Chapter 133 Burn! die! he! burn! die! he! burn! die! he!

“Didi! Release the’Difficult Mission’: Investigate the truth about’Black Streak Disease’! Limited time for three months!”

“Didi! Mission reward: a copy of’Emperor Virus’!”

“Didi! Mission penalty: physical strength weakened by 90%!”


Yin Zhi rolled his eyes and mumbled “I knew it”.

“System, the punishment this time is too much, right?”

“The physical strength is weakened by 90%!”

“Then if I fail, don’t I just go back to the starting point?”

“Also, I’m a foreigner, why should I investigate what’spot disease’?”

“Didi! The system just publishes the task, and the host just completes the task! Don’t ask why!”

“Oh, system, I found that you are getting more and more tugged.”

“What the hell is the’Emperor Virus’?”

“Virus… Virus… it doesn’t sound like a good thing.”

“… (ps: system silence)”

“The Death Hunting System” did not respond, and Yin Zhi was helpless.

Investigate the truth about the “black streak”…

Where should this task start?


Fortunately, we have an all-round “Mechanic Empress” machine girl!

Yin Zhi summoned the “Machine Empress” to perform “quantum calculus”.

The speed of the brain immediately turned so fast!

Then he turned on the computing terminal and searched for information about “black streaks” on the Internet.

Before, Yin Zhi had some information on the Internet in “True Dragon Kingdom”.

However, there is relatively little information that can be searched in “True Dragon Kingdom”.

And the news on the domestic Internet has a very bad point, that is, everyone likes to copy and paste…

For the same news, dozens or even dozens of websites copy and paste each other, even punctuation marks and typos are the same.

There is a reference value for fart!

Now in “Odinla United States”.

A search on the Internet is full of information about “black streaks”, and the amount of information is quite sufficient!

The next step is to extract valuable information from the miscellaneous and scattered information on the Internet…

The more you look, the more Yin Zhi chuckles.

This “black streak” is quite terrifying.

Its transmission is quite strong, and its incubation period is also long.

Many people cannot be found even if they are infected. By the time they are found, it is too late.

Once the attack occurs, black markings will appear on the infected person.

Accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, cough, eye congestion, high spirits, manic violence, etc.

There is no special medicine at all right now.

Preventing infection is the best solution right now…

However, what is more terrifying than “Black Streak” is the “Odin Latina”!

The epidemic prevention policy promoted by the current “wolf faction leader” Rand Edwards simply cannot be implemented.

In the name of freedom, the wise “Odin Latin Americans” openly opposed the authorities’ anti-epidemic policy.

Don’t let them do anything, they just do it oppositely.

He also said that the “black streak disease” was false and a scam.

The “head of the bear faction” Arthur Jordon complied with public opinion, and in the name of freedom, competed with the “head of the wolf faction” Rand Edwards for the throne of the next head of state.

The bayonets on both sides are fighting fiercely…

Chaos brewed and broke out in this way.

The “black streak virus” has spread so wildly that the “Odin Merah,” with a total population of one billion, has infected as many as 100 million people!

You know, it was only 50 million twenty days ago…

Twenty days later, it actually doubled.

Terrible, really terrifying!

Looking around, Yin Zhi suddenly patted his head.

He hurriedly summoned the “Emperor in White” and gave himself a shot of “Hundreds of Poisons Does Not Invade”, and he was relieved.

It took more than four hours before Yin Zhicai turned off the computing terminal.

Tired and dizzy Yin Zhi climbed onto the bed, feeling sleepy like a tide.

At the last moment before going to bed, he was still muttering something in his mouth.

“Phoenix Institute of Biology…?”


“Phoenix Institute of Biology”!

This is the most likely result he finally came up with after searching a bunch of messy information on the Internet with “quantum calculus”…

The source of the “Black Streak Virus” is the “Phoenix Institute of Biology”! ?

Sleep soundly all night.

Yin Zhi was awakened by a knock on the door.


With wistful eyes open, Yin Zhi opened the door, only to see Mu Pingting and Xu Jiujiu standing at the door.

Xu Jiujiu shouted immediately.

“Sir, you can sleep too much, right?”

“Don’t look at what time it is now.”

“Thank you for not going to class today. Otherwise, you will be absent from class on the first day.”

Yin Zhi yawned greatly.

“Who made me overworked last night?”

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes lit up.

“Sir, who are you working with?”

Yin Zhidao: “Who can I work with? Of course…”

He reacted immediately and messed up Xu Jiujiu’s hair as soon as he stretched out his hand.

“Can you learn a little better at a young age?”

Then turned to look at Mu Pingting.

“What are you looking for in the early morning?”

Xu Jiujiu said first: “I’m looking for you to watch the excitement.”

Yin Zhi is not interested in any excitement.

As a result, Xu Jiujiu’s next sentence aroused his interest…

“A large group of people gathered outside the school now.”

“They yelled to burn you to death.”

“Said that as long as you burn you to death, the’black streak disease’ will disappear.”

Yin Zhi was taken aback for a moment, followed by a joy.

“what? What?”

“How many people are there, probably?”

“Are there tens of thousands?”

Xu Jiujiu said, “Sir, what is your expression?”

Mu Pingting said: “Don’t tell you that I am very happy now.”

Yin Zhi immediately gave her a thumbs up.

“The one who knows me, Mu Damei!”

“You guys wait for me.”

“I will take a shower, change my clothes, eat breakfast, and meet them.”

Let’s not mention anything.

When Yin Zhi came to the gate of “Haward”, he heard the shouts of the crowd.

“Burn! Die! Him!”

“Burn! Die! Him!”

“Burn! Die! Him!”

Yin Zhi jumped, jumping two meters high, but he still couldn’t see the end of the crowd…

so many people!

So many people!

Yin Zhi exclaimed, “Hey, this is really lively.”

Mu Pingting shook her head.

“I can’t believe it, we are now in’Odin Merah.'”

“I thought I was back in the dark and chaotic ‘Wild Era’.”

“Someone even believes that you can destroy the’black streak virus’ by burning to death.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Anti-intellectual and regardless of age. Look, it looks like a group of wild dogs barking.”

There are many people joining in the fun…

Some students from “Haward College” have already got here.

At the same time, they also noticed the arrival of the three of Yin Zhi.

The arrival of Yin Zhi, the “Emperor Qingyan” lord, was a major event that few people didn’t know about the entire “Haward”.


In the “True Dragon Kingdom”, Yin Zhi was not well known by the whole people.

But on the “Odinla United States” side, there is this trend.

A student close to Yin Zhi heard Yin Zhi’s words “Look, it looks like a group of wild dogs barking”, and immediately walked over with an angry face.

“Please respect them!”

“They are just too scared!”

“As the source of their fear, you should be considerate of them and treat them kindly, rather than humiliating them!”

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