Chapter 125: What is happiness and sorrow? This is so much happiness and sorrow!

The entire human civilization of “Endless Universe Sea Realm” is built on the foundation of Yuling.

How important is Yu Ling?

Just think about the world without Yuling…

Without Yuling, human beings cannot obtain Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth.

Without the nourishment of Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth, how can human beings become stronger?

Don’t be strong, what can you do with the Spiritual Qi beasts that can directly gain heaven and earth?

Without Yuling, mankind might have been extinct long ago!

Let alone all kinds of modern products, such as transportation, television, network, communicator…

All of them are inspired by Yuling, researched and created!

In this way, you can imagine what the most precious and important resources are in the “Endless Universe” world!

It is Yuling Crystal!

Without the Yuling Crystal, where can the Yuling come from?


Since ancient times, the power of exploration, excavation, mining, processing, and distribution of Yuling Crystal has been in the hands of the “Holy Court”!

They strictly control and distribute the Yuling Crystal in accordance with the rules they set.

How strict is it?

Strictly enough, even a “junk crystal” has a unique number, which can be traced to the source of “No. 1”!

In this way, it is determined that Yuling Crystal is not something that can be seen for a long time.

It is Yin Zhi, since his rebirth, he has only been in direct contact with two Yuling Crystals!

One is a reward for the “Autumn Hunting Activity”.

One is the benefit of passing the “Golden Six-Star Assessment”.

But now?

What did he see?

A whole ship of Yuling Crystal!

Do you dare to believe it? !

Yin Zhi felt that his eyes were dazzled…

But rubbing his eyes and looking again, he was finally sure that he was certain and certain—there was really a boat full of Royal Crystal!

They are neatly placed in the warehouse of the ship.




It was dazzling.

By the way, Yin Zhi doesn’t have a see-through eye, how can he see the Yuling Crystal in the cabin?

Because the entire ship is translucent!

The translucent hull, when viewed from a distance, only a vague outline can be seen, and it is no wonder that it is considered a mirage.

Yin Zhi mumbled to himself: “How come there is such a ship?”

He didn’t know, that ship was also Yuling.

And it is also the “Heping Aircraft Carrier” with the rarity of the “Mythical Nine Stars”-second only to the “Holy Spirit”!

The reason why it is translucent…

It is this “different space of fish belly” that is consuming its “existence” little by little!

Yin Zhi, who doesn’t know anything about this, has focused his attention on the two people who are fighting—oh no, the fighting.

Both looked quite old.

But old and old, judging from the fact that they cut each other, their strength is extraordinary!

Every sound of “dang” strikes is extremely shocking!

The reverberation of the “buzzing” iron continued to spread.

The old man with the knife slashed and roared.

“I’ve had enough!”

“I want to leave here!”

“As long as I can leave here, I will do everything!”

Another old man with a sword said: “I will never let you touch any crystal! Unless you step over my corpse!”

Yin Zhi heard the two ears and understood who they were and why they were fighting together.

It turns out that they are all the “Holy Star Knights” of the “Holy Court”!

They have been trapped here for thirty-five years!

The old man with a knife pinned his hope of getting out of trouble on the ship full of Royal Spirit Crystals.

He firmly believes that as long as he draws out a powerful “space-type Yuling”, he will escape!

But the old man with the sword sticks to the duty of the “Holy Star Knight” and firmly opposes the old man with the sword to use the Imperial Crystal without authorization.

It looks like they have been fighting for this for many years…

Yin Zhi somewhat admired the old man with the sword.

It’s all like this, and you still have to stick to your duties, guarding a bunch of Yuling Crystals and not using it, which is admirable.

Admiration is admiration.

But the saying of the old man with a knife made him very excited…

“Should you extract the “Space-Type Yuling”?”

“This is also an idea.”

“But even the ‘Holy Spirit’s Nine Stars’ Yulings like the ‘Qingyan Empress’ have been swallowed…”

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but shake.

At this time, Yin Zhi frowned.

I saw that the other three people moved quietly.

Those three people are the other three “King-level Guardians”.

Bald old man with broken arm.

Middle-aged in white.

The gray-haired old man with a small scalp.

Yes, they are here…

When the old man with the sword turned his back to them, the three men brazenly attacked him!

The three of them suddenly joined, breaking the balance of the battle in an instant.

The old man with the sword suddenly fell into the quagmire of hard fighting.

He said in anger: “Why? Why are you doing this?!”

“Because we want to leave here too!”-This reason is quite abundant.


The old man with a bald head and broken arm was beheaded by the old man with a sword.

The old man with the sword died under the knife of the old man with the sword!

No, after killing the old man with the sword, the old man with the sword swung his knife to look at the middle-aged man in white and the old man with white hair.

The middle-aged man in white yelled and asked, “Why are you hitting us?”

The answer of the old man with the knife almost angered them both: “Your old friend who killed you, I want to avenge him!”

Then, the three of them fought together.

Yin Zhi looked at it for a while, then sneaked over the Demon Girl in Red.


“Hand in hand! Get rid of the one with the knife first.”

“Then fuck your two adulterers-remember, you can only fuck, not kill!”

“Do whatever you want.”

“Anyway, it won’t take a few seconds for you to be electrified into a pile of barbecue.”

“One hundred thousand volts, very cool!”

After all, Yin Zhi kicked her down the sand dunes…

The addition of the red demon girl immediately changed the situation.

After a fierce battle, the old man with the knife was exhausted and was killed by the white-clothed middle-aged man with the sword of the dead “Holy Star Knight”.

Just when the white-clothed middle-aged and the scalp-less elderly are enjoying the joy of victory…



The metal baseball bat in the hands of the red demon girl hit their heads.

The metal baseball bat was naturally bought by Yin Zhi from the “System Mall”!

When they wake up, Yin Zhi smiles “hehe”.

“The two old things are in my hands, right?”

“You can do it!”

“They kindly take you in and give you food.”

“It’s okay for you, attacking behind and stabbing someone with a knife-you can really do it!”

“En avenge revenge!”

“Alive to a beast at all ages.”

“I will now reshape your outlook on life and values.”

“Till you confess your sins and reform yourself!”

Next, I kept concocting them with metal baseball bats…

Needless to say!

It’s worthy of being a “king-level spiritual guardian”, with a very hard skull.

After the beat, the metal baseball bats were all pitted and out of shape.

Probably because the two of them are in good condition, Yin Zhi earns 190,000 murder!

This wave is definitely profitable.


“This guy is definitely the devil!”

This is the unified voice of Zhao Fengming, Zhao Yanwu, Zhao Haolong, and the Red Demon Girl…

Finished this job…

Yin Zhi stepped on the translucent floor and boarded the translucent boat on the road.

He came all the way to the warehouse where a large number of Yuling crystals were stored.

Although the warehouse’s door has been translucent, it is still very strong and cannot be opened without a key.

Yin Zhi was too lazy to find the key.

He grabbed the “Zhulong Sword” and stabbed the door abruptly!

Pulling open the door, he jumped into the warehouse, “haha” laughed, and shouted: “It’s developed!”

His excited voice echoed in the warehouse.

In the next second, the Yuling crystals in front of them all turned into powder…

The expression of laughter was still frozen on Yin Zhi’s face!

What is happiness and sorrow?

This is so much happiness and sorrow!

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