Chapter 127 The handles are all the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” female emperor!



three times……

They are all Yulings of the rarity “Holy Spirit Nine Stars”!




They are all “empresses”!

How could he have such good luck and such a good life?

Of course a good thing is a good thing!

And it’s a great thing!

But the problem is…

If something is abnormal, there will be a demon!

I used the handle to draw Yuling, and the handles were all the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” female emperor!


what’s the situation?

what reason?

If it’s just a coincidence, it’s too coincidental, too coincidental, too coincidental!

Just when Yin Zhi was inexplicably shocked, the “Empress Empress” shook him suddenly, urging impatiently.

“My dear, what are you in a daze?”

“Quickly release my strength!”

“How can you make me wait too long?”

Yin Zhi recovered.

The corners of his eyes trembled.

“Intimacy” is only 1 o’clock, so you call me “Dear”…

Bluff me?

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

“Quickly soon.”

“Empty, are you not affected by this space?”

“Empress Empress” said, “This is of course”, with a full tone of course.

“I am vanity, and vanity is me.”

“I exist and I don’t exist.”

“Although the power of this space is very powerful, it cannot affect me.”

After hearing this, Yin Zhi was overjoyed!

Then he became impatient.

“Empty, I am trapped in this space now.”

“Can you take me out of here.”

The answer is yes!

But the problem is, her power needs to be unlocked before it can be used…

Yin Zhi immediately felt her “Supreme Skill Tree”.

At first glance, he was surprised to find that the skill tree of “Empress Empress” was very different from other Yulings.

There is a huge “big skill” at the “root”-a feast of the void!

Other “small skills” start with this “big skill” and extend along the “skill tree”.

Yin Zhi tried to unlock “Void Feast” with murderous intent.


Killing is not enough!

Good guy, just a good guy-just a “Void Feast” skill, it even cost two million kills! ?


A skill of “Dawei Tianlong Empress” only needs one million points.

And how much does he have now?

Three hundred and four hundred thousand points!

This is far from it!

One million six hundred and sixty thousand points, when do you have to save?


No matter when you save, you have to save!

Hurry up!

Before, I didn’t even know how to leave this different space.

Now that I know a way, what else is there to say?

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

“I will liberate your power soon.”

“You wait patiently, it won’t be long.”

After disbanding the “Empress Empress”, Yin Zhi left the translucent ship.

He saw that Zhao Yanwu had beaten Zhao Haolong to blood, and quickly stopped her.

“It’s nothing to do with you, go away.”

Zhao Yanwu has vented all the anger in her heart, and returned to her father in a happy mood.

Yin Zhi looked at the demon girl in red, the middle-aged man in white, and the scalp-less old man.

“Next, all you have to do is one thing!”

“You have to concentrate and concentrate on it!”

“Thinking about killing me fiercely!”

“Who doesn’t want to, I beat him-beat him to death!”

“But, I won’t really kill you, I will make you even impossible to die!”

“Have you heard clearly?”

The red demon girl immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, with a miserable face…

Yin Zhi used to be a crackling punch and kick.

“Whoever wants to kill me the most can be beaten less.”

“For those who beg for mercy like this, I will just clean up!”

“Do you understand?”

After thinking about it, Yin Zhi felt that he had to put more fire.

“Oh yes, I have found a way to get out of here.”

“If you don’t want to kill me, after I go out…hehe!”

“What I do to you now, what I will do to your family after I go out.”

“Never let the young or the old go!”

“Family, of course, we want to have blessings and difficulties, right?”

This trick really works!

The scalp-less old man immediately “contributed” one hundred thousand murderous intent, and rushed over with a cry of “I’m fighting with you”…

Inevitably, he was beaten again.

Time passed day by day.

Yin Zhi changed the tricks to “enter” the three “king-level guardians”.

But their tossing ecstasy, ecstasy and madness.

Naturally, Zhao Haolong is no exception.

He was beaten by Zhao Yan and Wu Fatty before.

In order to survive, he summoned a healing Yuling.

As a result, I just cast a healing skill on myself, and that Yuling was swallowed by this different space…

He yelled in anger.

It was the eighth day that Yin Zhi was “entertained”.

Zhao Haolong seems, probably, maybe, maybe crazy…

He began to pretend to be emperor.

Either yelling, “All love is flat”, “If something happens early, and if nothing happens, retreat from the court” and so on.

Either just laughing and laughing, shouting “Ai Concubine” at Zhao Yan and Wu, and even if the red demon wants Nai to eat…

At first, Yin Zhi suspected that he was pretending to be crazy and stupid.

But for the next few days, he didn’t have any murderous intentions, I am afraid it was really crazy.

As for?

There are many people who have been “specially taken care of” by me.

Why are you alone?

How bad is the psychological endurance?

With such a poor ability to withstand pressure, you still want to be an emperor? Are you dreaming of rebuilding the country?

It’s a laugh!

So and so.

This is so.

Hard work pays off.

On the fourteenth day, Yin Zhi finally collected two million killers—it was not easy!

Without a second word, immediately summoned the “Empress of the Void” to unlock her “Feast of the Void” skill.

Yuling Skill: Feast of the Void

Skill effect: Devour the power of the void. Consume enough void power to unlock and use void skills.

Now Yin Zhi understands!

It is different from other Yuling relying on Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to unlock and release skills.

The power of the void is the source of the power of the “Empress Empress”.

No wonder she yelled “so empty”, “needs to be fulfilled” and “needs to be satisfied” as soon as she came out.

Immediately, the “Empress Empress” took Yin Zhi to a place-exactly where the “collapse hole” was located.

The “collapse hole” looked like a whirlpool, spinning quietly.

The black hole in the center of the vortex is a black to the extreme, pure black!

Everything around the “collapse hole” is distorted, just like the water around the vortex, slowly being sucked in.

“right here!”

“This space is very solid and it is difficult to eat.”

“But it’s easiest to’eat’ from here!”

“My dear, let’s start, fill me hard, hurry up!”

“Empress of the Void” needs to rely on Yin Zhi to display the “Feast of the Void” in order to swallow the power of the Void…

Yin Zhi secretly complained about the “extraordinary rhetoric” of “Empress Empress”.

“I want to fill you up.”

“The problem is that you don’t have an interface either…”


Is there any interface for “Empress Empress”…

Yin Zhi really didn’t know, anyway, he couldn’t see it, he had to do it, estimate.

“Honey, what are you waiting for? Hurry up, hurry up!”

“…Okay, okay, right now!”

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