned against it.

He closed his eyes, digesting and analyzing the information he had learned from Zhao Fengming.

However, there is too little valuable intelligence, and it is simply difficult to analyze and infer anything.

“Dad doesn’t have three books?”

“One of them is “Several Assumptions About the Existence of Yuling”…”

“I look back at all three books.”

“Maybe there will be something to gain.”

“I hope I can find some clues when I go to’Haward’ this time!”

As for whether you can leave this “fish belly space”…

He doesn’t think about it!

We must make every effort to find a way out!

It really doesn’t work…

Let’s jump in that “collapse hole”!

After resting for half an hour, Yin Zhi stood up.

Immediately, he awoke Zhao Haolong and the Demon Girl in Red with water.

Yin Zhi looked at them and asked, “Do you want to kill me?”

The red demon girl said: “No… I don’t want to…”

Yin Zhi beat her violently, and then asked, “Do you want me to die?”

“Do not……”

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang! !

After another beating…

“I will ask you again: Do you want to kill me, do you want me to die!?”

The red demon girl didn’t know if she had enlightened, or if she really wanted to kill Yin Zhi, she whispered “think”.

Yin Zhi gained 10,000 killing intent.

It’s getting less and less…

Immediately, Yin Zhi used the same method to “enter” Zhao Haolong.

Harvested 4000 points of murder!

Then he took them two “pigs” on the road.

Zhao Fengming and Zhao Yanwu followed far behind.

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to care about the father and daughter.

As for using them as “pigs”, just think about it and forget it.

How can I say that Zhao Fengming is also Dad’s friend… Don’t look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha.

Besides, how much killing can they contribute?

Pay and gain are not proportional at all, save energy!

Keep going blindly!

There is no day and night changes in this alien space.

Yin Zhi can only work and rest according to the time on the watch.

Ride on the road for four hours, rest for two hours, and go back and forth to make sure that you have plenty of energy.

In this way, two standard days have been gone-that is forty-eight hours.

Suddenly, Yin Zhi saw a hazy outline at ten o’clock, which looked like a big ship.

Is it a mirage?

But then Yin Zhi realized that it was not a mirage!

An important condition for the formation of a mirage is that the high temperature causes ascending airflow on the ground…

But the temperature of this different space is not enough to heat up the ground and vent air!

Yin Zhi immediately walked towards the outline of the big ship.

Zhao Fengming also reminded Yin Zhi that it was a mirage, but Yin Zhi ignored him.

Need you to remind me that there is a mirage?

The closer you get, the more Yin Zhi feels that it is not a mirage.


He heard the sound of “Dangdangdang” strikes…

“The sound of iron strikes?”

“Why is there a sound of iron strikes?”

Immediately after a roar of “I will never let you do this” came, Yin Zhi immediately concluded that someone was fighting!

“Dangdangdang” is not the sound of iron strikes, but the sound of weapons collision!

Yin Zhi couldn’t help thinking: “It seems that there are others in this different space…”

He ordered the others to wait where they were, and continued to touch them by himself.

Soon, he climbed up a hill, looked at it, his eyes widened, and he took a breath…

“I must be dazzled!”

“There is a whole ship of Yuling Crystal!?”

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