Chapter 131 Pay attention to your words and deeds, curb your temper…I am doing this for your good!

“Didi! You got 10 kills from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 13 points of murder from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 7 points of murder from an unknown object, please check!”



Yin Zhi’s mind sounded like the “Didi” sound of the bombing of the aircrew.

Although there are only more than ten points each time, the quantity is large.

Why did Yin Zhi’s words provoke so much murder?

It’s simple!

The “father” he was talking about was not a father by blood.

“Father of all” refers to the god they believe in!

Yin Zhi’s words translated into more white words are: “The headline dog fucks your god!”

Just ask, how could the group of “Odin Mela people” not be angry?

Killing Yin Zhizhi’s heart broke out in an instant!

But what they didn’t know was that the stronger their killing intent, the happier Yin Zhi would be.

At this moment, Yin Zhi was so happy.

When he was happy, he pointed his middle finger at the person behind the back of the car!

Just in time, a piece of egg really flew over, hit the car, and the egg white and yolk splashed all over.

Yin Zhi reached out and grabbed it, grabbed an egg and objected to going back.

The “pop” broke on a bearded face, making his face muddled.

The beard roared, and he copied an assault rifle and shot it at the bus.

Da da da da da-

“kill him!”

“Send him to The Underworld!”

“Go to hell!”

There are two and three…

There are three, there are more!

Among the crowds shouting and demonstrating, gunners drew out their guns and shot them.

The rain of bullets hit the bus.

“Ding Ding Dang Dong” was hummed.

Sparks are flying!

For this scene, those “Odin Mela” police officers actually watched that way.

What’s more, they are still talking and laughing.

It’s totally irrelevant!

This is so magical…

In the “True Dragon Kingdom”, this is absolutely impossible!

On the bus.

“Really a free country. Every day is the New Year.”

What are the characteristics of Chinese New Year?

Let off firecrackers crackling!

After a grunt, he waved to Jonathan.

“Mr. Jonathan, do you have a gun?”

“I want to say hello to the warm and friendly people of Odin Mela.”

“It’s called reciprocity with us.”

Jonathan is acting as the driver in front.

“Sorry buddy.”

“My car is an armored vehicle, not an armory.”

“In addition, it is their freedom for them to shoot you. But you can’t shoot them.”

Yin Zhi asked, “Why?”

“Because this is a free country for the’Odin Merah’!”

“But you are not an ‘Odin Mela’, so you are not free!”


Yin Zhi heard it out, and Jonathan was telling a cold joke—of course it was not funny at all.

Then Jonathan’s voice rang again.

“Relax, guys.”

“This is an armored campus bus!”

“Don’t say it’s a bullet, even a rocket can defend it.”

He just finished speaking…

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the fire at the rear of the car exploded.

The whole car shook violently.

Everyone in the car was horrified.


“did you see that?”

“As I said, this car is rocket-proof.”

At this moment, everyone in the car was stunned-is this really the “Odin Merah” that advertises freedom, democracy, civilization, and equality?

“Is this really ‘Odin’ America’? We are not in a mental hospital, right?”

“If you let those people in the country who have been playing’Odin America’ come and take a look, I don’t know what they will think.”

“You think too much! In their eyes, the feces of’Oding Meila’ are all chocolate flavor!”

“Hehe, you have to understand them too. After all, most of them can’t even buy tickets to go abroad…”

The students from the top universities of “True Dragon Kingdom” are quite proud!

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe” and said to Mu Pingting, “I like this place.”

Mu Pingting rolled her eyes…

You are the one who fears that the world will not be chaotic!

On the way to “Haward”, everyone saw the civilization and barbarism of this “Watsonton” city.

Speaking of civilization…

Its high-rise buildings are really shocking!

If the bus is driving on the street, you can’t see the roof of the building without sticking out your head.

The dense high-rise buildings lined up straight forward, it is really appropriate to describe it as “steel jungle”.

Such a sight is impossible to see in the “Sacred Heart City”!

Say savage…

It’s the chaotic crowd everywhere on the street!

Some of them were marching and demonstrating, some were confronting the military and police, and some were beating, smashing, and looting.

There are also lively scenes of gang fights in the street.

Various warning sounds were sent from the loudspeaker, but they had little effect.

Because of this, the bus where everyone Yin Zhi was in was forced to change several lanes!

When the campus bus with bullet holes, burn marks, spray paint, and unknown liquids all over it stopped, the sun was set to the west.

Yin Zhi jumped out of the car and sighed: “Finally here! It’s not easy!”

He hadn’t waited for him to take a closer look at the “Haward College” in front of him.

His eyes and attention were attracted by a man in a wheelchair approaching him.

Seeing Dongfang Weixi stepping forward, he said, “Principal, long time no see.”

This is the principal of “Haward College”?

Yin Zhi couldn’t help but looked at him.

Looking at the age of 40 or 50, he was thin, with prominent cheekbones and a bald head…

Just listen to the principal looking at Dongfang Weixi with a deep smile.

“East, we are all waiting for you to come back.”


This sounds something a little bit!

There was a man and a woman behind the headmaster.

The man is tall and handsome, with a glamorous appearance, and his skin is three points whiter than the average white man.

There was a strong sense of pride and pride on his face—that look was probably the same as the people in the city looked at the country people.

The woman is blond and blue-eyed, with a broad mind, a thin waist and thick hips, long legs, and an amazing height!

Even with the aesthetic standards of “True Dragon Kingdom”, she is also a first-class beauty.

The man stared affectionately at Dongfang Weixi.

“Dongfang, you are welcome back. I and everyone miss you very much.”

The woman walked forward and gave Dongfang Weixi a big hug.

“I finally waited for you, dear.”



Yin Zhi’s eyes suddenly changed when he looked at them…

This Dongfang Weixi is so charming, men and women can kill you!

Dongfang Weixi said a few words to them and then introduced them to everyone.

Headmaster Neo Smith!

Professor Henry Harry, Minister of the “Potion Department”!

Professor Elizabeth Anna, the head of the “Theory Department”!

They are the instructors of this exchange and learning…

Principal Neo Smith said a few words to everyone.

It probably means “Welcome everyone to “Haward”, I hope everyone can have a happily life study and gain something” and so on.

After that, Henry Harry and Elizabeth Anna took the boys and girls to the dormitory.

Needless to say.

Finally, Yin Zhi followed Henry Harry to his dormitory.

Just when Yin Zhi was about to say thank you…

“I know you. I also know something about you.”

“But please remember, this is’Haward’ and’Odin Merah.'”

“As the lord of the’Emperor Qingyan’, you are not welcome here.”

“So I hope you pay attention to your words and deeds and temper your temper-I am doing it for your own good.”

Leaving this sentence aside, Henry Harry turned and left…


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