Chapter 137 Teacher Dongfang, beware of someone giving you medicine! Will be frightened!

Make money!

Make money!

How much is Yin Zhi’s income if he stirs and stirs this shit stick?


Yes Yes!

46.42 million “killing hearts”-fractions can be ignored directly!

Just ask, just ask! ?

How could Yin Zhi not fall in love with this “civilized country”?

He just loves “Odin America”, okay? !

“Odin Latin America” ​​is really a lovely and generous group of people!

These days, every day I watched own “killing heart balance” go up…

The excitement was still unable to calm down.

He has also endured not using it, just want to see how much he can earn in the end.

Up to this moment, he could still see the “killing heart balance” growing continuously.

In order to make yourself clean.

He has strongly requested that the “finding system” turn off the “didi” prompts below 10,000 “killing hearts”.

Otherwise his “didididi” voice can make him dead!

Yin Zhi even wondered if he would settle down in “Odin Merah.”

Soon you will be able to gather the “killing heart” to unlock the ultimate skills of each “Emperor”…

However, he knew that it was impossible.

Right now the authorities can’t wait to deport themselves!

However, the “Odin Merah” is a country that advertises that it possesses the spirit of the rule of law.

Own “study visa” lasts for three months!

During this period, the authorities had no reason to deport themselves.

If it dares to find a reason to drive itself away, Yin Zhi dare to directly take the government to court!

He owes Qin Aunt a huge debt of tens of billions (budget), and some money feeds the lawyer team. Who is afraid of whom?

The spirit of the rule of law?

Freedom and democracy?


After all, it’s not money!

Yin Zhi has a deep understanding of this time…

As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want in the “Odin Merah”!

This is absolutely unimaginable in the “True Dragon Kingdom”.

until today……

Yin Zhi’s “killing heart balance” has approached 50 million!

Can’t bear it anymore!

I can’t bear it anymore!

Spend “money”, spend money fiercely!

Unlock skills: Qingyan·Sword·One Sword Ling Tian Qingqiu!

Killing balance-5000000

Unlock skills: Qingyan·Blue Flames Burning Clouds and Stopping the Sky!

Killing skills-5000000

Unlock skills: Karma law prediction!

Killing skills -10000000!

Unlock skills: Nano mobile armor!

Killing skills-6,000,000!

Unlock skills: give yourself a revitalizing shot!

Killing skills-9,000,000!

Unlock skills: Give a hundred people a shot of Zuishengmeng!

Killing skills-3000000!

Unlock skills: Dawei Tianlong presses the Quartet!

Killing skills-8000000!

After such a “spend”, Yin Zhi is left with less than four million murderous hearts…


It’s so cool!

Especially the ability to unlock the “Emperor Qingyan”.

Not only did the “Emperor Qingyan” increase in strength.

Even with the strength of own physical body, he can clearly perceive the significant Ascension!

He even had a feeling that “I can slap a king-level spiritual guardian with physical strength alone”!

After calming down…

Yin Zhi, who got the bargain, sold him well.

“It seems that my’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling is a bit too much.”

“Almost 50 million’killing minds’ are almost used in one go.”

“It was originally used to cultivate one good profession, but now it is necessary to cultivate four.”

“This’money’ is still not enough.”

“Fortunately, the’Empress Empress’ does not need to spend’money’, and suddenly it is a large amount of expenditure.”

have a look!

have a look!

Just when others even had a dream of the “Legendary Grade” of rarity…

But he is worrying about how to distribute the “killing heart” and cultivate the “female emperor”.

Why don’t you get a bargain and sell well?

In other words, why didn’t Yin Zhi use all his “killing hearts” on a “female emperor”?

This is the result of his thinking in the state of “quantum calculus”!

With his current operation, he can ensure to the utmost extent that he “seems for death as much as he wants without dying.”

Take the “Karma Law Prediction” skill of “Machine Empress” as an example…

It can predict the future within a certain area and within a certain period of time!

Although the size of the forecast area and the length of the forecast time are limited by its own strength.


Predict the future!

Just say bull is not bull? !

If this skill is applied to the battle, it will be difficult to predict the opponent’s future moves!

The value of this tens of millions is completely spent-even a skill that “must be unlocked once you have money”!

The other “Qingyan·Sword·One sword soars in the sky and the blue sky crack”, “Give yourself a shot to revive the dead”…

They are all extremely practical skills, no need to go into details!

“Now, I can let go of my hands and feet again to find death.”

“The more you look for death, the more you will kill you, and the more you will kill, the stronger it will be.”

“This is really a beautiful virtuous circle.”

this day.

The lesson is over.

Yin Zhi whistled and walked happily on the beautiful campus of “Haward”.


“Didi! You got 11,000 killing points from the location object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 13,000 kill points from the location object, please check!”

Now, Yin Zhi is numb to the sound of “Didi”.

Walking on the campus of “Haward”, five out of ten students will give him at least ten thousand murderous intentions.

On average, you can get half a million kills in one day!


Those “local natives” only dreamed of killing Yin Zhi in their hearts.



Are you afraid of Yin Zhi?

This Yin Zhi doesn’t know.

Anyway, according to what Mu Pingting and Xu Jiujiu heard is…

“That rude barbarian is simply not qualified to let us do it!”

Ouch, so they think we are not qualified to let them do it?

Gee tut!

Sure enough, they are noble and civilized “Odin Mela people”!

at this time……

Yin Zhizheng walked towards the school gate.

Because the previous “baseball bat case” was delayed for 20 days.

Today, he started investigating the “black streak”.

Suddenly, a car stopped next to him.

Under the window of the car, Dongfang Weixi’s cold and stunning face came into view.

“Have a meal.”

“are you going?”

Yin Zhizheng was about to ask “Are you a treat?”.

Suddenly, he saw Henry Harry in the driver’s seat.

And Elizabeth Anna next to Dongfang Weixi.

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

“Don’t go, don’t go.”

“We are a dog in the eyes of some people.”

“What if he gives me some dog food later?”

“I will become a dog if I eat it. Isn’t it impolite not to eat?”

“Then I eat or not?”

Harry Henry, who was holding the steering wheel in the driver’s seat, jumped at the corner of his mouth.

Dongfang Weixi’s complexion grew colder, and said, “Don’t forget it.”

The moment she closed the car door, Yin Zhi’s voice came into the car…

“Teacher Dongfang, beware of someone giving you medicine!”

“It will be frightened!”

Elizabeth Anna said: “My dear, your student is really not a gentleman.”

“He’s like this. Leave him alone.”

After that, she turned her head and looked out the window.

Elizabeth Anna chuckled.

In front, Henry Harry drove quietly…

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