Chapter 138 It’s late in the night, you actually ran here to eat supper, top grade!

Yin Zhi’s grudge…

But he also honored!

This time, Dongfang Weixi helped him a lot.

The team of lawyers who litigated the lawsuit was led by her friend.

In the end, he was charged a friendly price, and the total cost was less than 50 million yuan!

Yuan Jin, the monetary unit of the “Odin Merah Country”.

One yuan gold is equivalent to ten dragon yuan.

Although Yin Zhipong is a super rich woman like Qin Aunt, he is not short of money…

But the money is borrowed after all, it is debt.

Since it is a debt, naturally it can be a little bit less.

What’s more, people who are unfamiliar in life-or in other words, are in an enemy camp!

Even if you have money, you may not be able to hire a really reliable lawyer.

God knows how many “rogue lawyers” want to bite off a piece of meat from him!

Maybe the lawsuit will be defeated in the end.

Thanks to Dongfang Weixi’s help, he has a truly elite and cheap lawyer team.

Otherwise, if the “baseball bat case” is lost…

He didn’t want to go to jail, so he could only run away in disgrace!

Therefore, Yin Zhi remembers this kindness.

Just now he said to Dongfang Weixi, “Teacher Dongfang, beware of someone giving you medicine! You will be frightened!”

It is a kind reminder to Dongfang Weixi, and at the same time…

Even more malicious warning Henry Harry!

As for whether this kind reminder and malicious reminder are useful.

Yin Zhi couldn’t manage so much.

Dongfang Weixi is not a fresh and ignorant girl who is 15 or 16 years old.

If I reminded her, she was still slapped—hey, then we don’t need to feel any guilt.

He knew that there was danger, but he went out to eat, right?

Although I don’t know what kind of motivation Dongfang Weixi was based on, he even called himself to eat together…

Have a meal?

Eat shit!

What is the difference between going to dinner with someone like Henry Harry and eating shit?

Not to mention that Yin Zhi has important things to be busy now, even if he is free, he will decisively refuse!

Whistling and out of the school gate, Yin Zhi came to the side of the road and invited a taxi.

did not expect……

“It’s you?”

“Fuck off!”

“Fuck, your mother!”

The taxi driver put a middle finger at Yin Zhi, stepped on the accelerator and left.

After taking a sniff, Yin Zhi took out the communicator and called the report…


Still insulting guests?

Report that you did not discuss!

Then Yin Zhi hired another taxi.

The fat driver who almost filled the cab also recognized Yin Zhi.

“If you don’t drive me, I’ll report you!”

“Report you once a day.”

“Report until you are fired.”

“There was a driver just now. Guess how many days will he be unemployed?”

The fat driver’s whole body was swaying in anger.

“Come up!”


“Where do you want to go?”

I really want to drive you to The Underworld!

The fat driver thought to himself.

Yin Zhidao: “Phoenix Institute of Biology!”

The fat driver said: “Man, this is your own head to The Underworld.”

After a while he spoke again…

“I have to close the window.”

“My car is not a bulletproof car.”

“If someone sees you in my car, you and I can go straight to The Underworld.”


“Odin Mela” is really too humorous.

Three hours later.

The fat driver stepped on the brake.

“The front is the’gateway to The Underworld’.”

“Although I bring my own body armor (a fat body).”

“But I don’t want to go up and eat bullets.”

Yin Zhi gave him a few coins, got out of the car and left.

“Hey!’Odin Mela’ doesn’t welcome you, do you know?”

Without looking back, Yin Zhi gave him two middle fingers!

This is already the northwestern suburb of “Watsonton”.

It is past nine o’clock in the evening.

The moon in the sky is no more round than the domestic one.

There are street lights on both sides of the road, which are still quite bright.

It’s just that some street lights have been broken without knowing what happened.

There are also a few street lights flickering constantly.


Bang bang bang ——

Messy and dense sounds came from a distance.

This is gunshots!

Yin Zhi walked along the road for a while, entered a valley, and saw the “Phoenix Institute of Biology”.

At this time, there is a gun battle going on here!

One side is attacking and the other side is defending.

Dense and messy gunfire echoed over the valley.

Accompanied by violent and crazy shouts of killing.

“Oh! I almost thought I was on the battlefield!”

It’s no wonder that the driver before said that this is “the gateway to The Underworld”…

Being shot here is not the way to The Underworld?

Yin Zhi is not surprised at all.

Because he has known the situation here from the Internet a long time ago.

Nothing comes!

Many people on the Internet are saying that “Spot disease” is a biochemical virus developed by the “Phoenix Institute of Biology”.

It just suffers from the lack of conclusive evidence. In this civilized “Odin Merah”, no one can touch it.

But those who have been infected with the “black streak disease”, and certain “just people” with a sense of justice…

They don’t care about evidence or evidence!

He came here directly with his gun, yelling to eliminate the source of evil.

The “Phoenix Institute of Biology” is not vegetarian either.

Hired an elite mercenary from the famous “Red Water Security Service” in the country to directly fight the offenders!

The police and the army do not care?

What a shit!

Just ask you, is magic not magical?

Yin Zhi looked at from a distance and sighed: “It’s an eye-opener!”

But the more chaotic the situation is, the better it is for him!

He summoned the “Mechanic Empress” and slipped into the “Phoenix Institute of Biology” from a “subspace gliding” from a blind spot in the surveillance.

Thanks to the “holographic scanning”, the environment of the entire “Phoenix Institute of Biology” is invisible here in Yin Zhi.

Surveillance and security are in vain!

As for some protective isolation doors, it can’t stop Yin Zhi’s “subspace sliding”.

After some investigation, Yin Zhi’s real “Phoenix Institute of Biology” laboratory B found a pure black virus…

The label above is “Black Streak Virus Sample T”

“System, am I completing the task?”

“Didi! Not really!”

“What? No? I have found the ‘black streak virus’. Why haven’t I completed the task?”

“… (ps: system silence)”

Yin Zhi curled his lips.

Suddenly, he heard something coming.

Immediately put the “Black Streak Virus Sample T” back to the original place.

Then Ma Liu hid in the “space gap”.

A big-bellied old man in protective clothing walked in and carefully took away the “black streak virus sample T”.

It is the director of the “Phoenix Institute of Biology”, Fujiwara Kuri!

Yin Zhi immediately followed him quietly.

It was discovered that he was carrying the “Black Streak Virus Sample T” and was about to leave the “Phoenix Institute of Biology” through the underground secret tunnel.

He immediately slid to the trunk of Fujiwara Kuri.

“I want to see where you are going with such a dangerous thing…”

Lying in the trunk, the on-demand broadcast lasted more than two hours before finally stopping.

Yin Zhi used “holographic scanning” to perceive that there is indeed an underground parking lot.

Needless to say, keep following up.

Finally, he came to the top of this skyscraper.

There is a cave on the top of the building, just like a manor in the sky!

Yin Zhi hid in a bush, watching that Fujiwara Li enter an atmospheric, bright mansion…

The mansion has very strict security.

To be on the safe side, Yin Zhi put away the “Mechanical Empress”.

Then a more professional “Empress Empress” was summoned.

Using the “Walk in the Void” skill, Yin Zhi successfully entered the mansion.

Some kind of dinner is being held here impressively.

very bustling.

Also very high-end atmosphere, high class!

Yin Zhi hid in the void and glanced at it.

I didn’t see Fujiwara Kuri, but I saw another person who surprised him…

“It was in the middle of the night, you actually ran here to have supper, top grade!”

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