Chapter 128 Isn’t It? Teacher Oriental Dialysis! Are you leading the team again this time?

On the bank of “Yintong Lake”.

It coincided with the downpour, as if a big hole had leaked in the sky.

Lightning and thunder.

Flickering, rumbling.

The world is dark.

Suddenly, a hole suddenly opened in the grass by the lake…

That is no one, otherwise you have to be shocked.

But someone appeared in the next second.

“Get out of here!”

A cry of disgust and impatientness came from the hole.

Then one, two, three, or four people rolled or flew or crawled out of the hole.

In an instant, they were soaked in the rain.

Immediately, Yin Zhi stepped out of the hole.

Naturally, he was also showered.

But he felt great.

He even opened his hands to hug the sky and the earth.


“It’s finally out!”

“It’s still comfortable outside!”

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Fengming and Zhao Yanwu walked out of the hole with complex expressions.

The two even looked to the other side of the space hole, seemingly reluctant…

It’s not reluctant to leave!

It’s their close relatives, Zhao Kuang’s whereabouts are still elusive, and he doesn’t know his life or death.

Before, they went to the “fish belly space” to search.

But after searching for more than ten days, there was no gain at all.

Either they haven’t found it yet, or they have fallen into the monster’s stomach…

Either way, it’s terrible!

Zhao Kuang was not found, and of course the two were reluctant to give up the “fish belly space”.

Zhao Yanwu plucked up courage and said, “Yin Zhi, please…”

“To shut up!”

“I don’t want to talk to you!”

“I’m already showing kindness to bring you out!”

With a thought, the “arbitrary hole” is completely closed!

From unlocking “arbitrary holes” to “arbitrary holes”…

Yin Zhi consumed 60% of the power of the void!

“Empress Empress” has a face of pain and desire and dissatisfaction…

She strongly requested to continue to “eat” the power of the void in the “fish belly space”.

But how can Yin Zhi have so much time for her to “dinner”?

He counts time!

There are about six days to go to the “Odin Merah.”

This can’t be delayed!

The first one, if you delay going to “Haward”, the “Death Hunting System” will block all his Yuling skills.

How does this work! ?

Yin Zhixue said Zhao Yanwu and came to Zhao Haolong and stepped on his chest.

This guy still said decently, “All love is flat, no courtesy.”

“You, and you…”

He pointed to the other three “King-level Guardians”.

“Do you know why I didn’t kill you, but brought you out instead?”

“Because I want you to live the rest of your life with the goal of killing me!”

“You will do everything you can and do everything possible to kill me!”

“If you didn’t use specific actions to kill me…”

“You have a deep understanding of my method, don’t I need to say more?”

“Get out! I’m waiting for you to kill me.”

The three “king-level linguists” started rolling and crawling.

In a few steps, Yin Zhi stopped by saying “Slowly”.

“Being a man must have a sense of ethics!”

“Trash can’t be littered, don’t you know?”

“You brought this rubbish, of course you should take it away.”

With that said, Yin Zhi kicked the crazy Zhao Haolong over.

The middle-aged man in white picked up Zhao Haolong and ran away, and the three of them quickly disappeared into the thick rain…

Yin Zhi clapped his hands and turned to look at the Zhao father and daughter.

“Why are you still here?”

“Hurry up!”

“Don’t get in the way of my eyes here!”

If it were not for the late father’s sake, who would take care of them?

Zhao Fengming originally wanted to apologize to Yin Zhi and ease the relationship.

But Yin Zhi’s attitude had clearly told him that the two sides had no relationship.

“I wanted to continue the trend of ‘Descendants of the Zhao Family’ and bring my Zhao family to the next level.”

“Now it seems that we are lucky that Yin Zhi hasn’t angered us.”

“Now I am offended and killed the’Descendants of the Zhao Family’…”

“It’s really the next wrong step, it’s forever!”

Zhao Fengming took Zhao Yanwu and left.

On the way, Zhao Fengming sighed when Zhao Yanwu was depressed.

“Yanyan, this is fate.”

“Since it’s fate, I can only recognize it!”

“Now we have offended the’Descendants of the Zhao Family’ to death. The’Holy Skull City’ can’t stay.”

“After we go back, we immediately pack up and go to’Sacred Heart City’!”

“It’s the imperial capital, so they don’t dare to mess around!”

“Other things, Dad doesn’t expect it too much. It’s a blessing to be able to live in peace.”

Zhao Yanwu was extremely depressed, and said faintly, “What about Little Brother?”


Zhao Fengming let out a long sigh, shook his head, but said nothing.

What can I say?

Live and die!

The figures of a fat and thin father and daughter gradually disappeared in the heavy rain.

On the bank of “Yintong Lake”.

The “Empress Empress” was entangled and depressed.

“No way, dear.”

“The space here is more solid.”

“I can’t breathe at all-there’s nowhere to sip it!”

Nowhere to speak?

This was unexpected to Yin Zhi, but it was also reasonable.

It should be understood that this space is the space where countless creatures live and multiply, and the space where countless materials exist!

If it’s not strong, it’s weird, and it’s done!

Yin Zhi could only comfort her by seeing her look like that.

“Can we still return to the’fish belly space’?”

“I’ll be free when I look back, so I’ll bring you over again to make you full.”

“In addition, maybe we will encounter similar spaces afterwards.”

“I will make you full by then, I promise!”

“I really don’t have time right now.”

“Empress Empress” wrapped Yin Zhi’s neck.

Her face made of colored glaze and crystal shards was unexpectedly charming.


“If you can’t satisfy me, you can’t fill my emptiness.”

“I can run-I’m serious!”

Yin Zhi said: “I see. Don’t worry, I will be able to fill you up in all directions!”

He doesn’t think this is the “Empress Empress” threatening himself…

Just like a woman, if a man can’t even guarantee food and clothing, can he blame the woman for abandoning him?

After disbanding the “Empress Empress”, he was soaked in the rain, humming, and went straight to the “Holy Skull City”.

Back to “Holy Skull City”, opened a room, took a shower and changed clothes, needless to say.

The next day, he flew straight to the “Sacred Heart City”.

Three days later, Yin Zhi returned to “Sacred Heart University”.

Since I took ten days off before, it’s almost 20 days now.

Yin Zhi ran to Zhuang Mo and apologized.

Zhuang Mo naturally didn’t compare this.

After all, in his eyes, Yin Zhi is really a rare good student.

The next day.

When everything is set up, Yin Zhi is about to set off.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Sun Liang Wuchu at the door.

Before Yin Zhi could speak, Sun Liangwu handed Yin Zhi a red envelope.

“My mother asked me to give it to you.”

Yin Zhi was taken aback with a smile.

Sun Liangwu asked: “Why does my mother give you a red envelope of sixteen yuan?”

Yin Zhi held his shoulders with a deep smile on his face.

“This is the money Aunt bought me to eat Mala Tang!”

“As for why you invited me to have Mala Tang, it’s not because of you…haha!”

“Do you know what to do when I’m away?”

“Don’t study the world well, my stick here is waiting!”

Sun Liangwu left a sentence “I don’t need you to say it” and left.

After that night, he has grown up completely…

Yin Zhi didn’t take a few steps when he heard the sound of sliding the door, and he saw Dongfang Weixi walking out with his suitcase.

“Isn’t it? Teacher Dongfang Dashi! You are leading the team again this time?”

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