Chapter 132 You and your true dragons are no different from dogs in my eyes!



Henry Harry stopped and turned around.

He looked at Yin Zhi.

“I don’t like the way you speak.”

Yin Zhi “hum” smiled.

“This sentence is also what I want to say!”

“What is meant by’pay attention to my words and deeds and restrain my temper’?”

“What’s the matter? You just acquiesce in my rude words and deeds, bad temper, don’t you?”

“Just you are a civilized man, I am a barbarian, am I?”

“It’s really a laugh!”

“You go and have a look on the street now. Unless you are blind, I shouldn’t say who the hell is barbaric.”

“The so-called free, civilized, and equal’Odin Merah’…”

“Hey, I really saw it today!”

In other words, Yin Zhi also went to school in Zhenger Bajing.

Although the accent of “American Language” is not pure, it is still quite slippery.

Henry Harry’s pale brows suddenly wrinkled tightly.

If there was a fly there, it might have been trapped by now.


“That’s why I let you pay attention to your words and deeds.”

“You don’t seem to know what to say and what not to say.”

Yin Zhi chuckled dryly.

“This teacher, have you found something interesting.”

“Even if every word you say is applied to yourself, it is completely applicable.”

“But you said that I should pay attention to my own words and deeds.”

“In other words, you can say whatever you want, but I can only shut up and listen to you obediently.”


Henry Harry frowned and became silent…

He wanted to say “Yes, that’s it, only I can say, and you just shut up”!

But his education and quality make him unable to speak.

Once you say “right”, isn’t it equivalent to admitting that you are a savage who doesn’t talk about civilization?

“What do you want to say?”


“Yes, or not?!”

“Tell me out loud!”

Henry Harry smiled, turned and left.

He had already disdain to talk to Yin Zhi, a barbarian with no education and quality.

Want to go?

Haven’t contributed to murder?

Want to be beautiful!

Yin Zhi slipped in front of him.

“Teacher, you haven’t answered me yet.”

“Why did you leave?”

“I’m talking to you, you just leave without paying attention. Isn’t it too rude?”

Henry Harry looked at Yin Zhi disgustedly and nonchalantly.

“I only talk to well-educated and civilized people.”

“Obviously, you are not on this list.”

“Please get out of the way. Thank you!”

Yin Zhi immediately raised two middle fingers at Henry Harry.

“Thank your mother for being so hard–understand?”

“I’m greeting your mother where you gave birth!”

“Obviously he is a barbarian, and he has to put on a civilized coat and pretend to be.”

“Do you want a face?”

Henry Harry’s pale face was flushed.

His eyes narrowed.


“Do you want to die?”

Yin Zhi’s eyes lit up and he nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, yes.”

“I want to die, I really want to die very, very very much.”

“The question is, did you kill me?”

“Didi! You got 150,000 killer points from Henry Harry, please check!”

Oh oh oh oh!

How many?

150,000 kills? !

It broke the record again!

This wave is more than what the previous “King-level Guardians” gave.

No loss!

No, it’s a big profit!

Henry Harry looked at Yin Zhi with a pity look.

“Haward has the best psychologists and hypnotists in the world.”

“I suggest you go talk to them.”

Yin Zhi immediately yelled “Oh oh oh”.

“I understand again.”

“You are trying to put a psychiatric hat on me…”

“I’m not wrong, right? Is that how you solve those people you can’t kill directly?”

Grid! !

Henry Harry’s teeth clenched.

this person……

It really deserves to be “destroyed by humanity”!

Henry Harry took a step to the side, but Yin Zhi stopped in front of him.

“What I asked you just now, you haven’t answered me yet.”

“According to what you just meant, you have freedom of speech, and I can only shut up-right?”

“I remember your constitution said:’Freedom of speech’ is a natural human right.”

“You have freedom of speech, but I don’t-I don’t even have the talent for human rights, so I am not a human being!”

“It seems that in your concept, we are not even human beings.”

Henry Harry pursed his lips, smiled faintly, and his expression became more and more arrogant.

“you are right.”

“You, as well as your’True Dragon People’, are no different from dogs in my eyes.”

“You have got the answer you want. Now, please don’t get in my way.”


In extremely polite and civilized words, saying extremely rude and rude content, there is no sense of disobedience at all…

Yin Zhi suddenly turned around and shouted at the corner of the corridor not far away.

“Teacher Dongfang, have you heard?”

“In the eyes of this Professor Henry Harry, we are no different from dogs.”

“You are just a bitch in his eyes.”

Henry Harry’s face changed drastically.

Looking up, she saw Dongfang Weixi coming out from behind the corner of the corridor.

Frosty on your face!

He immediately walked up to meet him.

“East, this is a misunderstanding.”

“Please listen to my explanation.”

Dongfang Weixi took a step back and distanced himself from him: “Okay, you say, I will listen to you to explain.”


Henry Harry opened his mouth and was silent for two seconds before speaking.

“Dongfang, you are different from the other’True Dragon People’.”

“You have a truly advanced and civilized education.”

“In my eyes you are the special one.”

Dongfang Weixi asked, “That’s it?”


Dongfang Weixi stepped aside and said, “Please.”

Henry Harry pursed his lips, hesitated, and finally sighed.

“Then I’ll be out of company first. I’ll come to you later.”

Finally, he glanced at Yin Zhi… and left with a big stride.

At this glance, Yin Zhi recorded another 50000 points of murder!

One person contributed 200,000 to kill, and this “pig” was too fat.

After he left, Dongfang Weixi came to Yin Zhi.

“If I don’t come, are you going to fight him?”

Yin Zhi smiled “hehe”.

“I guess he won’t do it with me-80% sure!”

“Perhaps he feels that doing hands with me insults his status as a superior person.”

“Of course I have to get angry with him, and get angry, maybe he will get angry.”

Dongfang Weixi said, “Be careful with him. He is the head of the’potions department’. If you really want to kill you, he doesn’t need to do anything.”

No need to do it?


Hey, I happen to be not afraid of poison!

“Teacher Dongfang, then you have to be more careful.”

“Since he is good at drugging, if he gives you some aphrodisiac…”

“Maybe you will be shocked when you wake up the next day.”

Dongfang Weixi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

“If you don’t say a few words, your mouth will be itchy, right?”

“You just stop, can’t you?”

“Just three months, you can toss as you like after you go back.”

Yin Zhi’s eyes lit up.

“Follow me?”

“Teacher Dongfang, this is what you said.”

“It’s hard to chase a horse without a word!”

Dongfang Weixi left a sentence of “incurable” and left, and he twisted quickly behind him.

“Hey, win another round!”

Back to the dormitory, before drinking, “DiDi” rang.

“Didi! Released’Difficult Tasks’…”

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