Chapter 130 There is a dog, it has killed all of you father!

As a staff member at the entry and exit checkpoint…

Tom’s job is to check every document.

And after checking that it was correct, he said to the person in front of him with a sincere smile: “Welcome to the’Odin Merah Country’!”

But to Yin Zhi alone, he just didn’t want to say, “Welcome to the Odin Merah country!”

Even the words that violate professional morality: “‘Odin Mela Country’ does not welcome you, you are the incarnation of Devil!”

He believed that “father” would forgive him this little sin…

But the person in front of you!

Tom believed that with his sins, he could not even get forgiveness from “father”.

Who is “father”?

It is the god of the “Jehovah” faith, and the greatest, merciful, omniscient, and omnipotent Lord of time!

Yin Zhi smiled and collected his own documents.

Then he raised two middle fingers at the staff member he didn’t know at all…

This is the most standard, cordial, friendly, and enthusiastic greeting gesture of “Odemeira” he learned from the Internet!

Tom’s breath became heavy in an instant, and his neck turned red all of a sudden.

Just like an angry bull.

“Didi! You got 10 points of murder from an unknown object, please check!”

10 O’Clock?

It’s really a beggar.

But considering that the other party is just an ordinary person…

just OK.

Yin Zhi walked out of the immigration checkpoint.

Dongfang Weixi witnessed what had just happened.

“We have come to a foreign country now. The bad temper can’t be tempered a bit?”

Yin Zhi barked his teeth with a smile.

“No, no, Teacher Dongfang. Just because I came to a foreign country, I don’t need to restrain myself.”

Dongfang Weixi looked at Yin Zhi with a hint of helplessness on his face.

“You are here to communicate and learn. You are not here to cause trouble. You will die if you bear it?”

Yin Zhi nodded seriously.

“If people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people.”

“If anyone commits me, I will commit a crime.”

“Others commit me, but let me endure, I will really die.”

Dongfang Weixi suddenly regretted bringing Yin Zhi here.

I should have thought this would happen long ago, and I should have strongly opposed him to exchange and study.

It’s too late to say anything now!

“Anyway, pay attention to it yourself.”

A group of people passed through the exit channel and came to the exit.


“It’s him! It’s him!”

“Look, he is there!’Saintan’!”

“Get out! You Devil!”

“You are not welcome here! Get out!”

“You bitch! Your mother should give birth to you in the sewer!”

“Get out of Odin Mela! This Sacred Land is ashamed of you!”

I saw a large group of people gathered across the road, blowing horns, beating gongs and drums, holding banners, each holding each other.

Gradually, there were bursts of shouts, and finally converged into three words…

“Get out!”

“Get out!”

“Get out!”

The sentiment rushing forward is exciting.

Yin Zhi smiled, turned around and walked towards those people.

When he moved, the police around him to maintain order also moved suddenly.

These policemen, men and women, all have big stomachs and scary…

Dongfang Weixi quickly stopped Yin Zhi.

“Don’t mess around!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Teacher Dongfang, I won’t mess around. Really! Look at me, how sincere my expression is!”


He bypassed Dongfang Weixi.

Before taking a few steps, two fat-intestinal police officers stopped Yin Zhi.

“Sir, what are you doing? I advise you not to mess around!”

“This is’Odin Mela’! Free speech here is protected by the Constitution!”

At the same time, the two have put their hands on the pistols on their belts.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Go away, big fat pig!”

The two police officers suddenly got angry.

“Sir, please pay attention to your words and deeds!”

The other policeman had already pulled out his gun and sternly yelled: “Stand back! Keep back!”

At the same time, the surrounding policemen also walked towards this side, and they were all standing by.

Dongfang Weixi stepped forward, grabbed Yin Zhi, and said to the two policemen in front of him: “This is a misunderstanding…”


“Teacher Dongfang, can we be a bit stubborn?”

“I didn’t do anything, these two fat pigs just said that, they were obviously aimed at me, and they wanted me to give in?”


“If you are afraid of things, go away.”

“I didn’t want to do anything at all, so I planned to scold the group of animals and see who wins the scolding.”

“But since these fat pigs think I will do something, even the gun is drawn, I have to do something today!”

Dongfang Weixi is dumb…

“Madam, please get out of here!”

“Sir, I suspect you are a potentially dangerous element! Now please squat down with your hands on your head and cooperate with our investigation!”

“I advise you not to do anything extreme!”

Yin Zhi smiled and pushed Dongfang Weixi, pushing her away.

Suddenly I feel that the place I pushed is soft, bounce, and feels great!

After reacting, he smiled and said, “Teacher Dongfang, it feels good.”

Dongfang Weixi’s ears turned red all of a sudden.

When is this? !

Do you really do not know or do you not know the fate of confronting a country’s police?

Not to mention the “Oding Meira Police” who are famous for violent law enforcement and indiscriminate killing of innocents!

Yin Zhi was about to say something, and a voice of “Oh oh oh oh” rang.

Then, a muscular man with a bald head and a pointed head walked over. He was two meters tall and very oppressive.

In an instant effort, everyone around seemed to be a lot shorter.

“Relax, relax, gentlemen!”

“They are the teachers and students who come from the’True Dragon Kingdom’ to’Haward College’ to exchange and study!”

“Not a terrorist, you know?”

“By the way, I forgot to introduce myself-I’m Jonathan!”

“The security officer of’Haward College’. I’ll be responsible for picking them up.”

“You must be curious why one of the security officers of me will pick up these exchange students, right?”

“Not to protect them, but to protect you from being burnt to ashes…hahahaha!”

Apart from him, no one around laughed.

“Okay, okay, this joke looks funny at all.”

“But this is not the point.”

“The point is, now I want to take away this beautiful Dongfang Miss and this little handsome guy.”

“Any questions?”

The policemen stared at each other.

A person with the appearance of a sheriff and the human with the biggest belly said: “No. I just hope that you can look after them. Don’t happen bad things.”

Jonathan said: “Of course, of course! So, Dongfang Miss, we can go. Let’s go, the bus is over there. Don’t worry, it is reinforced and can definitely prevent eggs thrown from any direction. Hahaha!”

In this way, under the watchful eyes of a group of policemen, Yin Zhi got on a bus.

As soon as the bus started, Yin Zhi leaned his head out and shouted.

“There is a dog, it killed all of you father! Hahaha!”

In an instant, Yin Zhi received countless “didi” sounds…

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