Chapter 134 Just treat you like… Just treat this as a beautiful landscape!




Yin Zhi looked at the person scolding him, then at Xu Jiujiu, then at Mu Pingting.

Blinked his eyes, pointed at the person who was scolding him, and asked Xu Jiujiu and Mu Pingting.

“I have some doubts about my ears. You can confirm it for me.”

“He asked me to shout to those people outside who were going to burn me to death…”

“I want me to be considerate of them and treat them kindly.”

“Did he say that?”

Xu Jiujiu and Mu Pingting nodded together, their expressions a little weird.

Yin Zhi also nodded, then looked at the three ugly “Haward” students in front of him.

“Can you stay away from me?”


“I don’t want to be infected by your’mental retardation virus’, lest I become retarded too.”

The two male and one female students in front of Yin Zhi instantly became angry.

The handsome boy said: “What are you talking about?”

The short chubby boy said: “He said we are mentally retarded!”

The Mazilian girl said: “How can you be so unqualified?”

Yin Zhi didn’t bother to talk to them, just as if they didn’t exist.

The handsome boy immediately stretched out his hand and pushed Yin Zhi.

“I’m talking to you, didn’t you hear me?”

“What did you just say?”

“answer me!”

Hands on?

Ha ha!

Yin Zhi also gave him a push and retreated him two steps.

The handsome boy turned pale and flushed instantly.

“True Dragon!”

“This is’Haward’,’Odin Mela’! How dare you do it!”

“Apologize! Apologize to me immediately!”

Mu Pingting said angrily: “Why do you have to apologize? Obviously you did it first!”

The pockmarked girl screamed: “Bitch, shut your mouth!”

at the same time.

Not far away, Zhao Haolong and the gentle girl named Wenrou were watching under a tree.

There was a pleasant smile on Zhao Haolong’s face.

“Look at it, there is a good show.”

“Hmph, just let the noise go.”

“The bigger the noise, the better.”

“At that time I will see how you die!”

With a gentle smile, “Yeah”…

Seeing Zhao Haolong happy, she was also happy.

Just in time…

“Shut your mother’s mouth!”

“Your mother just didn’t close the lousy mouth below to give birth to you. You are such a lousy thing.”

“You also close your mouth, or else your mental retardation gene will be passed on again, harming the next generation.”

Yin Zhi’s cursing came.

Good guy, cursed for three generations!

Gentle’s face has a touch of disgust and disgust.

“He was really rude.”

Zhao Haolong smiled softly, looking very polite.

“There are people in this world who just look like people.”

“Some people say that he is a dog. It is an insult to the dog.”

“We watched the theater quietly…the weather today is still good.”

Here is Yin Zhi.

He had a “poisonous tongue”, and the girl with pockmarked face was stunned.

The chunky boy was the first to react.

He roared angrily, “Yellow-skinned”, raised his fat fist and struck Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi withdrew a step to the rear left.

“Hoo” slapped the slap as fast as lightning.

Snapped–! !

The sound was really harsh.

The chunky boy fell to the ground like a ball.

Those who didn’t say a word were beaten up.


Yin Zhi sucked in an air-conditioner and shook his hand.

“This skin is too thick, right?”

As we all know, the effect of force is mutual.

While Yin Zhi hit the pudgy boy’s face with his hand, the pudgy boy was also hitting Yin Zhi’s hand with his face.

Obviously, Yin Zhi’s hand was hurt by the pudgy boy’s face…

“how dare you?!”

“Who do you think you are? Where do you think you are!?”

“You “yellow skin”!”

The handsome guy pulled his throat and slobbed and yelled.

Even, his whole body was trembling.


Because the “yellow skin” from barbaric, backward, and poor countries…

How dare you act on them, such civilized, advanced, and wealthy noble and superior people? !

This is a shame!

This is an extremely bad provocation!

This is an insult to their dignity from head to toe!

“You will pay a huge price for this!”

“I swear!”


Before he finished speaking, he kicked it sharply.

The owner of the feet is naturally Yin Zhi.

However, to Yin Zhi’s surprise, the handsome boy escaped Yin Zhi’s protruding kick.

“Oh, not bad!”

Yin Zhi rushed forward.

When it was said that it was fast, a combination of fast, accurate, and ruthless punches passed.

The handsome boy held it for only two seconds before being tripped by Yin Zhi and lost his balance.

There was another “pop” immediately, and he slapped him to lie down.

“Looks like a person.”

“It’s all brute words.”

“The only way to communicate with you is probably hands-on.”

With a kick, he kicked out a few teeth of the handsome boy.

The pudgy boy rushed up with an angry roar and rushed into the air.

Yin Zhi tripped and slammed him to the ground, and then stomped two feet on his fleshy head.

Finally, Yin Zhi looked at the pocky face girl.

“You…what are you going to do?”

“I warn you……”


Yin Zhi waved his hand and said, “Go away. I won’t hit girls.”

The Mazilian girl glanced at the two miserable people on the ground, then looked at Yin Zhi, turned around and ran.

Without running a few steps, he slapped the girl from behind with a slap, and slapped the pockmarked girl down.

Xu Jiujiu was dumbfounded.

“Sir, didn’t you mean…”

“Aren’t you hitting girls?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “If I say you believe it? If I say I like you, do you believe it?”

Xu Jiujiu’s eyes lit up, pretending to be shy and said: “Really…really?”

But she exclaimed in excitement, “Hahaha, grandma’s’beauty trick’ has finally succeeded!”

Then she heard Yin Zhi say, “Of course it is fake, you believe it, are you stupid?”

Xu Jiujiu was petrochemical on the spot.

Yin Zhi felt the angry gaze projected from the surroundings.

at the same time……

“Didi! You got 9000 points of murder from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 10,000 kills from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 8000 kill points from an unknown object, please check!”



Wow, this must be from the students from the surrounding “Haward Colleges”.

With mental calculations, there are 170,000 points of murder, not bad, not bad!

At this time, there was still a screaming frenzy of “burning him” from outside.

Yin Zhichao walked over to a boy…

The boy was fully alert: “What are you going to do?”

Yin Zhi said, “Lend me your baseball bat, okay?”

The boy was awe-inspiring and said: “What if I say no?”

“Then I will spend one hundred thousand yuan to buy it.”

“make a deal!”


Yin Zhi curled his lips, took the baseball bat, and dropped the sentence “Wait here, I’ll pay you back.”

He shook the metal baseball bat and walked towards the gate.

And summoned the “Machine Empress”.

As soon as Yin Zhi left the school gate, the two-meter-high Jonathan blocked his way.

“Wow, handsome guy.”

“Relax. You don’t need to care about them.”

“With me and my team, they can’t get in.”

“Just treat it… just treat it as a beautiful landscape!”

Yin Zhi looked at Jonathan, who was extremely oppressive in front of him, and smiled.

“It’s you who should relax.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t use’Emperor Qingyan’.”

“I just want to use the baseball bat in my hand to teach them how to be a civilized and qualified person.”

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